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Everything posted by ROTTERDAM1982

  1. I said to my mate after the umpteenth time of Delph, Luna and Tonev getting the ball, playing in triangles, and not going foward, and not getting anywhere, that they are frightened to try things. Too often, too many players play the easy pass, and not take chances.
  2. And how many times was he in the penalty area, on his own, with about 5/6 Sland players around him, and then either another shit cross comes over, or not at all.How many chances were created today against the bottom of the league team, how many chances were created for him, 1 i can think off.It really is not acceptable to create so little against a mediocre team.I don't mind not winning, but not creating i can't accept. Maybe, just maybe, the above is why CB is getting pissed off, still our best player by quite a way, and if we don't buy/loan, at least 2 attacking players in Jan, it would'nt surprise me if he went in Jan.
  3. That suggests to efan that you support Gabby more than you do Villa. He's ok, no more than that, i want Villa to be better than ok, i Gabby can do that, great, i'm not convinced he can, you are...fine, i hope you are right.
  4. Because Gabby does'nt do enough, i expect more.He has too many qualities to keep putting in mediocre performances, and poor goal scoring.I said at the end of last season that this trio had the abilities to renact the Deehan-Little-Gray days, but they are way off. Masybe i expect too much, but it seems ok to criticise CB, but just one word of criticism about Gabby, then everyone jumps up and down.Just remind me how many goals Gabby and Weimann have got this year.......not good enough for a club as big as AVFC.
  5. Have to say, can't argue with that Andy, movement is very poor.
  6. Drop him then Stefan, sell him then, we don't need him we have Weimann and Gabby..........i don't think so. Benteke is a much better player than either, Gabby and Weimann don't offer enough goal threat, or enough creativity.I said at the start of te season i would have gone for Remy on loan, and offerred about 4 players for Ince, i believe Benteke would have had more goals, indeed the team would have had more goals, with tem in the team. For me we won't move up the table until we replace Gabby or Weimann, prefreably both.
  7. Sorry Spooney but this Gabby love in baffles me.Should have scord with a header in the 1st 2/3 mins, should have scored in the 2nd half when their LB completely misread a pass from Benteke, leaving Gabby with a free run on goal, but his 1st,2nd and 3rd touch were poor, and yet again he did not score. Gabby could have been amazing, but hes lattered to deceive unfortunately.
  8. He did one good pass to Bacuna in the 1st minute, nothing else.He can pass ?.....no wonder we are shite at home then, if he's a good passer, then what was Alex Cropley? Seriously though, too negative, too slow, does'nt dictate a game, does'nt pick a pass, too many safe passes that don't hurt the opposition, that is his job, he does'nt do it, can't think of one telling pass today, not good enough.
  9. He was awful again today.Their no 4 gave him a lessonon how to play that position.The quicker we get a good midfield general, who can pass, pick a pass, dictate a game, and the tempo, the better, because this lad can't.
  10. Benteke 5 lge goals this year, Weimann 1, Gabby 0, don't replace CB, get rid of Weimann and Gabby.Both awful todeay, absolutely no goal threat from either.
  11. I can't repeat what i was calling Westwood throughout the game, but what a goal. He needs to be more positive...............as all the team do tbh.
  12. Is it an ongoing deficit reduction policy then HH, with limited funds in Jan? Still think a £1m pound for him would be a good deal though.
  13. Being realistic BJ, we have to attract players a la Ashley. CB, who we can maximise potential, cash in, buy he next one, and eventually get into an Everton/Spuds situation, where we can compete to get in the Chumps Lge.We need an attacking midfielder, we either loan a player like De Bruyne, or buy a good young up and coming like Hughes, or the young lad from Dundee Utd.
  14. He won't be in Ures tream for 4/5 years at the earliest, we can be a stepping stone club for him, i'm ok with that if we get a good 2 or 3 years out of him.He does look a very good prospect.
  15. If they want £10m for Hughes at Derby, then maybe that young lad at Dundee Utd might be a cheaper, and ultimately, better purchase.4 assists yday, and loks a very composed playere for his age.
  16. The bloke on the Kindle Fire advert.I want to punch him.
  17. Agree TRO.Never convinced any of them was as good as they was made out to be.Milner cost Citeeehhh £28M, did he look like it this weekend? If he was on loan, maybe, but would prefer a Hughes kind of signing tbh.
  18. Danny Ings would be worth a £4/5 m gamble. De Bruyne on loan, or Rosicky,, and if we have some money Hughes or Lestienne,
  19. Too many negative comments on here about a young lad who has just come into the country.His problem is hes trying too hard, he is quick, has good feet, and has'nt got a bad cross.He will, i believe , come good.
  20. Seems to not be so energetic as he was earlier in the season. The trouble is, in the 1st half, all 3 midfielders were too negative and too deep, picked up 2nd half, and Bacuna certainly made a difference when he went into midfield. We need a good attacking midfielder though.
  21. He's OK, but hes not that good that you reorganize the whole team to accommodate him.Has got a good cross on him, and good feet, but he is slow off the mark, and Jarvis destroyed him at times.
  22. Delph and Sylla, plus a Cabaye type of player, would be a good midfield imho.
  23. Sylla plays better alongside Delph. Agree that KEA and Sylla were too negative, and the FBs did'nt get foward enough. Westwood was ok today, still not convinced about him, but better today
  24. Did'nt hinder us for 70 mins PaulC, we was probably the best team in that 1st 70 mins. Sylla and Delph for me is just a more reliably defensive unit, but each to their own.
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