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Everything posted by AVTuco

  1. The team out there today would be a good Championship team for us next season. Awesome!
  2. That's weird. You'd think most of these had something to show or prove to the manager.
  3. All our players are squad players. We need serious quality.
  4. This is what we are without Jack. We MUST avoid relegation.
  5. I don't like it that Nyland has taken an extra touch twice now before his clearance... can get away with it here, but not in PL.
  6. I have not forgotten how awful this guy is between the pipes. I never, ever, want to see it again, not in a Villa shirt anyway.
  7. AVTuco

    Keinan Davis

    What? So you don't dread it yet?
  8. There's no one like Jack in PL currently. And I think in the world either. Jack is unique. And to top the skills off he's also very likeable and marketable pretty face. Someone young boys and girls can idolize and dream about. He's worth so much.
  9. Just to be sure: this is not irony?
  10. I have that feeling too. And now that I've said that, I have another feeling: we're both going to look pretty dumb at some point!
  11. No, of course not mate. I'm just damn angry with that tackle and its' consequences to a young player.
  12. Look only at the goal line. That's what VAR is good for.
  13. Not sure what you mean by this. Is it their fault this happened?
  14. I think there's a level of reckless behaviour there. Mee doesn't seem to be too concerned about the well-being of his opponents. He is a danger to other players, a low-level danger, but still a danger. He would need a reminder somehow.
  15. A serial offender that Mee - there should be a way to punish scum like him afterwards.
  16. AVTuco

    Ezri Konsa

    Is he? Ok, I thought he was bigger.
  17. That's a bit too much IMO. He's fine though.
  18. What an important win and comeback from the Watford atrocity. Well done Smith and players.
  19. I like him. He's a better defender than Konsa at this point.
  20. Jack's not going anywhere. He'll stay here and Villa will win everything with him.
  21. AVTuco

    Ezri Konsa

    Ability to defend is crucial for us right now. And Hause is better at that right now.
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