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Everything posted by AVFCAM

  1. Julio Caesar doesn't need a run of bad games, it seems Hughes will replace him after 1! Ruthless?! Nah, just pissing money away!
  2. Is it just me? We look ok...at least we're getting forward...
  3. I think Gabby has got a fight on his hands after Teke's arrival
  4. Well we've got him until at least January and if he has his way, a lot longer than that... Better deal with those issues in afraid. I'm happy with him. He has had his issues, but honestly, sheesa pipe aside, he's not really done much wrong for a while... Soz...
  5. Nah, it'll be just like Piennar, he'll never play and they'll sell him in a year
  6. I knew Gareth would have had something to do with the 'benteke up the arse...' comment...class
  7. I don't actually see us buying anyone that's not lower league... The rumours are there, but nothing's happening... Not sure on Macheda, was hoping for more of a solution rather than a quick fix loan
  8. He had a lot more than one good game last year...he was one of our only consistent performers
  9. Fulham have sold Dembele...perhaps they'll make a bid for DB9. They'll have plenty of wonga if they sell Dempsey too... I think getting Dempsey might even soften the blow!
  10. Look what happened with Torres at Liverpool. Bid came in on the final day, next breath, he'd gone!
  11. Jamaican-villan is right...I can see Bent being sold as we 'have replacements'
  12. I still think that being linked with target men is irrelevant when we still lack players who can play wide! Last night showed how we have nobody who will push for the byline and cross!
  13. Heskey MKII if we sign Lambert, no sell on value, not sure he'll maintain his current form for long...
  14. Avfcmysteryman claims 2 clubs have enquired about Bent. Watch us buy a striker, then sell Bent and not replace him... He also says £8m will clinch deal for Benteke. I would like both, not just 1 in our team by Saturday morning!
  15. Plus, with the amount of effort (or lack of) that will be put in tonight, would you give them a day off? The longer this goes on, the more I'm expecting the 'ran out of time' excuse...it's a shame we haven't had months to address these problems...if only there was a long period of time, a window if you will, in which transfers can be made, rather than this 1 week gap we find ourselves in...if only...
  16. So we are buying a player who is banned for 4 more games... We really are making it easy for people to laugh at us!
  17. Disagree about Jenas, hardly played yes, but when he did play, he looked good...in fact, if he can prove his fitness I think he'd be a good shout. Like I said 'by association'...I'm not saying they are not good enough, just that they do not fill my with confidence as they have come from a lower league. Totally agree about wasting money on players like Hutton, as I think we would be doing with Doyle, I just worry that we're not in a position to build a team right now
  18. All these links are nice, but we still haven't been linked with any bloody wingers (apart from tenuous link with Downing)
  19. Never heard of him, but I'm disappointed to see that our squad issues (not being good enough) are being sorted using players from the lower leagues, who, by association, aren't good enough... We're sadly not in a position to build, if we do, we could go down. I hope we sign other/better players...
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