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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. Their players are much more mobile and technically superior. Ours are bigger and stronger, yet we lose all set pieces. How can we win this? Clean sheet and Jack.
  2. Pukki making runs behind Engels and Hause doesn't sound too good. I'd start Konsa, he's a bit faster.
  3. I'm thinking that way when I post here. No way should Fred be reading through these pages. If everyone here starts to think that you can only write here what you would say to the player himself, well it would make this site much duller. I do think some fanboi messages every now and then would be great too!
  4. We're all nervous, and for a good reason. Now it's time to get behind the team though. Especially those going to the game, our lads need you. Save the critique until after the game. Pretty please.
  5. Yep, Engels out at least until Mings is back. Konsa in.
  6. Missing him does seem to have a major negative mental effect though. He is a respected figure out there who raises the chin of our young players.
  7. Wesley will play, so maybe it's time for 4-4-2.
  8. Well, I haven't. But that's VT for you, somebody says something which becomes a collective opinion for a minute. I'd say it's becoming clear that Engels looked good early on, but now without Mings he is getting exposed. I'm finding it very hard to hail any of our CBs currently. They're no match for quick strikers, and we must be the worst team in the air in the box. We all know WDFAFC and we're getting our asses handed to us from a set piece every game.
  9. Oh, just to add, I may not agree with your first point, but I am certain your second point is true.
  10. I do't fully agree, but it may be a position where Dean is willing to try to improve on Jan.
  11. My point was that we need help everywhere ... again.
  12. With that logic we need a whole new team bar Jack and Heaton.
  13. Neither Nakamba nor Luiz is good enough. We're in trouble in front of our CBs.
  14. He has leader qualities and is good in the air. With Mings out, we need both of those.
  15. I don't agree with this. There are logical reasons why Elmo might be more suited to our current situation.
  16. Problem is that our other options are not any better.
  17. We cannot have two liabilities as FBs. Either him or guilbert needs to be benched. Matt is lucky to have Taylor as competition.
  18. I'd put Elmo back in. He brings leadership to our defense, is decent in the air and has a good cross in him, all of which we sorely miss at the moment. He also occationally is dangerous up front with his smart moves.
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