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Everything posted by Zhan_Zhuang

  1. Not one-by-one at all, hence the protagonist would not have ended up with a knife in his back! Technically it's decent fight scene and quite realistic as the corridor was narrow and also filmed in one continuous take. As a martial artist myself it was fairly well-executed.
  2. A GREAT POST! These are the facts and hence are contrary to the opinions of people here who do not rate Petrov.
  3. A truly terrible twenty minutes of football from Villa, have we strung more than two passes together? We're going to lose this.
  4. A good start to the season, he was better today and showed good skill, passing and strength. Hopefully with experience he will get better as the season does progress. Petrov won't be dropped as Club Captain so the shirt is his to lose.
  5. I agree that Delph looks good again as he did against Fulham. Strong, good passing, skillful and ability to beat a player. Would maybe give him a rest later though to keep him fresh. Yes Blackburn are an average team but N'Zonzi is decent and Dunn as much as we dislike him is a very experienced player.
  6. Given Man of the Match by a country mile. Defenders all of them were solid. Delph looked pretty good. Not much else of note... Good point as far as I am concerned. First things first we need to get the defence sorted and then we can build from there. I think many people underestimate Fulham, they've got some very good players many of whom featured high in the Opta statistics last season including Hangeland, Dempsey and Zamora. They'll be comfortably top ten in my view. Early days for Big Eck's Villa but this point will give the team confidence for the next match; the test is to see whether we can play with a little more attacking intent at home.
  7. 2-0 Villa. I'd like to see Big Eck go attacking here; Petrov and Delph proved they could handle Blackburn no problem in the Asia Cup but we must play two up front. Given Young Collins Dunne Warnock N'Zogbia Petrov Delph Albrighton Agbonlahor Bent
  8. I see Dunne still appears to be a liability.
  9. Hello General, First time poster in your thread; thank you for gritting it out. It is appreciated! I know you do not comment on transfer matters directly but can you please take note of the following regarding Stewart Downing. To put things clear why don't Villa take a hard line approach with Liverpool and explain just like Daniel Levy had done at Spurs and clarify that Downing is not for sale and that this would be the end of it? This is twice now that THEY have upset our players recently, firstly with Barry and now with Downing; I can't understand what part of two-year contract they fail to grasp! I would also echo the sentiment over a preference for claret shirts and blue shorts. All claret is not Villa at all! Thank you, ZZ.
  10. No problemo and me too! The good news is the print will be the remastered one. However it is the dubbed version that they are showing...I can't remember which version I've seen before it was so long ago! :shock:
  11. The film that began Manga as far as I am concerned is showing on Syfy HD this weekend - Akira
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