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Everything posted by M_Afro

  1. Now that BCFC have a bit of cash, I wonder if we could close the transfer circle by selling them Hogan for £15m?
  2. I remember all those years ago that big Ron signed a left back from Liverpool who their fans thought was too slow and weak. My Dad took me to see him make his debut at Sheff Wednesday. He scored and had a stormer. No surprise when Liverpool re-signed him all those years later.
  3. This thread makes me laugh. We haven’t even signed the kid yet and he is already too slow, too expensive and too weak. How many people have actually seen him play regularly? I like him. I remember sitting at Wembley last May and discussing his performance at length. He was quality that day. For the record, he didn’t look slow or weak. Don’t forget where we were 12 months ago Villans. Enjoy this because it is light years ahead of that place.
  4. No way. I think the big man has real potential. They can have him on loan for a season but he still has a future at VP.
  5. Very sorry to hear that mate. Blessings to you and your family. I lost my Dad last summer. The next villa match I went to I parked in the usual place, walked the usual route, sat in the usual seat and drank the usual half time drink. It suddenly dawned on me that I had been doing this all my life because this had been my Dad’s routine when he first took me as a boy. My Dad was alive and well in me and will be passed down to my son when he gets a bit older. UTV
  6. Imagine if we still had Brucie doing our transfer dealings this summer with all the money available! The mind boggles!!!!
  7. I had to take my son to his new school today to meet his teacher. There was another little boy there called Friday. Coincidence?????????
  8. I still think this will happen. I really hope it does too
  9. Well they would be wrong.
  10. We are in a very strong position with Butland. 1. He wants to play in the Premier League. 2. Stoke have already signed his replacement and will want to sell him. 3. Not that many premier league clubs will be able to afford his transfer fee and wages. 4. Virtually all that can already have top GKs. Thus our competition is likely to be minimal or possibly even non existent. Low demand = low price. Stoke will eventually have to budge or risk being stuck with a very unhappy player who has high wages. It’s all about the waiting game this one.
  11. I suppose my point is that the semi final goal wasn’t an error by Jed. Jed just wasn’t good enough to get there and make the save whereas a top GK would have been. Of course all players can make mistakes and GKs do drop clangers but there is a distinct difference between a clanger and a minor lack of ability. That save was out of his skill range but would have been within the capability of a better GK.
  12. I do agree with the above but you cannot legislate for the timing of deals. There are too many external factors. We will be working on all of the above but the deals will be finalised as they happen not by our own perceived order of importance. If we get a GK first and a DM last then so be it. We need to trust the guys making the decisions. We actually have a good group handling the negotiations for the first time in years. I fully trust them to make the right decisions.
  13. It was a good save but it’s pretty pointless if he then let’s one in that he could have saved. I like Jed. He has done well for us but I think Butland is a big step up and he can be our number 1 for years. If we can get him then we definitely should. People talk about other priorities but why do they think we will sign a GK instead of a centre half for example? We will sign both if suitable options are available.
  14. He was Stoke player of the season. When did we last have a GK win that award?
  15. Good goal keepers are so under rated by some people and I cannot understand why. We haven’t had a good GK for years. If we can get Butland then we should. A good GK can win you games with their performances. I think that Jed has done ok but I would not say that he has actually put in a match winning performance. Look at the Gayle goal in the SF. A top GK does not concede that (harsh on Jed but I am just trying to emphasise my point). Not an obvious error but simply an example of where marginal improvements can make a massive difference. I remember going to watch villa play at Sunderland in the league cup in the early nineties with my dad. We won the match 4-1 I think and were largely outplayed from start to finish. The difference that day was Bosnich. He was simply unbeatable. I can remember lots of recent incidences where we have had GK cost us points but few where they have won them for us. Butland has the ability to do that for us.
  16. Steer has signed a new contract
  17. The fact he has joined QPR probably just about says it all to be honest!
  18. Really great news. I think he will go on to be much more than a squad player. I loved the way he just came on in the play off final, at a really tense time and did his job. Very impressive. Seems a good character too. Welcome back big Hause. You are most welcome indeed.
  19. Whether we achieved promotion this year or next, the aim was to achieve it in relatively short order and therefore to be a premier league team whilst his contract was still in its infancy. We are only looking to buy players who can be part of that journey and thus I believe he was purchased as someone who can play at that level. He looks to be a good footballer who can cover both sides of defence as a full back or wing back. I think our blue print will be to sign good young football players who can be developed and cover various positions. This will be essential as we try to build a squad. I expect him to be starting against Spurs. He also looks to be able to spot a good long pass which could hopefully be a useful weapon for fast counter attacks.
  20. With everything else that has been going on, I feel that this signing has not quite reached the levels of excitement that it deserves. We have signed a highly rated Brazilian striker people! Let’s enjoy the moment. I think he may well score 100 goals next season. Maybe even 150............either way he will almost certainly get more than Hogan!
  21. M_Afro

    The NSWE Board

    Blimey we have got a lot to thank these guys for. What a turnaround in our club since they took over. 12 months of positive change on and off the pitch. I work in the South East and am surrounded by Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea and bloody Spurs fans. This is the first time in years that I have really been able to talk Villa up and I am loving it! Thanks to our great owners. Keep up the good work.
  22. Before yesterday I did not believe this rumour. Yesterday has changed everything. Our owners really appear to mean business. This would be another sign of that. He is a top keeper which is something we have lacked for years and years. I would love this to happen.
  23. This is a real statement signing. A show of intent. Is it a coincidence that we have made this particular signing early? Possibly but let’s be honest it will create a buzz around the club. It will make Villa look like a good place to be and will hopefully act as a draw to other potential recruits. Our exec finally seem to really know what they are doing. Love it!
  24. From a professional point of view, what a 12 months that Deano has just experienced. I doubt that even he would dare to believe, 12 months ago, that fast forward 12 months and he would be spending £20m on a Brazilian CF as a premier league manager. Another example that life can change so quickly. The opportunity arrived and he took it. Fair play. Nice guys can sometimes win after all. Get in Deano
  25. Totally agree with this. It is a joy. Also imagine how bad it would have been if we had gone up last year! We would have been skint and trying to build a squad to compete. Dinobruce and Xia would have been all over Sturridge and the like, saddling is with a load of crap players on massive long contracts with no chance of ever off loading them. This year, even if we do spend big money, it will be on players who’s value will probably increase and will remain saleable assets. We are in a really strong position for the first time in years. With some careful investment and a bit of luck, we can easily finish in the top 10. We really have the momentum. I just hope the fans stick with it, come what may. The relationship between the team and the fans for the final third of the season was amazing. The best I have ever known. That’s worth 10 points in itself.
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