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Everything posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. Jedinak was pretty poor, he didn't really contribute, so he got replaced by Westwood so we could retain the ball a bit better. We then had two injuries to Richards & Elphick. In theory Ayew got dropped because he didn't start the game but i assume if the injuries did not occur then he would have got some minutes.
  2. It was pretty evident as to why he didn't play this evening.
  3. Poisonous atmosphere at Villa park This has certainly contributed to our downfall. This needs to change.
  4. Part of our problem is that our players are scared to play at Villa park, they panic when their own fans get on them after each mistake. I think part of the problem with this club is the atmosphere at Villa park. Its a very toxic atmosphere to play in. This is very evident now, we have set of new players and even they are struggling mentally when previously they had solid careers at their old clubs. Steve Bruce has a huge task, its going to be tough for any manager coming in.
  5. One of the reason why Villa players are mentality fragile is because the fans. Instead of encouraging the players the boo at every mistake..
  6. I think Gardner will take his spot in the next few weeks, he has a higher ceiling that Westwood ability wise.
  7. It's pretty ironic how our criteria in recruitment was about the character and leadership yet it was everything that our previous manager lacked. I think that SB has that presence that these players need especially on the touchline. We haven't had a manager with such experience and i guess accolades since MON. He may not be exciting, but he will bring some organisation, commitment and some pride back to our football club.
  8. I genuinely believe that this club is not in the position to be appointing continental managers that can change our philosophy. The moment we are in the Premier League is the moment that we will have the appeal to attract a manager that can change the philosophy of this club, Southampton and Leicester had to sack Adkins and Pearson to reach that next level. We may have Bruce for two seasons then get someone to build on his foundations. Let's be happy that we are about to appoint someone that does not know anything other than promoting teams from the championship. Let's be happy that we are going to have a system and stick with it. Steve Bruce will be licking his lips when he gets onto the training ground and actually see's the talent that we have. This squad is a lot better than the Hull side that he got promoted last season.
  9. As i've always said Southampton is a model that we seem to be trying to replicate, they languished in the doldrums of obscurity for years before being the club that they are now. This could be us. Would you prefer to be a yoyo club? Or would prefer to wait a year or two to have some solid foundations built into the club and become a top 8 premier league club again? / Wagner seems to be the real deal, he would have everything at his disposal at this club. I think he would thrive here.
  10. Wagner has to be on top of the list without a doubt. He will not only rebuild our club, but he would get us promoted within two years. He is a manager that could potentially keep us in the premier league and make us competitive if we do get promoted. Money and time needs to be thrown at Wagner A man that clearly knows what he is doing. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/sep/09/huddersfield-david-wagner-no-electricity-no-beds-football-championship
  11. I do feel like were in a currently better position to find a manager than wehave been in a long while. Keith Wyness, Brian Little and Steve round would have formulated a list, Steve Round will probably have the most say in this process.
  12. Like someone said a few pages ago the whole Championship experience thing is a load of bull. I genuinely think we should look in Germany for a manager. All i want to see is an organised Villa side with some structure and identity. Whether that identity is long ball football, counter attacking.. We just need something. The problem for any manager that is coming into this job today is the height of expectation coming from the fans. Unfortunately we are not a club that has the patience to give a young manager the chance to build something which is sad. The size of the task and role is going to be suited for an experienced, strong minded manager.
  13. There is absolutely no way that Dyche would join us currently
  14. Rumours of Di Matteo getting sacked and Dean Smith replacing him
  15. I'm still going to give him a chance, i hope that he has learnt from this game. He has tried to over-complicate tactics in the way we play. He needs to keep it simple. His change in subs and formation nicked us the point. He needs to stop trying to fit all our players in the starting line up. / This result was big for us, we played the best team in the league and showed our quality in the second half.The late equaliser is huge and i believe this game is the turning point. Our players dug deep and got rewarded for it and i think this can only have a positive effect for our confidence and togetherness in the dressing room.
  16. Why has Adomah came off? Who's going to supply Gestede with crosses?
  17. The formation needs to change, there is now we can score with this shape.
  18. I cannot see us winning this we will lose this one by two goals.
  19. I don't like how he's been publicly hung out to dry by media, manager & owner. If he shows his qualities this season he will be joining a premier league team without any hesitation next summer.
  20. Well if it has impacted his performances then perhaps our other players are inhaling NOS too
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