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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. I think we'll see Heskey playing in the hole tomorrow. Sigh.
  2. He wont. Yeah, he probably won't.
  3. I'd happily take either of those at this point. *9th :oops:
  4. Even at this point in the season 8th or 8th is achievable if the manager had even an ounce of (real) winning mentality. Set out to win, and sure we might lose more, but we'd win a heck of a lot more with the players at our disposal. With players like Ireland, N'Zogbia, Gabby, Bent, Petrov, Gardner playing with the tenacity they showed during the 2nd half of the QPR game, we would have completely smashed Wigan and picked up 3 points to boot. But instead, we have no real intent to attack or win the game...and we end up getting a point (any other team than Wigan and we would have lost as even they were posing us some questions). This has become all too typical of our season, and McLeish is surely to blame for that?
  5. The article also says that the club are also negotiating with Cuellar. Good pieces of news those.
  6. Arsenal in the FA Cup. That is all.
  7. I agree, this is his main issue imo. The talent is there (skillwise, he can't be much worse than England international Danny Welbeck of almost the same age?), but he just doesn't seem to want it, it looks like he couldn't care less if he did well or not.
  8. I happen to agree with the majority of the posts you make on here, but you are the most negative poster on this forum. Things are not as bad on the pitch or financially as you think. CI's far from the most negative poster...in fact i'd say he's usually the most optimistic on matchdays . But that is a bit of an overreaction as I think we're currently at the part where it gets worse before it gets better. If AM is sacked at the end of the season, I think we'd be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. He'll probably make them in that case. Hope so anyway. that makes two of us.
  10. If AVB gets sacked he would seem a good fit for Villa. A step down from the massive job he shouldn't have got in the first place. Randy's vision of allowing the youth to come through (probably because of the financial situation) which he seems to share, getting rid of the troublesome 'old guard' and being afforded the time to do so (unlike at Chelsea), changing the style of football at the club, he's young...i could just keep going.
  11. He'll probably miss the Euros too according to AM .
  12. It's all very depressing. Hope Dazza's fit for Poland/Ukraine, he's long overdue a major tournament, the poor guy.
  13. If Wigan go down, Martinez would be the obvious choice. Still not ideal though, as he lacks a cutting edge winning mentality. I'd be even more demoralized if Bruce came in, good god that's some depressive shit.
  14. We had more possession than Swansea and Arsenal :shock: ?
  15. No he didn't. It was a very good save. Whenever a keeper makes a good save against Bent it automatically goes down as a "missed sitter". i don't know how much easier it can get for a striker than one on one with thet keeper (apart from open goal tap-ins). He's missed a ton of those, and the only ones he scored from memory were against Chelsea which barely trickled over the line, and Arsenal in the cup where it was initially saved. Love Bent, but he isn't above criticism.
  16. The Ronaldo, and of course Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Those two players were my role models as a kid growing up playing the number 9 position. Never seen better finishers in my life.
  17. You should, it's a great game. It's also kinda like the origin story of Zelda.
  18. Finished LoZ: Skyward Sword recently, now playing Twilight Princess (still not really 'feeling' it...though it's picking up). Oh and I regularly pick up a 35 turn game of Mario Party 3 with my bro .
  19. It was clear when AM opted for an on loan Jenas over Makoun that he wasn't the type of player suited to AM's style (if you could call it that). Which is a shame, I think he would have been valued very highly by a Martinez/Lambert type manager.
  20. I don't think the attacking players in our squad really respect McLeish. When I was reading about Carlos Tevez' explanation of what transpired on that eventful day in Munich, I noticed something interesting. He said that he (and Edin Dzeko) got pissed because Mancini put on De Jong for Dzeko to presumably keep the score at 2-0 (this is debatable, but this is how Tevez saw it). Now, that was only one incident. Imagine the players in our club like Ireland and N'Zogbia who have to put up with AM doing that throughout countless games this season?
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