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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. Well, I for one am hoping, praying you're right today. He just might..
  2. We're going to win this one. I don't know how, but we are.
  3. It's rather sweet that the second film presents us with a world in 2015 where flying cars and hover boards are common place and yet we're also heavily reliant on fax machines. Or at least the McFly's are anyway. Too bad the Cubs were swept last night.
  4. This week I've watched quite a few Villa 80-81 match highlight videos on YTube to make me feel better. It doesn't really help.
  5. Please bring Cleverley back, please. This post could be written on any other midfielder thread too.
  6. I like Amavi, but he has cost us a lot more than he has won. He's a wonderful talent, but needs time. The decision to start Richardson was a good one.
  7. True, but for now I think it's for the best.
  8. Bumped from page four. I think he was good today. A calm experienced figure at the back. Should keep his place for now.
  9. Grealish and Gil I actually think Richardson is a pretty smart player too.
  10. Good first half, too bad about the mistake. Richardson did well, and should continue starting at LB.
  11. Not many on the current squad you like then Paul?
  12. AVTuco

    Adama Traore

    Realistic? Not me mate... I'm afraid that's what'll happen to him here eventually.
  13. AVTuco

    Adama Traore

    Into the oblivion, just like Amavi...
  14. Unfortunately you're right. And it's Sherwood's fault we have no depth - Sherwood clearly didn't trust Guzan at the end of last season, and yet lets Given go and retains Guzan. What kind of a decision is that?
  15. i'm desperate already, we're going down... oh my...
  16. How often do you open Windows really? At McDonalds drive-in, but anywhere else?
  17. The last thing we need is another sorry depressed post. This team has broken me.
  18. Our best player by far. Too bad he's been so unlucky up front. I'm sure he'll get those goals eventually.
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