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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. The People (Instrumental) --Common ENJOY---- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtd_xYirZmY
  2. Most of you probably don't remember this fight, but at the time, it was one of the most anticipated fights ever, and it ended up being an epic battle, with Leonard getting the split decision. For those who remember, who do you think really won the fight?
  3. Anyone else having major connectivity issues as of yesterday?
  4. maqroll


    Did you know that the Braves were originally from Boston? They moved to Milwaukee in the 50's and then to Atlanta in the late 60's.
  5. The Hippie Menace has never left America Case in point, LOL
  6. I'm proud to say I've been a Villa supporter for 14 years now. I picked Villa, because I thought they had the nicest stadium, the nicest name, and the loudest fans. I loved following their exploits (This was back when we only got 2 week old highlights at 3am.) I was sucked right in. There is something truly special about Aston Villa, and I'm glad I recognized it. I made the pilgramage in 1999, but havent been back. Dying to though. Maybe for the game against Inter next year,
  7. maqroll


    Heheh, have you ever tried to field a hard hit 90mph line drive? To do that with bare hands is risking all your fingers.
  8. 8--Best in years, but we still need a striker
  9. I think the Plop board has it right. He's not worth 18m.....it wouldve been pure robbery if we sold him for that... That said, hes still a quality player, and would help the cause. But strip him of the armband and sit him for the first couple of games...let him think about what a tosser hes been.
  10. Uh, I don't. But I also don't think we'll improve much on last year. I think 6th place and a couple of Cup runs ending in no silverware is about right.
  11. I grew up in the blue collar area of a white collar town. I started working at age 14, but for most of the kids I went to school with, money was not a concern. So when you combine my home life and neighborhood with my larger environment and experiences with different people, I'd probably classify myself as middle class. Some might think otherwise, but who gives a f*ck!
  12. I see no one's brave enough to vote yet
  13. the thing only allows for 6 or 7 choices...
  14. Playing himself into a corner
  15. Lots to pick, which one is yours?
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