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Everything posted by claretman

  1. Any player on a barren run always scores against us. Any team on a shit run ends it against us. As they haven't won away all season and not scored from a corner all season expect both to happen. 1-2 to them.
  2. Malouda would be on high wages which we are trying to combat. He plays in a position which is not a priority and doesn't strike me as someone who would be 'up for the fight'. If we were top half of the table and going well he would be a reasonable shout, I just don't see it at the moment.
  3. Lambert was tactically shown up against Bradford when we went behind and put 6 up front with no midfield or width of any sort. Do we really think Fergie et al would have reverted to this sort of plan. I think not. And what about the conceding from set pieces farce-would any other manager not have addressed this when it was apparent we had a big problem?
  4. Why would we want Malouda FFS? We need a central defender and a central midfielder not a flashy turn it on when he wants winger, we already have one of them. He would want a fortune.
  5. I've got a giant tube of smarties upstairs. I'm off to count them.
  6. What the **** are the coaches doing about this corner situation? They should be getting the players to the training ground at 8am, and having corners taken against them all **** day until they learn how to clear the ball, even if it gets past their **** bedtime!
  7. claretman

    Snow Watch!

    A highways agency warning said anyone travelling in icy conditions should take a shovel, blankets, sleeping bag, extra clothing, including a scarf, hat, gloves, 24 hour supply of food and drink, de-icer, rock salt, torch, tow rope, petrol can, first aid kit and jump leads. I looked a right clearing in the woods on the bus this morning.
  8. My hobby recreating aerial dogfights is really expensive. You're looking at between 80-90 helium filled balloons just to lift a pitbull.
  9. I'm sorry Lambert, but this is the first time I've said this..it's time to go. The way the team had zero midfield and we went into full on panic mode when Bradford scored lost us the tie; we should have kept some **** shape at least. And as for our defending from corners, someone already posted once - it feels like the opposition has been given a penalty before its even taken!
  10. My lad has come home from school today and told me hot-off-the-press we are in for Liverpool left back Jose Enrique. Must be true.
  11. You suggested Derry, I disagree. I wasn't aware I had to come up with someone else. I'd rather Delph, if he continues playing like he has the last 2 games than Derry. If not, then I'll join the Sissoko/Coutinho gang.
  12. Shaun Derry is part of the reason why QPR are bottom of the league. No thanks!
  13. We are missing Delph. I never ever thought I would say that. Ever.
  14. Please McGrath, let us score another so I can relax a little.
  15. Won't be happy until we are three up. They are bound to score at some point.
  16. Maybe I am being impatient but it's half way through January and bugger all has happened so far apart from multiple defeats. I guess I need something more to cling to; a rumour or something-but there's nothing. At least when the Lescott nonsense was going on there was a bit of positivity about even if we all knew it wouldn't happen.
  17. I'd quite like to hear something from the Club to give us something to cling to, ie "We continue to make efforts to strengthen the squad during this transfer window". If we're not signing anyone or there is no money then tell us as well so I can prepare my noose.
  18. Not read the previous pages; has anyone mentioned how poor Bennett is?! Jesus.
  19. My wife keeps accusing me of doing **** all around the house. Well excuse me, but who pissed the skid mark off the toilet bowl this morning?
  20. I'm going. I'm going to have my forehead tattooed with 'Villa Youth', wear my Villa shirt and paint my face claret and blue. Then I'm going to find a pub near to the ground and make myself comfy with a nice cup of tea. Who's with me?
  21. Bannan had a great season a couple of years ago for Blackpool - that's his level. If he's with us next year and we do go down he'll be ok!
  22. I went to the bank to ask for a loan. The banker said "Tell me your annual income, grossly?" So I said "About £20,000, you c*u*t."
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