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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Should get Robinson on, to try and mix it up. But he won't for another 15 mins. Not the Lambert way.
  2. Didn't Stilyan scout him for us and recommend him to Lambert?
  3. It's just gone past 20 minutes, and that's our allotted 'play football well' time for each match. I only tuned in 15 mins into the game. Did we play well before that?
  4. What camera are you using Chris?
  5. This doesn't work. You have to trade him out for Jordan Bowery, who must then be played as the lone striker. It's science I tell you.
  6. That remote play feature actually looks quite cool. Doesn't seem to be any lag either. Also, Wired have a video up, taking apart the PS4. You can swap out the HDD for any commercially available larger capacity one if you wanted to. Link
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf8INiBDgVg
  8. Ah really? War in the North was the only game I was really interested in, having already played Arkham (not interested in F.E.A.R.) Is it only problematic on PC?
  9. Flinders Street Station here in Melbourne. Manchester Unity Building. Beautiful art-deco style. And can't forget the Melbourne Cricket Ground. I thought it was officially called the hive, its a clever well designed building (the big concrete structure in front houses a pump that uses water from the river for cooling the building) it just looks horrific, I don't think its just down to the cladding either, the sports hall the other side of the river is ok Also, this is the beehive. The Wellington Parliament House in New Zealand.
  10. I don't really know what to make of this team. Lose to Sunderland and then beat Chelsea.
  11. Agree with trying him out at RM. Also wouldn't mind trying him on corners. Can't be any worse than Westwood.
  12. Only saw the second half. Just really poor 'football'
  13. First time we play some good passing stuff. We create a chance.
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