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Everything posted by jjaacckk91

  1. So what defines rock and roll to you ?
  2. Watching a documentary on rock and roll. What makes it rock and roll, I'm just hearing blues, walking bass lines, and very very blues guitars. Is one a sub genre of the other? Can anyone tell me the difference please its driving me crazy.
  3. Based on what? Mate, go and search through my post history for a reasoned and logical explanation as to why. Seven years experience in the banking industry tells me his claims are total nonsense. Sorry I've tried to look through your posting history but I haven't found much of an actual breakdown (on my phone so can't see full posts) I don't think I've seen kwan claim to be itk before which is why I believe there's at least some truth to what he's saying. As far as I know he's only stated that he's been told that the sale is being handled by someone he knows and hinted at who he was told it was. but it is definately not far enough along to be close to being announced. And so he said the apparent announcement must be about something other than the sale. The rest of what he said was just speculation like the rest of us. How are so sure that what he's saying isn't what's happening? Other than the word of those two investment guys
  4. They own TATA All I keep seeing is that they are a distributor for tata steelworks ?
  5. My work uniform has a very loose fit with a tie up waist. Think massively oversize pyjamas I'd be a small accident away from wearing nothing. Oh well its drying off haha
  6. Just had a shower at work and forgot to take in a towel. In my infinite wisdom I decided to stick on the clean underwear I brought and do a quick run for a towel. I am now sitting in wet underwear =[ Why am I an idiot.
  7. Kwan hasn't been on since. I'd say he's either doing a very good impression of being itk, or what he said is about the only reliable info in this thread.
  8. One of the fastest games to platinum, and that after I had to do 3 runs through as well. Can't have took more than 20 hours.
  9. Maybe this is a sine of things to come. Just need randy to cosine a deal for the sale of the club now. Just hope the deal doesn't go off at a tangent. I feel dirty
  10. I was here when the first pun was posted, 150+ puns and almost 3 hours later and its still going kwan
  11. Kwan ITK to rule them all, Kwan ITK to find rumours, Kwan ITK to bring them all and in the darkness of OT post them Sorry in advance.
  12. Thought they'd decided to forget the story and just make a softcore adult movie the first 15 minutes, but the last half hour, just brilliant.
  13. If we are bought by silly money intending to splash the cash Stan will be creaming himself along with the rest of us. I'm pretty sure 99% of people that are saying they don't want us to 'buy' success would come around very quickly if we got bought by someone super-rich.
  14. He probably won't play a game until 2015 though ? There's no point having him unless he's making a difference on the pitch
  15. Final score is so unprofessional just bickering over each other on live TV. Garth crooks wants to stfu, savage too.
  16. In TV's I'd say about £300each for the big ones and 100-150 for the little ones . So £1.4k-1.8k Assuming they're just bog standard 1080p 60/120hz LED backlit.
  17. Looks like Mercedes could lap the entire field here
  18. The sceptic in me asks "how do you know he was a director of a club?". Then it says "why would a director of one company know any more about completely different companies than anyone else?". I agree, But just to play devils advocate what if he is a director at Southampton and they enquired about Cole.
  19. Unless Lerner stays and sacks lambert ?
  20. Odd decisions today, we looked reasonably secure at the back first half, with their full backs causing the biggest problems. Second half we played a much higher line, gave them much more space in behind to attack and were very vulnerable. This was obviously a plan, but I don't know why you'd want the give them the space to attack into. Nice to see grealish get his debut though, but more time against Tottenham please. 5 minutes but should have been more the game was over after they scored the first.
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