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Everything posted by Hev

  1. I'm fed up with my car insurance. I had an accident last August when a youngish driver pulled out on me and then proceeded to try to do a U turn right in front of me. Course, he gave me insurance details but it turned out they were rubbish, and whilst the insurers confirm that he is held responsible, they have virtually ditched me now as he is uninsured and, at renewal my premium has rocketed to nearly £600 as a result of losing a large part of my no claims bonus - when it wasn't even my fault! Oh sure, they wrote to me and said they are passing it to some loss recovery centre but they said success is very rare! Great! From now on I'm making sure my no claims is protected but I am still smarting about this nearly a year on.
  2. I aternate my weekly shop between Sainsburys and Tesco (for a bit of a change) - but if I need something in between, I usually nip to Morrisons from work(all at Shirley) - I like Sainsburys the best of the three but they are all OK for different things. Occasionally go to Asda too but the other side of that big Island is a bit too near Blooz ground for me!!
  3. I like Dylan but I love Young - his greatest hits cd is virtually constant in my car! Love Heart of Gold, Harvest Moon, Needle and The Damage Done and , in fact, every track on the G Hits CD - also love his Unplugged CD.
  4. Talksport for Footie talk and Planet Rock on DAB for Music
  5. IF they go down, maybe Wolfman, will stop being on Talk Sport so much? Every bloody time you switch it on lately, he's on there spouting crap. I'm a bit wary about gloating yet - let's wait until Sunday evening and see
  6. Beatles for me too - (Sorry Rob)!!! I do like the Beach Boys as well though
  7. Will you marry me? Hey, why not, we like similar music, we're bothVilla fans - what would Mrs Mooney think about it though
  8. Impossible to decide for me too - love both. Agree that Tommy is the worst Who album though - I love Who's Next, Who Sell out and Quadrophenia best but then again, my all time favourite track is Led Zep - Thank You from Led Zep II (which rarely gets played publicly)/ Tough call and impossible to choose for me. I saw the Who Live in 1990 when Kenny Jones was on drums - they were fantastic even then - played a really long set without an interval - one of the best I've seen live.
  9. After the event (if we win) - there is nothing like having been there and seen us do it (especially at the Sty earlier this season) but during this week with all the build up and angst that we might lose, I think, on the whole, I'd rather do without this Derby game - yes, I'd much rather prefer it if they were at least one (and preferably several) divisions down from us - even allowing for the feeling if we do win!
  10. Hev

    Best Bond

    Brosnan for me (but I can't find where to post my vote) - purely because he was sooo good looking in those films - particularly the one where he had x-ray spex on - made me go all hot !
  11. Regarding bottle tops - couldn't agree more, the number of times either mine has got knocked over and run all over my bag which I put under the seat. Also, not all grounds I've been to remove the tops either.
  12. Hev

    Pants or Boxers?

    Well I suppose tighter Y Fronts would be OK - rather than the old type.
  13. Hev

    Pants or Boxers?

    Speaking as a laydee - I think tight pants (or fitted boxers) but absolutely NOT Y fronts are so much more sexy than loose boxers - loose boxers always me of the old comedy shows where mens' trousers would fall down and they would always be wearing loose fitted spotted or striped boxer shorts - sorry but I don't see anything sexy in loose fitted boxers - maybe that's just me!
  14. What is the "splitting" idea - sorry if I'm being stupid but I can't remember what it is - but hopefully it doesn't involve moving us out of Witton Upper P3
  15. Stilll prefer the ones "Who's that coming out of defence, it's Martin Laursen, it's Martin Laursen" and "Blond Mane, Jumping Dane, Martin Laursen" they are original - not copies of anyone else's song. Still I guess it's nice he has a chant anyway - he deserves one.
  16. General, thanks so much for confirming that there is no foundation to the worrying rumour of away fans being moved next season. Our steward today said he had heard this too and so your confirmation is very welcome. Thanks so much
  17. Hi General, me again! I gather from another forum that you have said that there is no truth in the rumour of away fans being moved to DE Upper. Could I trouble you just to confirm this on here? This would make me so happy. Thanks General. :notworthy:
  18. Hi General, Thanks for your reply that you will look into the rumour about away fans moving to Doug Ellis Upper (hopefully you will also have ready the thread about this). I still hope it's not true and look forward to hearing from you when you have found out more information. Hev :cry:
  19. General, if it is true, can I pencil in myself and my friends (five/six) in total for first refusal of the seats in the (former) "media area"? :winkold: Still sad if I have to move from my beloved seat in P3 DD though :cry:
  20. Hi General, Happy New Year to you and your family. I don't usually post on this thread but have noticed a thread stating that the Away Fans are to be moved to Doug Ellis Upper Stand next season. Can you clarify this at all as I (and I know of many others) would be most upset to lose our seats to away fans. We are ST holders in DE Upper and have a fantastic view of the pitch and the Holte (We are in Block P3) What concerns me most is (A) why should away fans be given seats with such great views of the game (if true) ( if true, I guess we will have to relocate and may not be able to sit together with our friends who we have made over the years having season ticket seats. This would be most distressing for me and (as I say) no doubt lots of other people who love it in our stand. - Maybe it is just to be the other end of the Stand near where the away fans now are? Also, I know there are some concerns from fans in the Lower Stand at having away fans above them - plus the Away fans would be right by the Holte. I guess we would have to relocate to the Trinity Stand as we like the side on view but surely all the best seats have already gone to ST Holders in that stand? Could you reassure me in any way General . Yours a very sad and worried Hev :cry: PS Thanks for all the great work Randy and you and everyone has done though.
  21. I like Wigan - I like the way the away fans can go into the Marquee Club which is sort of like our Holte Suite but JUST for away fans! Nice friendly people too.
  22. Trouble is, just imagine if it was an error and got corrected so we played Middlesboro - and then they were to beat us!! How awful - might as well put up with it this year maybe and then , maybe, the FA can "ensure" we aren't drawn against Man U again in the near future?
  23. Agreed 100% - I don't like this news at all. :cry: :evil:
  24. Bad news that is - he is actually quite good!
  25. I like some of them - and I don't think I'm a moron or braindead - although others might agree to differ I guess. I figure that I have to use my brain all day at work so I like to unwind when I get home by watching soaps and supposedly crap tv.
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