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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. I'm afraid the speed needed may be a big problem to us. Our best players, Jack and Mings, tend to work the ball very slow...
  2. I'm counting on you today Tom!
  3. Oh well... I hope you can surprise us Kodj.
  4. My favorite player already. I want him to play Saturday, he's fit enough!
  5. We'll be very raw going into this. I'm happy if we avoid a spanking. A nice one goal loss or a tie would be great.
  6. AVTuco

    Ezri Konsa

    This preseason has been absolutely blast for us. Except for the racism that has surfaced, and the endless discussions it provokes. I don't need either. I want football. That's why I'm here.
  7. Why not? There should be. Until then I won't believe he'll ever come.
  8. I think this is where I differ from many of you guys. If I believed he was able to continue assisting/scoring in the PL, I would have to make room for him. I'm hesitant, so I must not believe he will.
  9. Replacing doesn't mean playing in the same role. But if you want to play him in an advanced role, but hang onto Jack and McGinn, what else can you do?
  10. My attempt for sarcasm obviously failed mate.
  11. You should not give an opinion until we've played half a season. Until then, we should keep quiet and hope for the best.
  12. Would like to actually see him play one day.
  13. Then he replaces one of the wingers, which is probably the safest option.
  14. You didn't read the whole sentence, did you? I'm trying to explain why it is very hard for me to place him anywhere in our line-up. He definitely is not a DM, he costs us goals there. You would think he should play further up then, if he's such a goal/assist machine. But his assists come from set pieces as well as his goals. So what do you do with him? I don't know.
  15. We need a goal scorer. It's good our midfield can chip in as well as they have, but forwards need to be a major goal threat too.
  16. We all agree he's not a DM, but problem is he's not an AM either. He just has a great left foot. If he doesn't score (or assist) from a set piece, he's pretty much useless, a liability actually.
  17. That's not the logic to use for every position in every situation. Our squad is young, Elmo would balance that out. Guilbert will have his chance.
  18. It's a very healthy sign we did so well without Jack being the main contributor. In PL we need to able to do it since Jack is our only stand-out player who opposition will target. And they'll do it in a much more effective way than Champ teams did.
  19. "Such an" is demeaning. I think that was the problem. Edit: sorry for answering before I read all the comments about this already. No need to start again.
  20. No way should we sell him. Reasons above. I'd actually start him against Spurs. First game, big stadium, lots of pressure... I'd choose experience.
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