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Everything posted by Wainy316

  1. Me too, she plays Cersei brilliantly and she comes across as a right weirdo in interviews.
  2. We've been turd at home since O'Neill's last season inclusive. It can be quite hostile in there if we haven't go off to a flyer in the first 5 minutes.
  3. I really wish the Villa fans with a sense of perspective could drown out the whingers in the Holte on match days.
  4. Unlikely. However, people would suggest other managers are capable of having the same results with better football on display. So is Lambert as was shown at the end of last season and in flashes this season. Why he has us playing like he is now baffles me. At the end of a season and in flashes of another season isn't good enough for some people, who would like to see some good football more often than in flashes. Of course we would but until this season we were all pretty sure Lambert's philosophy was that of 'we'll score more than you'. There must be a reason he's doing what he doing at the moment and I'm confident it is only a transition. At the end of the day he has gradually improved us on a shoe string and there is not enough of a case to even consider removing him from his post.
  5. But it has improved on what we had before and is gradually continuing to.
  6. Unlikely. However, people would suggest other managers are capable of having the same results with better football on display. So is Lambert as was shown at the end of last season and in flashes this season. Why he has us playing like he is now baffles me.
  7. This is the kind of obviously self contradicting post that I would make as a joke. Are you serious? Yes I'm serious. Just stating that with Lambert we're not gonna do better than mid table at best. Look at his tactical abilities, its laughable. Thats what makes the difference between good managers and average managers. So if we're having ambitions for being a top 8 side in the future. We aren't going to be anywhere near it with Lambert in charge. So you think another manager would be able to get us top 8 with our current budget? Okay then.
  8. Not sure why that's a spoiler, but he is a monster! Looks fairly similar to the original actor too. Have they cast somebody to play Ilyn Payne because the original actor died didn't he.
  9. Creepy, have you checked your sky box for hidden microphones or cameras?
  10. What prompted this? Did you threaten to leave or something?
  11. Remind me who daario was? He's the one that Dany wants to bonk. Member of the Second Sons (In the TV show).
  12. Drinking with Americans is funny. They don't seem to be able to go out and just drink, they have to turn everything into some sort of drinking game. I put it down to them being so deprived in the late teens.
  13. What are these new Italian men meant to be like? Are they going to put us to the sword?
  14. It's really a tough one, because if you don't drink, you die, but if you drink too much, you die.
  15. I wasn't really using the site at the time, I read it all through a few months after. Spent a whole day of work reading it.
  16. Hmm maybe behind 'Strong City' and the 'Honey Trap Thread'.
  17. Need him for this coming Saturday. Stick him in there,
  18. I'm currently reading the book. Surely there has to be a few omissions to make this screen worthy?
  19. This is now in the wrong thread. I want to talk about things that piss me off that shouldn't please.
  20. Is there a discussion anywhere for 'Hunted' on channel 4 last night? Bloody hell that was eye opening stuff.
  21. I've been nominated and am going to down a pint of sulphuric acid later. It's okay though I don't work with children anymore.
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