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Everything posted by floody555

  1. Sorry but this top says Small heath to me
  2. Sorry, thought I was in 'off-topic'. Have you any room to enlighten us further though on the kit?
  3. ha ha Delphinho. Yellow by any chance..... I like what you've done there so we can safely say away is yellow again
  4. HA HA so in true VT style subject has now changed and nobody is none the wiser on the kit UTV
  5. As its coming to that time of year again I just wanted to know if anyone has any information regarding our Kit for next season? Plus we all love it when Imarsha gets his designs on the go
  6. The way he's turned his villa career around is awesome for him as you can see how committed he is, and he is definatley my player of season so far its just a shame we're going to lose him for the next 2 games
  7. I know people get carried away but to say we were extremely unlucky is a bit harsh, I thought we'd done more than enough to win it and honestly could see us getting a goal before we was awarded the penalty as we just kept hitting them. Which I thought fair f*cks to TS as it looks like the philosophy is starting to convey, and was quite impressed with the performance. Keep the faith people. UTV
  8. I like that selection a lot and I think at left back you'll have to say Lowton again thought he did pretty good at Newcastle
  9. If someone does come in for him in the summer think he'll be lucky for it to be a 'BIG' club as I think he's getting a little injury prone as he get to the other side of 30. If you clock up how many months he's been injured in the time he's been here I think you'll find it to be nearly half the time injured, and the annoying thing is always seems to stupid little niggly things Still rate him but think he comes back a bit to rusty, we need another Laursen or Mellberg and I think we may have one in Okore UTV
  10. I really do like what I'm hearing from TS he definitely gets me fired up with what he's saying and I hope it strikes a cord with the players too. I was a bit dubious about him coming to begin with because of how he went about the media at spurs but it really does get you going. We were so unlucky against Newcastle little things just didn't go our way but I did see a definite improvement from the stoke game IMO, don't think it'll be long (tonight hopefully) before we're getting an end result. I have faith in what he he's trying to instil in the style of play.Come TS you can do it UTV
  11. Too right brother lets get behind them....... come on you villa boys UTV
  12. This was my 1st Kit and it had the 'coca cola cup winners' above the badge still 1 of my favourites if our new home is anything like this i think a lot of us will be well happy.... VTiD
  13. I think if anything will happen it'll be done pretty quickly after the season finishes, as they were mega quick in sacking Mcliesh (day after season ended) That was a very happy monday for me
  14. oh yes that kit would be awesome and 'Delphinio' was pretty spot on last year, come Imarsha get on the designing with less pin stripes but also wider
  15. NO NO NO If we sack him then we start all over again and then it will be the next persons problem, its only 18 months in to striping the club right back. What's the point of getting on his back and if you thought it would be a quick fix after the SHIT O'Niel left us in then you're massively mistaken as we know Lerner pumped £250m into our beloved club on and of the field (1 of the best training complexes) in the uk. There's no wonder he's pulled the plug on the finances and forced Lambert to shop in the lower echelons of the football leagues. I think it would be 3 yrs at least before we see an improvement on the field and already tonight i've seen a different approach in his press conf' to getting some1 more experienced in to help the younger ones and this is obviously as the funds are becoming a little more accesible VTiD
  16. Lambert needs to change our formation!

  17. i just think we need to sort out our formation i don't think putting 1 up top works, especially at home! We need 4 defenders not a winger (Bacuna) at what is essentially right back we need to use these player in the right manner i say get Lowton back in, plus put Weimann up top with Benteke and our next 11 games should be pretty decent and get the points that 'oaks' says we should get..... UTV
  18. Aww man this is fecking torture, bring back the days when we wore the new kit on the last home game of the current season (Norwich did in the season just gone)
  19. i know yeah i should of checked earlier pages lol, plus its hard to keep up when your at work
  20. There you have then peeps Dafabet it is then http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~3206310,00.html
  21. I couldn't of put it better myself 'Ginko' well done mate, fair play UTV
  22. yep the mobile version dont even load for me either
  23. well one of my favourite colours is purple so that away kit is awesome in my eyes, i just hope that imarsha is right about the home but where the stripes are white on the cllar change them to blue
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