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Everything posted by poitier

  1. i thought it was a soft one to let in but perhaps somewhat understandable given the proximity of the player in front of him. I don't rate him but he has done well for the most part since coming back in.
  2. He made a good contribution tonight, a step in the right direction.
  3. I didn't think we were too bad tonight, fair play to Leeds, they were better in the second half and looked like a good team, but we gave them a soft goal. Happy with a point.
  4. Glad to see that he is having some positive impact, I've always liked him despite his limitations.
  5. We beat surely the best Burton Albion team ever in the history of the world.
  6. Blimey, football must have evolved a lot in the space of a year.
  7. Something I noticed earlier in the season was that Westwood seemed to be the only player we had who could spot McCormack's runs and feed him the ball in dangerous positions. I think McCormack suffered today from not having Westwood to give him the ball.
  8. He did well defensively tonight, nothing going forward though.
  9. he was awful tonight, no doubt about it, but he was no worse than the rest of the team, we never got the ball into him in their half.
  10. I prefer him as a right back, but we desperately miss the energy that he brings to the midfield.
  11. He should have done better for the first goal, but he has played well recently after a dodgy start. It's a setback, but he has made progress and I don't think we should be looking to replace him.
  12. Our best midfielder tonight, that's maybe why we lost though.
  13. Poor team selection, bit of a harsh scoreline really, controlled a lot of the game but not a lot of threat.
  14. He made a couple of errors first half, the misjudged header could have been costly, but all things considered this might have been his best game for us defensively.
  15. Ok, so nothing to do with the yellow then.
  16. I don't really see how his yellow card summed him up, perhaps you could explain? He lost the ball and made sure they didn't get the chance to break on us.
  17. I thought he was ok tonight, pressed the back line and won some free kicks. When he went off we lost some of that pressing from our overall team game. Sure, Ayew is a far better player, but Gabby offers something different to the team.
  18. Shouldn't be allowed in the attacking half.
  19. I wasn't too sure he was going to be all that, even before the injury. Luckily we are no longer in a position where we need to sell, so we have time to see if he reaches his (pre injury) potential.
  20. He is starting to earn back some of the points he cost us earlier in the season, well done.
  21. Very good today, I always rated him more than Clark and he seems to be fulfilling his promise.
  22. He played well today. It greatly benefits the team having someone so big just in front of the defence so the centre backs can stay in place rather than have to come out to try and win the first ball. Of course he can't run, but in a game like today he was vital.
  23. I would have preferred to see him leave after letting himself and the club down so badly over the last few years, but while he is picking up wages from the club I would be happy to see him playing for us if he can show the same commitment and energy that he did today, something which I think he would only be able to do for short spells from the subs bench. I trust Bruce to manage Gabby the right way, he is no fool, and as we also have other options available there is no way he will be allowed to coast if he wants any game time. If Bruce thinks he can still get something out of him then I'm fine with that.
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