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Everything posted by AndyBM

  1. pay the £3m, get another 50 games out of him and possibly another 20 goals simple
  2. the club has done this before were they wouldnt play a player past a certain amount of games if theyre going to do this then they shouldnt put/agree to the clauses
  3. pleased for guzan, hope he has the no1 shirt next season but i think given has pushed him so far this season, knowing his place is certainly on the line by an equally as good keeper if he fluffs up but saying that, as mentioned in another thread, its alot of money in wages going to waste to have given on the bench, hopefully we can find an equally decent young keeper for peanuts to be no2, although siegrist is seeming good
  4. is andi playing for his countries senior team yet as this will probably help with his confidence more
  5. AndyBM


    who would of thought that the manager weve hated the most ever just about kept us up, yet the manager we all favour and support will be taking us down
  6. i too am not keen on him, and if he was sold then we still have other players in the team of slightly better quality, hes replaceable for sure, although i do believe that we could get a tidy price for him which could go towards strengthen another position, like left back, left wing or centre back
  7. i would like to see bent and benteke side by side, we might get away with only having to use 2 strikers, not 3 but with 4 decent strikers at least we have options to rotate
  8. like most kids, they need more game time to iron out their faults, but as we all know, we dont have time unless were going to sign someone like olsson in january, then stevens should be given the spot, and bennett sent out on loan with option to recall (yes, even though weve just signed him)
  9. why is everyone still going on abou bent being sold in january when PL has stated that he wont be?
  10. i never rated delaney, couldnt stand him, only had half a game about him, can see lowton becoming so much better but as ive just said in another thread, i cant see lowton getting into the england fold, england already had RB sorted for the next 10 yrs at least
  11. its fair to say that its better to have experienced internationals in the team than inexperienced kids however, in our case, lowton seems to be slightly better than hutton at the moment with even the potential to get better, but will probably never see the international stage unless he goes to a top 4, but maybe that will work for us as then he can concentrate on club level ive tried t defend hutton and think maybe there was a saving grae for him here at the club, like going left back, or becoming another centre back, but i cant see any of that now, clearly the door is open for him, we just need to find a buyer but would you buy a donkey if you had the chance to buy a stallion?
  12. AndyBM


    another 3 points down tonight... no experienced defenders relegation zone by xmas
  13. if PL wants to play 4-3-3, so be it, but what if either gabby, benteke or andi pick up a long term injury? then what? bent is just as muh of an asset, even when hes not scoring goals, than any other striker at the club
  14. AndyBM


    stoke will be taking 3 points from us, ill even place a bet on it, and i dont gamble but a point i wanted to make, ive seen comments on here saying that people want to see entertaining football and arent fussed about results what a load of crock! its doesnt matter how we get a win, we need a win regardless, who cares if it was messy football, i wouldnt care if the strikers didnt move all game if it meant they got goals leave the entertaining sh*t to la liga, our players need to toughen up
  15. please not keane, we dont need another striker, we already have 4 capable strikers, what we need is defenders
  16. if we continue to buy championship players, then expect to eventually end up in the championship buying 1 or 2 lower league players fair enough, but having a whole team full of them will drive us down
  17. AndyBM


    if were in the zone by xmas, there wont be any comeback i reckon
  18. i agree with us needing 4 new players, left centre back, left back, left winger and defensive centre mid (and striker if bent is sold) but theres no way were going to get 4, may 5 vital players in, in january, 2 maybe, 3 at most so which 2 out of the 5 are most vital? imo, its centre back and left back
  19. considering im an old fasioned kind of guy and prefering 4-4-2 i can see the logic in 4-3-3, a more modern style this, a week later, ive accepted, lol so to take into considering how many strikers and central mids we have, and not many wingers, it makes sence HOWEVER i would stll say its worth having at least 1 left and 1 right winger in the squad just for rotation etc, we already have albrighton and holman for the right, and nzog on the left, but imo, he will up his game, he appears not to be bothered, so he needs replacing
  20. players can have experience from an earlier age nowadays, so we dont need to look at 30+ players anymore, id say 27, 28 at most, we could still get 3 years from a decent player on the wrong side of his career
  21. cant see us getting any more than £10m for him, a huge loss, hes best off kept but he needs to not have strops, he knows hes not finding the net at the moment o ho can you expect to play every minute when youre not finding the net and other strikers are
  22. i have a question i know someone will know the answer to if we let given go in january, will we still have to pay him the remainder of his contract? if so, then that isnt really saving money if we bring in another keeper, itll just be more cost surely? :-/
  23. surely big ron can have a word with johnny h about transfering here, im all for partnerships at both club and country levels
  24. lets not get too over hyped over him, he could still burn out really quickly and become a flop lets continue to use him as an impact-super-sub, i need to remember that hes still only young (although he looks in his 30s)
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