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Everything posted by OutByEaster?

  1. General, if you're still in the running marathons game, I think I've got an idea as to how you could raise an awful lot of money for Acorns! There's a couple of thousand people here who'll sponsor you for starters!
  2. I like the sound of Jasper McLuckie. A great name and 45 goals in three seasons.
  3. It's the little details :nod: Some inaccuracies though. Sorry to piss on your chips but Kenny Swain didn't leave Villa in 1980. Scoring years not playing years. I'm off to find pictures of Dai Fungus!
  4. I've just realised that where there are ties you've arranged them chronologically. :shock: The mans a crazed genius. I like going through the one goal wonders and seeing how many I can remember.
  5. Gabby as top active goalscorer (If you know who goes you know where) could probably have Savo in his sights next season. Every time we get an own goal in the next few years, I'm going to be thinking about OG edging up behind Pongo. This may be a bad time to ask, but I wonder if there are any clubs for whom OG is their top scorer?
  6. Thank you Brian, there's an awful lot of work in that list. How on earth does a player get a nickname like "Dai Fungus"? Ridgewell scored more than Crouch.
  7. The brain continues to send out electrical wave signals until approximately 37 hours after death.
  8. General, If I took my girlfriend to a party and someone tried to chat her up, I'd remain polite and dignified, but I'd be very firm in my intentions. If they came back I'd be a little more direct. In this instance, Aston Villa look very much like we're nervously looking on and hoping forlornly that our girl comes back to us at the end of the night. We need to produce some sort of a response to this because at the moment we look very weak.
  9. The obvious and converse argument to that is that a team like Spurs or Villa or Everton will only have to get it right once. We can be lucky once, Liverpool need to be lucky every year, one bad season, injuries, poor form, boardroom chaos, whatever it may be, if Liverpool miss out once it'll set you back you years. Players love the Champions league, if you finish fifth even once, Torres will be back to Spain before you can say adios amigo. There would be a stampede of players out of Anfield. I'm surprised you don't see your own vulnerability, the league this year has created monkeys for a few backs. There were so many bad teams last season that teams near the top harvested big points totals. For us that meant 60 points for the first time in years and the (false) idea that we're on the verge of Champions league qualification. For you it meant being closer to the top two than you've been for a while and the (false) idea that you've got a genuine title chance. I maintain that for Barry, Villa and Liverpool, you might well be reading Gerrard, Liverpool and Chelsea in the next couple of years.
  10. I'd agree, but Gerrard wants to win the title, that much he's made clear, and exactly the same things apply. I think we're as likely to qualify for the Champions league as Liverpool are to win the title in the next few years. (Both I think are fairly unlikely in the careers of these two players.) I'm not sure moving to Liverpool will necessarily help Barry with his international place either, Villa sometimes adjust to Barry, Barry would need to adjust for Liverpool, and I think ultimately his versatility could prove counter productive for his England chances if he joined you. Liverpool are a good side, but you're as near to Spurs, Villa and Everton as you are to United, Chelsea and Arsenal. They know it, we know it, but you haven't realised yet.
  11. Gerrard knows deep down what every Liverpool fan knows, he'll never win the title in a Liverpool shirt. The question is will he go to Chelsea to win it before he retires. It's a very similar situation.
  12. General, the DVD the club sent out says there are 26,000 available. You and the DVD can't both be right! General, the Official site also says we're capped at 26,000. (click here)
  13. Good game, I felt Chelsea edged it and probably deserved to win. So close to the dream result of Utd losing on penalties and it all being Ronaldo's fault. Ah well, there's always next year.
  14. There are nine and a half teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke. I gave up fizzy pop a while ago, it's evil stuff, worse for you than Guinness by a long long way. I like a nice glass of milk, but my favourite is Vimto milkshake. Vimto cordial isn't really designed to go in milk so it turns a bit of a grey colour but the taste is fantastic. Useless fact: Vimto is an anagram of Vomit.
  15. I'm listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound Someone's always yellin' "Turn it down"
  16. People sometimes forget with Dylan how good a songwriter and musician he is whilst they concentrate on his lyrcis, he invented rap, invented metal, put the hate in pop, changed the world, found jesus, survived the whole thing and he's still at it. He's the worlds greatest living artist.
  17. General, Will this summers work on the Trinity Road stand have a visual impact from the pitchside or from the roadside, or are the changes exclusively interior? Are there any mock ups, plans or drawings to look at?
  18. Let me put it to you another way. If I go to work today and there's a fire in the office and I have the afternoon off, am I a bad worker for having the afternoon off? If I go to work today and start a fire in the office so that I can have the afternoon off, am I a bad worker for having the afternoon off? Dwight started the fire, he wasn't affected by the speculation, he nurtured the speculation, his bad performance was a choice, a protest even, he didn't want to play and whilst everyone around him did their best he did nowt. Barry has been affected by the fire, he's tried to play well, but been affected by outside influences and the press, he had a bad game in line with many of his colleagues as the whole team struggled against Wigan. I see all sorts of differences, and if you can manage to sneak out from behind your protective labeling of others and open your eyes, you'll see them too.
  19. Yorke played badly in a single game becasue he no longer felt an attachment to the club and in order to force a move. Barry had a bad game at a time when he was under pressure from large sections of the media. Yorke played at a much lower level than his team mates in the game before his move. Barry was by no means the only Villa player who underperformed against Wigan. There are differences LTLOAV if you choose to see them. For me, it was wrong to boo Yorke (at least until his badge kissing) and it would be equally wrong to boo Barry. I think it's pretty well documented that you don't like Barry, you wanted him dropped before the speculation started, you've been desperate for him to leave since the first links came up, and you've never rated him as a player. The idea that others opinions are full of bias and therefore irrelevant is silly. It is other peoples opinions that frame our own, that's why I still bother replying to your posts even though I believe your mind is closed. If you don't believe that Gareth Barry deserves our respect for the years he's spent here, well I think that's a shame and I feel sorry for you in that we have been lucky enough to have seen a player that has been the clubs best servant since Gordon Cowans stopped playing and you've never stopped to appreciate him. You're fully entitled to that opinion though, just as I am entitled to mine and tomaszk his. Feel free to disagree, I'm sure you will. I look forward to seeing your choice of smiley and the name of the imaginary club you put me into.
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