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Everything posted by jjaacckk91

  1. X factor being stuck on the TV at work. Haven't watched it in years, and somehow its got worse. Just a competition of whose got the most ridiculous quiff.
  2. Yes, I remember him receiving the ball just outside the left side of the box from benteke and laying it off to cissokho(I think) out wide. I can't remember him doing much else though.
  3. Its time for drastic measures http://youtu.be/n3uHNKgq-sg
  4. We've played alright for me, still struggle to get the ball from the back 4 into midfield, Sanchez has been very inconsistent one 5 minutes he is picking up everything and spreading play well, then the next he is getting caught the wrong side of play, getting turned on and caught on the ball. Other than one piece of route one shirt though we've been decent for me. Also weimann is lucky if that isn't a leg break, shirt challenge
  5. Is danny Murphy wearing lipstick?
  6. How did that not go in, I mean what the hell happened there
  7. I've been in a similar situation but hadn't signed anything. Got pushed into verbally agreeing by a recruitment guy. The phone conversation with what was going to be my boss was pretty bad. When i told him he swore down the phone and told me to enjoy working in fast food the rest of my life(it would have been my first job since graduating). If you've signed I guess its a bit different from a legal front, I can confirm the conversation will probably not be much fun though.
  8. Pretty funny that the stoke fans are ripping into the ref. The penalty against them was fair, even if they don't normally get given and he just gave them a free penalty ffs.
  9. I had the same happen to me only my mate actually got the job. Safe to say he's miserable now(almost 3 years later) cos its not what he wanted to do( PhD), and I'm in a job I really enjoy. Who says there's no such thing as karma.
  10. Would the world be a better or worse place if everyone was completely honest and could only tell the truth.
  11. When you havent had a wink of sleep when do you admit defeat and just get up anyway.
  12. At the moment its pretty controllable, its transmitted between people/animals via bodily fluid. The main issue I see is the more people/animals that get infected the increased risk of a mutation into an airborne disease. And then your talking about something much more contagious with the lethality that Ebola has, and that's a pretty scary thought tbh.
  13. Depends what you're doing / playing. Defender is brilliant for control in pvp, other than that you're probably better off with striker. Also if you are doing bounties and you have unlocked both subclasses you can switch between subclass before handing in a completed bounty to use the bounty xp to level up the subclass you're not using. Useful if you've maxed out a subclass or need to get started on a new subclass
  14. It pisses me off that I actually give a shit what some(people I don't know or care about) say/ think.
  15. I believe there were over 30,000 applications for the 300 places in this years intake.I'd written out paragraphs but realised it was mostly pointless. I was just trying to say if you are going to use a normal example of starting graduate pay jlr isn't it.
  16. Yes and graduates at BAE around the same. Because they are mostly engineering grads who are in higher demand. 31k is far from a normal 'graduate' job starting salary, that is even if you manage to get a job after graduating, which is getting more difficult.
  17. Hahahahaha Small warning. if someone says this a lot, don't try to tell them it isn't a proper word, especially when your both drunk and in a confined space like a taxi.
  18. Listening to this game on the radio on the way to work has been torture.
  19. Some of these tackles are absolutely horrible
  20. Back story: my sister moved out bought a house with her boyfriend about 2 years ago. 4 months later they break up and she's back at home, and about 1 year ago the house is sold. She walks away with what she put in (approx 9k). 5 months ago she moves out again and rents with her friend. So now her friend doesn't want to renew their rental so she wants to buy house(good for her, right?). Only it turns out she had spent all of the money she got from selling her house whilst she was living at home(and not paying board etc). So how does she plan on buying this house you ask(this is whereby it gets absolutely unbelievably unbelievable). An "Investment scheme" it is pitched as. I give her my savings(ironically I'm saving up to buy a house) to buy a house and she "renovates" it. Honestly can't believe the audacity in the first place. Secondly she is the most financially untrustworthy person I know(see 9k spent in 12 months on **** all) Thirdly how does she plan on increasing the value of the house(or even paying me back at all) when all she'll be doing is swapping rent for a mortgage and she couldn't afford to save up for a deposit in the first place. Fourthly? doing this ties up my money, the reason its in an isa and not locked in a long term investment(which I think is the nicest way to describe this) is because I will actually want access to it in the relatively near future. Bottom line lately she doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone in the family unless she wants something from them, and I'm sick of it. /rant Sorry, had to vent.
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