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Everything posted by Straggler

  1. That is an opinion not backed up by any fact at all. The polls state that 52% of the US public are in support of tighter gun legislation. 34% are for keeping the status quo and this is before the events of the last day. It should be a vote winner. The only reason this is in contention is because of the very vocal and willing to chuck money around pro gun lobby minority. The problem in 100% not that people would vote against a party proposing stricter gun laws. The problem is the pro gun lobby would spend huge amounts of money to campaign against such legislation and because the influence of money is so disproportionately more powerful than the will of the majority. Again the problem is not the will of the people, it is the disproportionate power of a minority with a large amount of money subverting the will of the people. Within both parties it is easier to take the NRA money and shut their eyes to the problem than it is to fight them. This is because to fight them, they would have to point out the unhealthy and fundamentally undemocratic influence of campaign donations and they all like the money more than they care about kids getting shot. gun data in USA
  2. He has a mandate, the overwhelming majority of Americans want more regulation on gun ownership. He has control of both houses and the Presidency. The problem is absolutely not the willingness of the public to go along with new gun legislation, it is 100% that the political classes (Democratic and Republican) are there to do the bidding of their donors, not the people they are supposed to represent. It would be an act of cruelty and utter hypocrisy to turn around to the American public and pin this on them. The people are let down by a corrupt system that is these days by design anti-democratic. It's not one man one vote, it's one dollar one vote. The more dollars you have, the more your vote counts. It's the same with all the legislation coming out against abortion. The right to let women choose has support of around 70% of the American population, but with Democratic everything at the top of government it is being banned over many states. Public support is not a problem, politicians being money grubbing aholes not remotely interested in actually representing the wishes of the people who elected them is.
  3. Apparently the word removed was in a shootout with police before he got into the school. Seems he had body armour on so they couldn't bring him down. The logical answer is still stop people from having guns, but I bet the one offered is an arms race to get higher powered weapons into the hands of police.
  4. Nothing the Met Police did proved that Johnson was innocent. All they have done is further prove that the Met Police are corrupt.
  5. Completely agree (apart from Max, he can do one).
  6. Met Police really going the extra mile to look like an old boys club. Why does everything have to be so predictably shit?
  7. Oh dear, looks like the budget ran out for special effects. It plays like Ally McBeal with superpowers. I guess they are going for laughs here, as the writer has pretty much only comedy credits to her name, but not a single joke in the trailer landed with me, they were very predictable.
  8. To be fair, being a Tory that hasn't been caught sexually assaulting someone yet, is something of a badge of honour these days.
  9. It was oven ready in 2019 so has been cooking for 3 years. I'm not surprised it's burned the house down.
  10. Amazing that the answer is never taxing the 1% or making global corporations like Amazon pay their fair share.
  11. I'd put money on Buendia and Phil both knowing that this was going to be the plan before the Burnley game. Rotation with games in such quick succession is not without merit. It's not necessarily poor man management if they buy into the rotation and both stay motivated.
  12. Elected on a pro life, family values platform.....
  13. It's because in the short term it gives them something to shout about. They don't care what tomorrow may bring, and if it is inconvenient, they will simply lie about it or shout about something different. It's a shitty playbook, but it's really all they have (aside from shovelling money from taxpayers into the hands of the stupidly wealthy, but even the Tories know they can't actually campaign on that).
  14. Nearly Half of Republicans Now Think Top Democrats Are Running Pedophile Cabals How do you even begin to reach out to a country that has become totally untethered from the truth? Even 13% of Joe Biden voters believe it, God knows how they managed to go out and vote for him. I can only assume that the 13% is the Democrat pro child sex trafficking wing of the party. Food for thought for the "it's the left that have got more extreme" conversation.
  15. He had heard Boris call Raynor a MILF and was just googling to find out what that means. He then realised he also did not understand what CFNM meant, but he now totally understands why his own party can't stand the BBC
  16. Oh god, just laughed hard at that one in the quiet carriage on the train too.
  17. I would love Starmer to say something like this at PMQ's. Then jus go on a full on pun run about beating off the opposition and if he would like to come and see HR, specifically in that order.
  18. He's been caught Redtube handed, I mean bang bus to rights.
  19. So very true and still boggling my mind. I can feel very disconnected from a world where stuff like this can be said out loud. Regardless of it being said sincerely or cynically, it is finding a home somewhere and the mentality involved is utterly alien to me. I had hoped that the world could find a way to come together and prevent global warming from wiping out all of humanity. Instead one old man on his way out decides to stamp his legacy on the world by moving some lines on a map at the cost of gratuitous human suffering and encouraging the gas peddle going to the floor to secure what remains of fossil fuels. All this effort and energy and pain and suffering being expended to achieve something so utterly pointless at the behest of one man. Mind still boggles. If he really wanted to leave a legacy, screw his own country and piss off all the NATO countries he could just have told the world he is leaving all the rest of the natural gas in the ground and we have X number of years to prepare. Be a leader that actually tried to save the world rather than yet another needle dicked wannabe strongman compensating for it by fearlessly throwing other people's lives away.
  20. It is a handy graph to show just how out of touch with reality he really is. On my screen he is about an inch and a half or one penis out of touch. Which statistically proves that Elon is a penis. This is science.
  21. The mentality of this sort of Russian threat still boggles my mind. The idea that they can do worse than they are already doing is laughable (nukes excepted). They are kidnapping entire towns worth of people, murdering, raping on some horrific genocidal rampage then think they can turn around and say "you had better not do anything to piss us off it you will suffer a fate even worse" A fate worse than a fate worse than death. That is pretty bad.
  22. Wipe out France you say? Oh no please don't fire the weapon at us that wipes out France (said brer rabbit to the fox)
  23. It wasn't even a boxing match, it was a special pugilist operation.
  24. They will form a committee to put together a report to decide if a formal investigation is required. And we will all need to wait for the report. Gavin Williamson will be leading the committee.
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