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Everything posted by Jimzk5

  1. less than jake - all my best friends are metal heads i defy anyone to listen to that song and not feel uplifted
  2. bloody love that album,it's bostin deja entendou is one of the most underated albums ever. its weird because they dont seem to have that big a fan base over here, but lots of people i know own the album, but dont really talk about it cus they think no one else has it. the videos to sic transit and quiet things are amazing also. very underated bands
  3. brand new - the quiet things that no one ever knows into sic transit gloria, glory fades.
  4. there are more sheep than people on the faeroe islands. for everyone 1 person there are 3 sheep
  5. Jimzk5

    Am i a clown?

    i gave a tramp 10 quid a few years ago, pissed af the time. and you know those guys who offer to dry your hands in nightclubs? i once did that and put a hand full of change into his tin, realised later that the hand full of change consisted mainly of pound coins, must have been £20 quids worth. the worst thing i did while drunk, and i will be kicking myself for this, xmas 2 years ago i was in a bar, talking to a really hot blonde girl, then walked off. a few hours later i was really really drunk, to the point of falling over, this blonde come over and started touching me everywhere, and i mean everywhere. i told her to **** off, fell over and got thrown out the club.
  6. i gave up on the music charts when that god awful, pile of wank mad world cover by that prick wearing a flat cap got to no.1 a few years ago. theres been some shit over the years, mr.blobby, crazy frog and all that, but that was all novelty, that depressing song really finished it for me.
  7. yeah well i would. every holes a goal. and a twix says Hamilton will win it
  8. more serious question. rebecca adlington - would you?
  9. amazing new song by fightstar - the english way.
  10. death cab for cutie - passanger seat. beautiful song.
  11. the word aligator comes from the spanish word "el Lagarto" meaning "the lizard"
  12. the 7 dwarfs get trapt in a cave in, Snow White runs to the scene and shouts down the cave "oh, please if you are ok say something" she hears a voice shout back "Newcastle united are big club" Snow White - "well at least dopeys alright"
  13. i was learning tears in heaven on guitar earlier, now im listening to Nirvana - you know your right
  14. didnt feel the need to start a new thread on this so i thought id stick it here, but has anyone else heard the One night only album - started a fire? i think its superb, there really isnt a bad song on there. really impressed by it, one of the albums of the year for me
  15. rob i agree with you 100%, apart from the fact that pendulum really do suck, there the only band Kerrand seem to play music by. you can set your watch by it every 30 minutes you hear that wank intro to one of there wank songs. and kate lawler just gets on my nerves with that rated/slated thing. bring back ugly phil, although si and hill are ok on a morning ive stopped listening to kerrang and now have a digital radio for work (a builder with a digital radio :shock: ) i listen to a fair bit of xfm which goes down hill when Jo Good comes on air (similer to radio1 going down hill when you hear that pathetic nasal whining of jo whiley at 1pm), Rick Shaw does a good job for em since he left Kerrang (probably left because they wanted him to keep playing pendulum) other than that i listen to planet rock which is ok, i think Arrow rock is slightly better but they have a major fetish with the rolling stones. anyways.... ive been listening to a lot of Kings of leon lately, i was never a fan of them before but im slowly getting into them. just a shame there singer has only one style of singing, i.e. sounds like a depressed man on sedetives.
  16. my own... John Carew is magic, he wears a magic hat and when he plays for villa his a jolly decent chap he scores them with his left foot, he scores them with his right and when we play that city scum he`ll score all **** night
  17. i suggest reading Cloughies autobiography, one of the best, if not the best book ive ever read. best part was when he writes about becoming leeds manager, he walked into the dressing room on the first day and said, "right lads, i know you won a lot of medals under don revie, but as far as im concerned you can throw all those medals in the bin becuase you won them by cheating" and when Clough dropped MON into the reserves, apparently MON asked why he had been dropped to the 2cnd team, cloughie said "because your too good for the 3rd team"
  18. shaun ryder is banned from ever appearing on channel 4 because he said the word "****" twice live on air during TFI friday, once during an interview, and in a following episode when he performed live.
  19. since when did Laursen look like a geezer from abba?
  20. Thin Lizzy the cowboy song into the boys are back in town with gary moore live 1978
  21. i dont think there will be a lot of managers getting the sack this season, Partly because clubs can no longer afford to sack them, and because there are not many better alternatives out there. Curbs is most likely to get the chop because the money he has had, (i believe £50million) he has wasted on Bellamy who is always injured, Parker who just isnt the player he was for Charlton 5 years ago and Ljunberg who has had his contract ripped up. still there board have paid out massive fees and are paying massive wages for average players like Lucas Neill (75k a week) Upson (60k) who wont get them into europe, which is what the board need to make a proffitt. Keegan will end up going at some point during the season, he will probably resign when things start to go tits up.
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