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Everything posted by abdulaziz1

  1. I'm hoping .. But really I don't want to get more excited .. Although I'm just refreshing the thread + exploring twitter !
  2. We Actually use the real meaning of a winger .. Gabby and Weimann areas ..
  3. First thing is that Spurs wages was less than us if I'm not mistaken .. Second thing the quality there was better than us .. Thirdly they've made it to the CL yet we didn't .. Another thing is .. For example a player like Westwood or Lowton .. Who could be better than them in PL and we could afford ?! Eck got 4 proven Premier League players .. Yet no one is starting for us ! And even when they started .. They didn't offer us as good ! The thing is if you're only going to get crap players .. Try to get them cheap ! Doing that .. It's better to take an unproven player which your not sure if he's good or bad than getting a proven bad player with more money ! Anyways it's the only way we could go through tbh ! One of the members wrote the wages .. If we could save the money from unwanted players wages .. then we would have a space to upgrade our players wages .. And if we managed to let them say and improved next year .. Our money will be saved more .. Which will give us opportunity to up it again for the top players .. This way you only give wages for the one who deserves it .. And played with your shirt .. + you put everything in control ..
  4. Lukaku wasn't a starter most of the season .. though everybody are talking about how bad West Brom will do without him .. I saw one video for Tonev .. But tbh .. I don't want to go and try to watch until he signs .. Not really good to watch anyone and get impressed with him when he'll not sign .. I was very impressed with his shots .. We really need someone like him ! Rotate him with Weimann .. and Sometimes with Gabby .. Two of them starts .. One comes later .. Depends on every match ..
  5. Maybe Forrester .. Couldn't really think of another one who would Lambert may sign !
  6. what rating is he? this is how i will judge if he's any good haha Benteke was about 70 when he joined us .. lol
  7. 5 .. lol thought I was less than that !
  8. I think we will not get any senior player from England .. Either young one .. Or one from abroad !
  9. Why? We paid a ridiculous amount of money for him. We should do what we can to get a good price for him. Why is it better to accept a small bid just to get rid quickly? I'm not saying sell him for 4 .. But if that's the most .. Then I'd go with it .. Not many teams would pay these wages for him .. not even us if we weren't threatened by relegation that winter ! I'm afraid that we might find a diffeculty in selling him ! Which everybody thinks its easy .. I hope it's right and we could get a good price for him ,, Maybe I've got carried away with Lambert way .. And forgot that there are managers and boards like us on the past ! So who knows ?
  10. We'll see. I think other clubs may offer more money than us so we'll find out how much he "loves" the club. Well if that's the case .. We couldn't say anything .. If this more money were just 2.5 or even 5 .. I could agree with you .. But more than 10 .. I think he might consider that .. While our board don't want to pay more than what they think the player deserves .. Let's wait and see ..
  11. I watched our last game with Wigan .. And was thinking to campare between Bent and Benteke .. If I was going to talk about the goals .. It came from Bent and from Benteke .. But Benteke seems to put his influence in the game .. help us in the posession .. While Bent is good in how to score goals and where to stay .. I really think that Bent wouldn't help us with our new formation !
  12. No one will pay that amount .. Unless it includes a pay cut ! For me .. 6-8m are fine .. Even 4 ! The most important thing is that we ship him as soon as possible !
  13. I think it's because he would like to be a first choice option ..
  14. Well .. I think finding a buyer paying let's say 2 Mil + something like 40k weekly is better than us paying 5 mil ! Give him the 2 and let the other club pay the wages .. and that's it !
  15. Lambert .. Why to take Gabby ?!! He's the one with pace in our team !! I think we need Zoggy now instead of Weimann ..
  16. Dawkins is doing a good job tbh .. didn't expect that from him ..
  17. One of the worse performances ever in the history of ever i'd say. Well .. Not worse than the one at the Villa Park for sure .. is it ? ^^
  18. Gabby seems that he doesn't trust anyone in the team atm .. lol !
  19. Zoggy must come in ! We couldn't defend .. And couldn't attack !
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