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Everything posted by ismail-villa

  1. The new Holiday Inn Express advert on Facebook featuring a stunning Rachel Riley. Something tells me @Meath_Villan would love it even more
  2. The best one I've gotten so far is Haunter.
  3. Really like how the printing looks on the away kit, especially the numbers.
  4. I don't think it's due to fasting because I feel great tbh when I do fast. I do have other health issues and the nurse said to have an appointment with my GP to see why i may have low immunity. Here's hoping for the best and thank you for your kind words
  5. Cheers mate. But yeah it's quite painful and burns!
  6. Having to go hospital (Friday evening) with a bad burning sensation and rash. Turns out it was shingles, days before my birthday and eid. Great.
  7. Haha my sister wanted to buy me it for my bday online, but guess I'll pop down to the shop to try it.
  8. I'm a medium in the Macron kits so would I need to get a large for the UA kit? Because I've heard they're generally slimmer compared to others.
  9. That away would've been perfect with blue sleeves too, think the home kit is the one for me this season! Nice bday gift it would be for me
  10. Cheers for the response mate. But yeah I'll need to reconsider my options most likely. Even the placement options are rather limited now.
  11. Only just got to talk about this now as been catching up on this thread. Went to sleep about 10.30pm on Thursday as had work in the morning, fully expected to wake up to see remain win. Man was I shocked to see leave win. I'm just wondering what it would do with my career choice as I was considering going into research (microbiology) but with many universities and institutions losing out on EU funding grants I'm confused. As a 19 year old, this is worrying for me. Let's hope for the best.
  12. Half is probably for his wild nights out on Broad Street
  13. Think it's 40gb download. Damn i need a new hdd haha
  14. A particular Randolph Lerner would say romantically nourish.
  15. Hopefully it's different in store! Heading to town anyway (uni exam) so no harm popping in!
  16. Does anyone know if this season's kits are a fiver, might pop down to the new st store tomorrow.
  17. Having endured Lescott and Richards in defence has made me miss Vlaar big time, can we get him back even if he's crocked. Still an upgrade on them two.
  18. What's happened? Why is everyone worried?
  19. I wonder if Lescott and co will try and put some effort in now. Let's hope Tony sticks a finger up at em and bins em.
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