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Everything posted by ciggiesnbeer

  1. When it comes to football they dont come much crapper than British/Irish players though. So just about any foreigner steps over that low bar very easily.
  2. Oh I think that twitter bloke does know somebody and we probably have put in a bid for Sanchez. I also think that TBAR posters are just making things up and guessing that the player is here today.
  3. Ack shame I would have loved this one to be true. Oh well onto other targets then.
  4. is he any good Yes. Surprisingly. Hopefully this rumor is true.
  5. 8 clubs insisting it their right to abuse people online!
  6. I think Van Gaal is just getting all his excuses in early. And RVP has always been a bit finicky training wise.
  7. I think Kozak played enough games to be judged. 4 goals in 15 games, some of those off the bench? And his performances were decent, I can't remember him having a stinker, unlike many of our other players. All in all not bad and compared to our other non Benteke strikers its good.
  8. Really? You think with this squad and lack of investment Keane or Sid can take us to 8th or 12th? Because thats who we would be getting if Lambert resigns/fired. Not hiring a new manager.
  9. Pretty low. I was genuinely looking forward to this summer when I assumed (laughably) that after balancing the books Lerner would start investing in the club again. In fact we have spent less, not more and Lerner has just shrugged his shoulders and admitted he just is not interested any more. Sadly nobody else wants us either. Lambert is going to have to struggle by, with the added pressure of zero leeway from a vocal section of fans. That will make our life even harder. If he gets hounded out then we are in even worse shape as Lerner will hire no replacement, who would come with no money? Very low optimism. To be honest another season of being one of the constant relegation candidates who will go down this season or next is souring me on football in general. Whats the point?
  10. Agreed. Another fumble by the paper. They have been on a massive decline recently. Bit worrying. As for Chairmen/women who want to express themselves by personally abusing people online, yeah I wouldn't want them either. They never said they wanted to abuse people online. They said they didn't need to the club telling them what they could and couldn't do. Abuse is one thing, voicing an opinion is another. Exactly. Which is why it says abuse not opinion. Again an obvious non story by the mail. Who are they hiring over there as journalists these days?
  11. Agreed. Another fumble by the paper. They have been on a massive decline recently. Bit worrying. As for Chairmen/women who want to express themselves by personally abusing people online, yeah I wouldn't want them either.
  12. At the top of this link it says arsenal are eyeing ki. Would be strange if they were looking at him with all of the midfield talent already at their disposal. Lets just tell him we are in London. It worked with Benteke.
  13. I don't really care if he is pro or anti Lambert. I just hate his shit opinions and his stupid face. Seriously: I wouldn't tell that face whether or not we were signing Ki Sung Yueng either. As we say over here, he does not look `all there'. Nobody ever said actors had to be smart. Kendrick looks a bit simple too.
  14. I would add Kozak into that mix. Who I also happen to think is a very good buy. Pretty much with Lambert the more he has spent the better player he has got. That is a pretty good track record.
  15. Telephone? As for the racist thing. The Japanese / Korea antipathy is well known, with the Koreans usually being on the receiving end. I would hardly blame Ki for that.
  16. He did to Lambert. Lambert even mention it. MON seems to have consistently spoken highly of Villa since he left.
  17. I will stop you right there. very good.
  18. Could be a bit of a 'moneyball' signing? Finding a player overlooked by his side who could come on the cheap but offer us something we don't have already? I suppose so. Still his age. Tough to get over.
  19. Looking to sign up a 32 year old player who couldn't hold down a first team spot in a relegated side? Bloody hell. I know times are tough and all that but are they that tough?
  20. I seem to recall that account has made similar definitive predictions before which have all flopped.
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