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Everything posted by BleedClaretAndBlue

  1. Welcome Alex. Now sit down and watch this before you get started and know what it means to play for and represent this club. A few on Sunday could do with doing the same
  2. Another monumental waste of money. I remember the January he came in when everything was on the up n up, he was sitting in the stands as we won away at Southampton thanks to a Ross Barkley goal. Now he’s going back to play in the same league as him and we didnt really get a proper look at him other than a short run of games when Jack was injured and we were pony. Be interesting what stories come out from him in the near future about his time at Villa.
  3. This news would have infuriated me in 1998 when I used to watch wrestling
  4. Wolves doesnt feel like a derby to me and never has. Might do to them. Leeds has had a bit of needle since the c’ship days and the fans and players alike seem a lot more up for it
  5. This fixture feels like the closest thing to a derby for us in the league
  6. Good signing if you listen to Spanish fans and not just from Betis either. Welcome Alex
  7. The worst Steven to happen to Villa since Gerrard
  8. Got to laugh. Its classic Villa. Even after the pen and red card, only we can still go on to lose to a League Two side at home Sanson was good, hopefully he’ll get a few more chances in the first team if he sticks around this month Its a shocking result, but it’s deserved, we dont act like the PL team in these games. Its happened so many times. I would say its on a par with the Bradford debacle, but this is worse given the squad we have now compared to them. So much for the cup competition specialist, we’ve gone out of both under his watch. Only a really strong league finish now to play for this season. Another 2 injuries today aswell.
  9. We really do have a braindead group of footballers, even Emery cant save them
  10. They’ve defended well, stayed in the game, we’ve been playing at half arsed pace. Deserved
  11. Shooting practice next week. Ollie needs to get his guy in
  12. That was the moment Phil realised he has lost his powers
  13. Its infested his mind now and is eating him alive. He needs a goal or something to cure him
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