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Everything posted by AXD

  1. Their keeper didn't do so bad either, did he? That would mean it was game with chances on both ends, with us having quite a bit more of them
  2. I get that people are nervous during a match, but the exaggeration is staggering. Smith out, player X is the worst footballer ever,... we conceded a penalty and an own goal after a slip up. We dominated possession, passes, chances,... So we’re unlucky not to win imo
  3. I must say I am surprised the supporters of chelsea and now Arsenal are making a fuss. I hope to see more from supporters of the other 14 as well this weekend, even of they don’t play the greedy six.
  4. I hope this becomes a bigger story. The players should make themselves heard about the congestion of matches. The UEFA increases the number of games in the CL, but lets not forget their recent invention of the nations league, another competition nobody asked for. The European Cup used to be 16 teams, now it's 24. it's harder to find a country that is not participating than it is to find one that is. That all adds up for many of the players. At the same time, the players are part of the problem with their ever increasing wage demands. Clubs need extra games to fund these wages.
  5. Beaten by better team. Our performance wasn't all that either. Meh
  6. Though I fully expect these 6 clubs to get away with a slap on the wrist, I am in favour of relegation. This will reshift powers a lot more than keeping them in the PL, which is paying a lot more than the CL. Image those 6 in the championship. That league will get a lot more attention from abroad because the Asian viewers 'just want to see Manchester United'. At the same time, many of their players will want to go to other clubs, they will not want to waste 2 years of their careers not playing in european competitions. While Bayern and PSG will have the first pick, some of these players will go to Everton, West Ham or Villa. Our clubs do not pay these kinds of wages (yet), but their current clubs will have to get rid anyway, so I think/hope some of these players will accept a pay cut just to play for prizes. So the 6 greedy clubs will take some of the wealth they have to a lower league and make that more interesting. The money and glory of the PL, FA Cup, League Cup, CL and EL will now be redistributed among other clubs, which in turn will make them more attractive to North American and Asian viewers. The 6 clubs will get back to the PL in 1-2 years time (only 3 can come up per year, so Spurs and Arsenal will spend a bit more time there) and they will reclaim their positions, no doubt. But they will need to rebuild their squads (buying from other clubs = spending money). While at the same time, those other clubs have gotten stronger. So it will be not for 5 years until the current situation could be restored, leaving other clubs in a better position. Everton is knocking on the door as it is, give them CL for 3 years and there is no way Spurs or Arsenal are overtaking them. Us, Leeds and West Ham might similarly get ourselves in a strong position. A newly promoted Man City is not buying the best players of Everton & Villa, they will be playing for a European team.
  7. it is still very quiet from the players' side. It'll be interesting to see where they stand, especially now that they are being threatened to miss out on European and World Cups. I know most fans think players just follow the money, but I think there are a lot of players who see no greater honor than to represent their country (Brazilians come to mind). Also, imagine the players coming out for their next games wearing shirts saying 'I will not play in the Super League'. What will the owners do? Fire them all? (never happening in a million years of course).
  8. With a game in hand on Leeds.
  9. William might have some money lying around a palace or a golden chair he can pawn off. If Hanks chips in a few million, we'll be sorted
  10. I might be too optimistic, but the fan outrage created by the money league might help getting a voice against the CL reform as well. Everyone know the UEFA is all about money, so them being mad know is very hypocritical. But I think the changes they are proposing ('elite club that didn't qualify'?) would not have gotten too much backlash were it not for the fan outrage now created by the greedy clubs.
  11. Spurs forum Looking at the title, I'm happy they know their place. 'Them and 11 elite clubs'.
  12. Please read my initial post again
  13. Yes, as said in the rest of my post. There's plenty of examples of people moving to China for the money, but come back because they miss family. Also the support in the asian leagues is not as intense as in europe.
  14. I do believe that they have been this short sighted. The players however, keep going on that they miss the fans in the stand. Short term solution to this will be that they go out and play these games in Asia or North America where people don't care about the tradition or link with a city. Again, short term, because players will start to notice that they are constantly flying around the world. These are still people with families. There plenty of examples of players going to China for the big money but returning within a year or two because they miss their families or get homesick. Other way around, they all have built fancy stadiums over the last few years, so they can't leave these to rot. I guess in london you can attract a lot of people from all over the world, but I doubt people for China have been dreaming of flying to Liverpool or Manchester to go and watch a game when they can do it at home.
  15. Some good talent in here. i wouldn’t mind the club buying talent and then sending them straight out in loan or leaving them at their current club for another season. Chelsea and Man City have done this and it can generate some profit or allows players to grow some more before playing for us. these players would be a bonus however. We need players for our starting 11 first
  16. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Agreed, your second part links up well with McConnells statement posted on here earlier, 'corporations should not have an opinion about politics but paying politicians is ok' About the first, it's a shame that it has become such an oversensitive topic. Biden taking babysteps might be the best way to go about it, bit by bit they could move towards better regulations without antagonizing too many people.
  17. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    You are probably right in saying that the Ds will not be able to get real change through, but I don't see why this has to be about 'setting the other base on fire'. Should he do nothing because he can't get it through? Or should he propose more strict measures (which would get stronger opposition)? He ran on making changes to gun legislation, to me it's reasonable that he at least tries to do something.
  18. Sunderland are currently 3rd, so winning quite a few games. Wigan in 22nd maybe? Or Bolton in league two?
  19. He played well, scored a nice goal and gave two assists. Subbed for Januzaj near the end. Still a raw talent, but he is fast and has quick feet. denayer only played the first half and had very little to do.
  20. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    If anyone was still looking for irrefutable evidence of the crisis at the border....
  21. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    This might actually be more important than talking about the number of press conferences Biden has had. Republicans are looking to avoid Georgia becoming a Democratic state (to hell with demographics around Atlanta). Trump is endorsing a Republican opponent to run against Raffensperger, the Secretary of State who refused to 'find 11.780 votes'. if you question the reliability of elections, wouldn't it be better to improve on that rather than making it harder to vote?
  22. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    Yes perspective. You find this important, which is fine. Other people don't because they will hold his actual policy accountable, not his public performances. To follow up on Fox looking for the next fake controversy (I'm sure Biden will wear a tan suit at some point), they were making a fuss about Harris not saluting soldiers. Unfortunately for them, it has already been debunked
  23. AXD

    U.S. Politics

    I don’t see much of an issue of him not talking to the press sooner. Him being ‘something awol’ is a matter of perspective I suppose, he has been very active over the last 2 months (as presidents always are in their first weeks). His priority should be governing, not talking about governing. He has staff for that. Him talking to the press is PR/marketing of his persona/policy.
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