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Everything posted by Jimzk5

  1. oasis - stop cryin your heart out. good song. would have sounded better had noel song it, not his talentless prat of a brother
  2. Oh my god... it's Chris Moyles! i think he looks more like snooker player Tony Drago
  3. if russia invaded turkey from the rear, would greece help?
  4. Avram Grant looks like he should live under a bridge.
  5. Jimzk5

    Top Gear

    are both serious? it seemed like the took all the deleted scenes from the series and threw them into one episode, top gear usually has be crying with laughter, tonight it just seemed like they winged the whole episode.
  6. Jimzk5

    Top Gear

    was they taking the piss tonight? what an awful episode to end the series, one of worst episodes of top gear i ever seen. surely they could have come up with something better than blowing up a ghee-whiz.
  7. Ahamaads new mobile phone arives, and isnt as advanced as he hoped it would be
  8. just wondered Mr.Krulak if you own a home in Birmingham or stay in a hotel while your over here?
  9. You look like Danny Dyer if danny dyer put on a few stone and shaved his beared mayby.
  10. watching us lose 2-0 at home in 04/05, i havnt felt that **** up over a football match ever, i remember the game the game so well cus it was just after dimebag darrells death, i remember sitting in the holte end pub writing a bet down "villa to win 2-0, Berson to get the second goal". walked into the holte, crowd bouyant, everyone standing, the game kicked off and i can still see a soft clinton morrison shot trickle towards sorenson who somehow managed to throw it over himself into the net. game over from that point onwards.
  11. im back on the fags cus of this **** game. its all ive thought about all week, i havnt felt this wierd since i took my driving test, that strange feeling of fear, adrenaline, anger all rolled into one = smoking
  12. 4-1 flattered united somewhat, poor defensive errors gave the game away in a stupid 10 minutes. had we gone in at half time 1-0 or 1-1 im sure we would have got something out the game. as always, the ref has something to do with us and losing to "bigger" teams, reo coker hadnt made a foul all game, then 1 mis-timed tackle was punished by a yellow, then a stupid lunge and a bit of play acting from anderson gauranteed utd the points as reo coker was given a second yellow. as for carson, his was more clear cut, a professional foul = a red card, no complaints.
  13. a new question - will Mclaren be treated the same way as Taylor was when he failed to qualify us for the WC 94? because he **** should. and the point on Robinson, Mclown just didnt have the love spuds to drop him.
  14. And if Carson had been picked and had howlers, you'd be saying hes lost them for not sticking with the first choice. Robinson has experience of those games, he didnt do much wrong tonight in all fairness, there was no pressure on the inital shot he palmed out therefore to get any kind of save to it was good, given the player had the whole goal to aim at. It would have been worse for him to have dropped Robinson imo - simply because of the understanding Robinson has with his back 4. Robinson, though cant be blamed for the second goal, can be critiscised for his part in it, as he didnt do what goalkeeper do - palm the shot out wide, instead he palmed it out into the center into a dangerous position, and Lescott could have been a bit more alert.
  15. why would MON take the england job, when he was told that he was 4th choice behind Curbs, Mclown and Scolari.
  16. simple thing is, its only been the last 4 game england have played with any sort of style, he has come accross his best team by luck not judgement, the man was never qualified to do the job, but if he was to go, who could we get to replace him? Scolari is tied to portugal and prob wouldnt want the job now anyway. Allardayce is tied to newcastle. i doubt MON would walk out on us. theres no one. well mayby Les Reid or Sammy Lee
  17. all down to the f.a. giving him a 4 year **** contract, he should have been given a 12 month deal, or a rolling deal, instead it now means if the f.a. decide to act and sack him (which they cant really afford to do after the erikson debarcal) they have to pay up the remaining 3 years of his deal. (roughly £2million)
  18. p.c. at home, which has become difficult in the last 12 months as i now leave the house at 6.45am and dont get home until 6.00pm, by which time all i want to do is have a beer, so i only really post now on friday and saturday nights.
  19. Arsenal, i have never seen a team play like arsenal do, the best team i have ever seen on a pitch
  20. what do you think of that, and have you heard the other 3 live recordings, secret crowds, sirens and lifeline? some of there new material sounds good, just a shame tom has turned into a complete clearing in the woods.
  21. woman drivers - you give them more than enough room to get through, and then they stare at you as if to say "i cant get throught there"! stats say woman are safer drivers, thats probably becasue they cause the accident and then **** off up the road.
  22. no you dont have to re-take your test when you hit a certain age, you have to go to your doctors and he determains wether you are fit enough to drive, and sends a letter off to the dvla saying either way.
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