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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. A 26 year old who has already won more than our club has in the past 30 years, signs for 4th from bottom Aston Villa, turning down more money from another club? Yeah we should be bloody grateful and happy. I hope its true.
  2. Sod that, only people with 100 billion plus allowed to enter the bidding process. No riff raff.
  3. I'll take the constant success if thats an option thanks. I'll always have the memories of a few decades of utter failure to keep me grounded
  4. Crikey, these double negatives! Do you mean you are really sure he is the same hit and miss chancer he appeared to be when we employed him? Even with that translation, I'm not really sure what you mean. Sherwood came with a good track record at Spurs and he has turned the Villa team round 360 degrees so that they are playing attacking, positive football they could never have dreamed of under Lambert. Not enough for you? I think you mean 180 degrees 360 degrees = same direction as when you started. Anyway, I agree with you. Sherwood has been fabulous. I was not thrilled when he arrived. I was wrong and I am happy about it.
  5. Do they? I thought there might be restrictions on showing the full game, from Sky or whoever. Would be nice to see. Nope showing highlights instead of full games is just a choice by Villa sadly. Chelsea for example shows the full games of each league match for its subscribers. http://www.chelseafc.com/videos/chelsea-tv-on-demand/matches/first-team0.html http://www.chelseafc.com/videos/about-chelsea-tv.html "Chelsea TV has unrivalled access to the players, so subscribe to make sure you don't miss any of the action... Features - Full match replays and extended highlights of every game"
  6. Really just showing the full game on replay instead of highlights would be the most important thing they could do for me. Other clubs do this simple thing and it adds huge value.
  7. Excellent news. Keep the contracts coming Mr.Fox.
  8. I don't think it is a 7.5m option. Its an option. I assume some lesser amount. Which will go to ManU to help offset the wages they paid him this season. Part of the "give" on Villa end was the ability for ManU to recall him during the season if they hit an injury crisis or some such,
  9. Is that true? What did we say? Great news and makes me even happier about the signing. Here ya go. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~4116690,00.html
  10. Bloody hell, first of all one is outside Bodymoor Heath and now they are getting under the tent! Someone get the Domestos. lol. I saw that! You have got to give the lad credit that was very well done.
  11. I don't see how Everton matter. According to our press announcement there is an option to buy. So I assume we would have to pass before Everton gets a nose under the tent.
  12. Sure, tell him its London and we are Arsenal. Nice pitch, moody fans, he won't know the difference. It worked with tekkers.
  13. Meh, they nicked a goal in the last few minutes. Fair play to them. Survival in the league is our only aim this season. Sad state of affairs but it is who we are now.
  14. Because relegation battlers usually do even worse in the league if they have a cup run to handle.
  15. Simple, solid, quality. A huge step up for us in midfield.
  16. Good luck Joe. Flashes of talent there, hope he can come good, I do wonder if he may end up a Richardson style more forward player. The fact that opponents targeted his position when he played LB probably says it all.
  17. Ok Randy has done a good job with this one. Hope it happens.
  18. He's not crap, but the hype surrounding him in the media before the game was pretty tiresome. They were acting like he was some kind of world class player and that we had no chance against Stoke because of it. Ah gotcha. Yeah. I did enjoy ruining the media's narrative today. Very amusing
  19. I don't think Bojan is crap. We just (smartly) targeted Bojan the whole game. Good tactics. Close the lad down, and don't give him a chance to play. Aly didn't look bothered by much the whole game no matter how hard Stoke tried. Bardsley was the only player I remembered beating him.
  20. Excellent signing. We spent money, we spent money!
  21. I like the optimism. Personally I am still terrified but I hope to be optimistic again in a few weeks if we can grab some wins. It would be lovely to feel comfortable this season and (shock) start to raise our eyes to maybe progressing a little.
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