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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Drugs I've Used: Nicotine--Kicked the habit 8 years ago Alcohol--I always need to keep an eye on my drinking Cannabis--Weed is too potent these days...havent used it in years Cocaine--Makes me want to smoke cigarettes...havent used it in years MDMA--Incredible feeling, but stopped using it years ago out of long-term effect fears Ketamine--Tried it once....AWFUL Mushrooms--Tried it once years ago...great fun until a friend started losing his marbles With the exception of Ketamine and Mushrooms, I'd do any of these drugs all the time, if there were no consequences, But alas......there are....
  2. I have one really long poll for emergencies
  3. This has been weighing on my mind for a long time now
  4. General, pay no mind to a certain poster who said he'd like to wipe out the USA. I'm sure it was in jest.
  5. I have options tonight. I have 8 bottles of Peroni Beer I have a glass of cabernet left A little nip of Grand Marnier Pasta is on the menu tonight, so the wine will go nicely with that. Then a few beers with the cognac for desert...woot!
  6. Hello General, I don't know if this falls within your sphere of influence, but if there is any way you can send a message straight to Gabriel Agbonlahor to let him know that despite the boo birds, the VAST MAJORITY of Villa fans are behind him 100%. I don't like the idea that Villa fans are being painted with one brush in the media over this, because it's not the real deal. Best, Maqroll
  7. maqroll


    Wow, 14 royals are on Villa Talk. Is the Queen Mum really dead?
  8. There's a pub near where I live with a regular female customer people there call "Harry Redknapp"
  9. maqroll


    What social class do you consider yourself to belong to?
  10. maqroll


    The Holland upset gives the WBC just what it needs: A shocker. That a European team could beat the DR is exceptional. Let's hope for a few more surprises.
  11. maqroll


    I'd make a wild stab in the dark and say it's because Americans don't like it when they aren't the best? Of the 5 major sports that really have an International game (football, baseball, basketball, hockey) the US are only the best in 1. I have alot of friends in the US who're very big on sports. All I ever hear about when we debate great sports teams are the US "Dream Teams" in basketball.. yet they never seem to mention the US national baseball, hockey or football teams, funny that. P.S. Just a pet hate, but why do Americans say COULD care less.. surely it's COULDN'T care less? By saying we COULD care less, we are not putting a limit on the degree of our disinterest. :winkold:
  12. 2 Stellas and a Grand Marnier. Feeling about right.
  13. You are forced to pick one favorite thing out of all your favorite things to keep. Everything else you must give up. What one thing do you decide to pick?
  14. Best thing they did was Under Pressure. Good showmanship, and Brian May has skill, but they never did anything for me, really. Very overated band. I didn't vote cuz I think they're better than shit, but not by much.
  15. Check out- Michael Rose "Dub Wicked" Richard Dorfmiester "A Different Drummmer" Mad Professor "Steaming Jungle (Jungle Dub Experience Vol. 2) Charles Webster "Born on the 24th of July" Let me know what you think of them!
  16. maqroll

    Kit Poll

    Change socks to claret, or keep blue?
  17. Wow, I thought I'd be in the minority. I was wrong Beating Chelsea would be massive in so many ways. We'd be that much closer to the CL, and if that's the ultimate goal, then so be it. Chelsea it is. UTV!
  18. One bedroom flat in a 150 year old house
  19. Should I do a Coolest part 3?
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