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Everything posted by John

  1. Fellaini was a bit overrated as a film director for me but I love the Bullseye reference at the foot of the previous page. Let's look at what you could have won...where's my speedboat Jim?
  2. Let's not eulogise about him. He kept a tight control on wages and transfers because it suited him to do it. He took over the champions of Europe and got the club relegated in five seasons. He called the likes of us mere men of the terraces. He took millions out of the club in salary and when selling it. I was one of those fans that you mention and I think he, the man he sold it to along with the current custodian rather than the fans should take the responsibility for this.
  3. Even if we do I doubt we have the money to do anything about it just now.
  4. It's in The Mirror. Moxley is just fanning the flames he also claims Levy "has little intention of raising his offer (for Jack) above £10m". Fake news with a liberal helping of inaccurate monetary information.
  5. Could end up nearer a paltry £35m. It's a distressed sale we're having and the prospective buyers will be expecting to get big discounts.
  6. £10m would be better (I know in reality that we will be taken to the cleaners) as would keeping him unless that might lead to us keeping Chester for example. If we are going to sell our players on the cheap we should at least insist on a sell on clause as part of any deal.
  7. That's cheered me up a bit so there is a chance that we can buy Jack back next summer.
  8. Bristol Live reporting Leeds targeting Kodjia. We can expect a lot of these sort of tenuous links now I suppose.
  9. I like what you have done there. If he doesn't move on he might be worth trying in the hole we have in the centre of our defence (he looked ok there in a cup game as I recall).
  10. We will also be likely to be selling him for a fraction of his actual worth. When he and our other saleable playing assets have been sold what will we be left with to put on the pitch and to sell the next time we need quick cash to stay afloat? This is a temporary fix only and one that is painful as well as embarrassing for us to accept.
  11. Does anyone else suspect tomorrow might be a time for the club to attempt to bury some bad news concerning at least one of our players imminent departure?
  12. He does seem determined to stick around like a captain going down with the ship doesn't he? As far as Randy is concerned he does not come out of this with a clean slate because he sold to our present owner as did Deadly to him and they appear to have sold for the good of themselves rather than for the good of our club. All three have done an abysmal job as so called custodians of our football club.
  13. We were linked with Huth but it seems we can't afford to take him on. Mostly concerned about players leaving it seems the in door will not be needed for a while it at all during this window. We can safely get back to the World Cup for a bit then..
  14. They are that keen that they have yet to talk to us about our player and want to pay the same fee that they offered and that we rejected all those years ago for Benteke. Jack is "keen" to make the switch is he? Not so keen as Benteke was I would guess and he never went there did he? Let's hope history will repeat itself.
  15. Can be adapt the game he likes to play so that players who are less capable than those he is accustomed to working with can be successful next season and will he stick around long enough to make it work or be allowed time to do so? It will be an interesting experiment for Leeds next season.
  16. Yes they were very clear on that. Looking forward and hoping to see us wearing the old claret and blue colours again.
  17. If he is that will save us some cash over the course of a season to pay the electricity bills but he gets the odd goal for us and letting him leave on loan would further weaken our team. If other clubs want our players they should start bidding for them. We aren't a lending library!
  18. The Birmingham Mail report that Sheffield United are interested in loaning Hogan from us. I can see why they might want to do that but would be in it for us?
  19. Let me tell you something. Ross needs to get off those sweet sugar dumplings and build some fences at Villa Park during pre season...
  20. There was an option to buy but they decided they couldn't afford the price they had agreed shortly after news of our financial crisis broke. I suspect Antwerp may well try offering another loan with us perhaps helping them meet some of his wages. Why pay for a player you want when you can take advantage of the mess another club finds itself in after all?
  21. Or we could do nothing which sadly would be my bet.
  22. They can have Pulisic and we will keep Jack. Then we will both be happy.
  23. The loan player that seemed the least bothered about leaving us at the end of last season. Seems a bit of a mercenary to me. I wish him well other than against us and where his goals may have a negative impact upon us. leaving us.
  24. The material looks a lovely nylon will it give us an electric shock when we take it off? Is that logo also smoking a pipe? Grim stuff!
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