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Everything posted by Zhan_Zhuang

  1. Zhan_Zhuang


    ^ I prefer Dorada myself But yeah it should be fair if you are lucky, it's a little changeable around this time of year though. I also echo the recommendation on Timanfaya National Park (Fire Mountain). Some nice vineyards along the way if you fancied a taster?! The seafood is delicious in Playa Blanca, which is where I stayed. I'd recommend a digestif by the name of honey rum/Ron Miel too.
  2. Almost anti-English sentimentality here...a pity!
  3. Yet Bent scored two goals in his last appearance so I presume he's probably pretty happy actually!
  4. On current form Gabby is priceless; only David Silva has more assists! Now I would love to see this.
  5. Yes we have some tough games coming up but should we be worried about Liverpool and Chelsea; both teams are not exactly in great form? I personally think McLeish has done a steady job considering losing two very good players in Ashley Young and Downing. He has to be given some time and I think a top eight finish is certainly achievable.
  6. The woman has issues, I can sense the negativity and I think it would be bad for you. Try to think of it differently than just about sex and you should see from a clearer perspective. Stay in control of the desire...
  7. My wife bought one brand new last year; Veloce, in magnesio grey and 170bhp but I swear it's faster. And yes it is a lovely car to drive much nicer than mine... I have a VW Golf GT, now four years old so I was thinking of getting the new Golf R or possibly the Golf 35 but I'm waiting until January.
  8. I wonder if Courtney has a version of that gathering dust and under lock and key?
  9. Yes I agree, possibly my favourite frontman/voice/performer of all time! Have you heard the Perfect Crime soundtrack which he composed? There's another out soon called The Solitude of Prime Numbers. I also really like the Kaada/Patton project Romances which was a reworking of cinematic Sci-fi soundtracks from the 1960's/1970's but as imagined by Mahler, Liszt, Brahms and Chopin. It was so imaginative and so atmospheric, creating moments of beauty and eeriness too. The John Zorn/Moonchild project is insane...did you know Patton is to appear on Zorn's upcoming Christmas album (i kid you not) and sings on "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and "The Christmas Song". Can't wait for that!!! Upcoming projects called Crudo (with Dan the Automator) a Lovage pt.2 perhaps? And The Nevermen with Doseone (from Anticon). I think I first got bit by FNM when I saw this as a kid in 1992 -
  10. Yes from me on page 4... I personally think Patton not only has one of the greatest voices ever but his discography is so eclectic. It's a shame people think popular music is the barometer for quality and never seek out artists such as Patton who represent the uniqueness of music. Good article from Iggy Pop in regard to Kurt Cobain there; he's right that Kurt had the energy seldom seen in music. Unfortunately he got disenchanted by music because of Producers and record companies begging him for the next Smells Like Teen Spirit...oh and I guess the heroin didn't help either! A musical get-together between Iggy and Kurt definitely would've been a good listen; I know Kurt was a massive Stooges fan. Nirvana meets the Stooges, if only!
  11. Oh, Carol Ah, the Queen of Bass, playing on some of Stevie Wonder's greatest tunes including 'I Was Made To Love Her' and many of The Beach Boys classics including Pet Sounds. She was a huge part of Phil Spector's 'Wall of Sound' era which of course inspired the likes of Brian Wilson.
  12. Truly great...seriously?! Besides any credibility for that song most likely is the result of Dylan. The song is almost a gospel standard tune and hence the footnotes for this were written long ago. Off the top of my head you want great bass playing fusing gospel, country, rock, bluegrass etc then listen to The Band and notably the parts played by Rick Danko. Here Flea, pretty much plays more notes in ninety seconds than through the entirety of that U2 song - And from one extreme to the other (the bass here is so much better than the U2 song from a technical point of view: more notes, swirling around the percussion and interlaced perfectly with the guitar) - Funk (after the initial 0.27) -
  13. and yet some "experts" are saying that Achtung Baby was totally different to anything before it :confused: though I know nothing about music according to you :winkold: and I'm probably not really qualified to say this but to my ears Achtung baby doesn't sound anything like the Joshua tree .... Chillis have been mentioned a few times but people are aware that they were treated within the music industry as a joke to start with , It is the same funk rock over and over. The same instrumentation. The same beat. Nothing changes .... now despite that i don't' mind a lot of their music but with lyrics such as Compare us to a ferris WHEEL Just be sure of what you want to STEAL My disenchanted DIPLOMAT Asleep inside the LAUNDROMAT Hop along to the cowboy BEAT When I feel your fire jump up to MEET I think even at his pretentious best Bono is a better lyricist than Keidis ... now i know it's trendy to bash / knock U2 but they must have been doing something right to have shifted 150 million + records ?? These experts you refer to, are they also musicians or merely failed-musicians who turn their hands to journalism? At the end of the day I'm not saying either band are up there with the best of them but it's a joke if anyone thinks U2 are technically better than the Chilis; Hillel Slovak, John Frusciante and Flea are truly great musicians and play varied styles of music unlike those portrayed by U2. You only have to look at the new ground Frusciante has taken since his departure and his many solo albums indeed a level up technically from the Chilis and an infinite amount above U2. Ah you quote lyrics from Stadium Arcadium…their worst album by far (imo), and not the greatest example of lyrical dexterity at all; however you can find good lyrics for example on The Zephyr Song, many on the album Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Under the Bridge has good lyrics, notably about real-life drug addiction (Kiedis) But if you noted my post I never actually made comment about lyrics only the music as being technically better than U2. On this ‘musical’ point, the Chilis aren’t just about the same beat, you are wrong as they mixed that up on the aforesaid Blood Sugar Sex Magik where they infused music which had a different beat and tempo notably Jazz and Blues. I did say this already but the point and indeed fact was obviously lost. U2 have shifted so many records due to marketing machines and being safe and it's exactly the same reason why the Chili Peppers shifted so much after Under the Bridge where many housewives loved it's seemingly innocent sound but where later disgusted at the sexual content of songs like Sir Psycho Sexy etc.
  14. A terrible example to the people who buy Q or who visit their website. U2 have sounded the same over 25 years for sure: safe, boring and utterly pretentious. The music they serve up is heavily produced and middle of the road pop-rock. Yes the Chili Peppers now seem to be past their best but everything they have done has surpassed that of U2 on a technical level. Blood Sugar Sex Magik fused elements of Rock, Funk, Soul, Blues, Jazz and Rap among other elements and brought them into the consciousness of people not normally exposed to that style of music. U2 on the other hand is music for people who don't know anything about music...!
  15. **** yes. I forgot about him, absolutely sublime bass player (my favourite by a mile) and great front man. It wouldn't be an overstatement to say he is a musical genius.
  16. I also agree that The Flaming Lips are rubbish... but back to the subject of frontmen how about David Yow (The Jesus Lizard) he certainly puts on a good show -
  17. I love the Beach Boys but Mike is one of the crappest corniest frontmen ever! Good man! And sorry I was being ironic hence the :!:
  18. Arthur Lee George Clinton Muddy Waters In no particular order – Robert Plant Iggy Pop Arthur Lee Mike Patton G.G. Allin Eddie Vedder Ronnie Hawkins Mike Love :!: I don't like Queen that much but yes Mercury was a great 'front man'.
  19. GSP has a knee problem and his fight with Condit is on hold...Penn v. Diaz is the main event now!
  20. It will be a 4-4-2...don't worry! 3-0 Villa Agbonlahor (2) Bent
  21. Zhan_Zhuang


    Munich is a lovely city... Königsplatz Deutsches Museum Olympiapark Hofbräuhaus And on the outskirts if you have time visit Neuschwanstein Castle (if it is open that time of year?).
  22. I agree that Hutton's a donkey! The argument was always stipulated that he was better going forward, but as far as I can tell he is equally as bad; he cannot beat a player, his crossing is woeful and an average touch. Such a waste of money it seems.
  23. He does not deserve to go, give his place to someone else. Oh and I agree that we need to drop some of the older players from the midfield and inject some exuberance in there. Parker and Wilshere or maybe even Milner (if only he was playing regularly for his club side).
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