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Everything posted by AXD

  1. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    I'm sure he was devastated
  2. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    On the contrary, there's less to this. They're just a group of overgrown frat boys. Edit: see video posted just above to see what I mean.
  3. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    More of the same then.
  4. AXD

    Ross Barkley

    He has been injured for quite some time now. Not sure of he is the best option for us to buy. People on here seem to see him as our saviour, but while he is a great player when in form, that has not happened an awful lot. Not sure he is worth more than £20m with his injury record. Add to that the massive wages he would be on, I’m not sure if there isn’t better value out there.
  5. Didn’t you get £350m per week for the NHS once you left the EU? That has to come in handy in a time like this?
  6. Being devils advocate maybe, but the first paragraph is like clutching at straws when you are on a losing streak. Creating good chances means nothing if you don’t put them in. the last thing you mention is a fair point as is showing the effort the team puts in.
  7. Am i the only one who is not a fan of this xG and xA? It strikes me as a made up statistic to have something to talk about. I understand the calculations behind it, but treating goalscoring opportunities like exact science seems weird. To me there are already enough stats that can seem important, but don’t really matter. eg possession is obviously important, you want to have the ball, but I remember our first season under Lambert where we won a number of games with 30-40% I guess these stats will become more and more mainstream, but it feels ‘American’, over analysing everything in sports.
  8. Nainggolan is out of favor at Inter. Not sure how many seasons he’s got left in him.
  9. Talk about overreaction. Mings has performed very well for us for the last 2 years. He has the occasional loss of concentration leading to a red card today. He can still improve. while i am very happy hause is showing he is a good player for us, it is a bit premature to say he keeps Mings out of the team. It is about form to me, Hause has it right now, Mings doesn’t. Ability wise, the latter is still first choice by a mile.
  10. Smith knew what he was doing when taking traore off instead of AEG
  11. Eze looks like a very good player. Shame we didn’t go for him last summer.
  12. No way, let’s stay under the radar. We’ll be ready when ManU crumbles under all this pressure
  13. Never in trouble, though it took us some time to score. Good performances all round, shame Smith didn't use some subs. Engels could use some game time, same with ramsey or Davis.
  14. Good goal that. Now time to bring on some subs. Give Engels and Ramsey some minutes
  15. Risk? he's not a 3-legged puppy, he's a squad player
  16. I started playing again last week and I am hooked again
  17. I'd add Splatoon 2 to that list. Not so much for the offline single player, but the online battles are great
  18. We completely dominated that and should have comfortably won. I'm still waiting to see what Traore brings. You see that there's a player in there with some skill, but his end product is horrible at the moment. AEG is getting in dangerous positions or creating chances, but he should have scored at least 2 or 3. Nakamba was tidy and shows he is a decent back-up to luiz. Elmo and hause had good games too. I noticed a lot of people screaming for a striker in january. Not sure what they want, we just bought the championship top scorer for £28m, an even better or higher rated striker would cost around £40m. Watkins is not scoring for fun these days, but he is not a bystander. he works his socks of. This game was down to bad finishing, not down to bad players. Another day we would have scored.
  19. The negativity on here is heartwarming
  20. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Barr is resigning. Trump says Barr resigning, will leave before Christmas By MICHAEL BALSAMOan hour ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr, one of President Donald Trump’s staunchest allies, is departing amid lingering tension over the president’s baseless claims of election fraud and the investigation into President-elect Joe Biden’s son. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-elections-coronavirus-pandemic-william-barr-21f6de57987771d2ab59ed66e54af873
  21. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    To clarify, I was being ironic
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