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Everything posted by OutByEaster?

  1. I hope we choose to loan him out again rather than sell him this summer - he's a really talented full back with the potential to be a really, really good player. I'm not sure what PSR will have to say about it, but I'd really like us to keep him.
  2. What are the values on these two deals, the hotel and the training ground? How much have Chelsea artificially boosted their income by?
  3. It is, I had a check and the slope is at the other side of the building and I think we can get away with not doing anything with it.
  4. We already have laws that punish that behaviour though - it's like proscribing the Tory party just because they're all thieving sex pests. Hold on....
  5. I wouldn't necessarily put too much on that.
  6. Where have you hear that about the Gordon Cowans suite? That would be disappointing as it would mean a second change of plans - from Villa Live to the plans that were submitted for the warehouse to a lick of paint on the existing facility.
  7. I wonder what we'll get here now? I think that open paved area was part the planning for the North Stand and while the planning permission has been granted, to get it we'd need to flatten out the slope there which will be difficult given we're not now doing it across the rest of that space. It'd be good to see some updated renders of this project.
  8. Looking at those renders, they're going to be knocking out some of the brickwork on that side (the bits where the pictures currently are) and reinstating the windows - I think they'll remove these branding murals to do that, so I'm guessing they're just a temporary thing for the brand launch day - I would think they'll clean it and potentially repoint it when they've done that. If the murals are staying, I'd suggest we're not getting the plans we can see in those renders.
  9. This concerns me a little bit - I had in mind that the plans for this building were pretty substantial and would involve a new roof and (I had assumed) a complete renovation of the building's "Skin" - re-pointed, re-built brickwork and a better design and use of the frameworks that are there on the side (which I assume were once windows) - something really transformative that sets up the building as a future leisure venue in its own right and a great place to be on matchdays. If we're painting (pretty but slightly awkward) logos and badges on the side of them, then unless we're blasting those off in a months time, it suggests that what we might be getting is more of a lick of paint and a tarting up - which would be disappointing. I guess we'll know in a couple of months.
  10. I think PREPARED should absolutely be part of our branding package - there's no room on the badge or the shirt for it, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't absolutely remain as a key part of the brand.
  11. From a footballing point of view absolutely not, Archer isn't going to make it here. From an FFP perspective? I'm not sure - if we can get a decent fee for Archer that might be almost as effective. I don't see the sudden desire to cash in on Duran, it's worth remembering just how young he is - we brought on a group of young substitutes at the end of the Olympiacos game, half of them are older than Duran - he's younger than Iroegbunam and younger than Kesler-Hayden but he seems to be judged by a very different standard.
  12. The sight lines there mean that more than one row back and you're already in trouble with restricted views - if you were to put put seats where the corner flag restaurant is and we had a corner kick between North Stand and Witton Lane, you wouldn't be able to see it if you were in the second row - all you could really do there is put more hospitality on top of the corner flag resutarant - you have to be against the window to see the whole pitch.
  13. I can't see that happening - realistically Archer isn't going to be an option for us, we'll look to sell him to the Championship - I guess we could send Duran on loan, but to do that we'll have had to have spent a fair chunk of money on a viable back up to Ollie and I just can't see that happening - I think Duran is good value for money on that and we'll need the cash to spend elsewhere.
  14. This, this, and this again! We don't have the kind of corners this is possible with.
  15. I think they'll knock all of the boxes out to make a single lounge and incorporate the suite in the middle of it (I can't remember what it's called) into that facility - then put a row or two of seats where the four of the boxes are now - hey presto - a couple of hundred new seats at £200 a game. I don't think the concourses will be affected. Edit: And having now seen the picture on the last page, I think that backs the idea up.
  16. I thought he was okay in the first game and has been decent in pretty much all of his appearances - he had one to forget last night though, poor. Which is a pity as we might need him to start on Monday night.
  17. This is going to be very tough. I think we might see how many of last nights players are actually struggling and I wouldn't be too surprised to see Bailey and maybe one or two others not make it for this one. But, we give it a go and see what happens and who knows, if Burnley pick up a surprise point tomorrow, it might not matter anyway and we can play the kids.
  18. I thought we were the better side in both games, but we need to learn how to manage games and how to make it count - that's certainly a lesson we can take from the opposition - they're brutally efficient. Olympiacos were smart, they were organised, they were calm, they defended absolutely brilliantly and they took their chances, they deserve to go through to the final and I hope they win it. We're out for the count, the players are knackered, but I don't think you can fault the effort, I thought we played well in the first half and though our heads dropped in the second half, this will still do them a lot of good next season and in the long run - they'll have learned an awful lot from this run and it'll stand them in good stead for the future. Tonight we were out-thought and lacked the creativity to break them down, individually, we were mostly okay, I thought Doug did well in the middle of the park, McGinn too, but we really needed another midfielder - when we were on top, too often the ball bounced off Diaby - Bailey looks like he's playing in a lot of pain and Cash lacks a little composure in forward areas - but the effort was there, I don't think anyone can complain of lack of effort or heart - we just came up against a brick wall of very smart footballers and we ran out of ideas. We'll strengthen and we'll come again, I have no doubt about that. It's a shame to lose this tie, but it's been good to be back in Europe and we've done plenty we'll remember.
  19. It's been a brilliant run, we'll be better for the experience and perhaps when we come up against an organised, sit-and-hit team like these next season we'll have picked up enough game intelligence to give us a different outcome.
  20. Play all the kids against Liverpool - and if we do still need anything against Palace then we'll be fresh for it.
  21. You've got to admire how well Olympiacos defend - they're organised, determined and they've given absolutely everything in keeping us out.
  22. We've had 32 efforts on goal over the two ties and been caught on the break four or five times - we've dominated but we lack that little bit of nous that turns domination into wins.
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