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Everything posted by limpid

  1. If you've been happy for 10 years, why are you thinking about changing? If it's pricing, you can get cheaper deals and stay on the same network; giffgaff or Tesco.
  2. I can still remember my first trip on the train. Back in vanilla and I don't think I was level 60 (quite) and I was pretty much terrified throughout.
  3. Please can we keep this talk of wearables out of this thread please. At least until Apple invent them.
  4. Only if you think Football and the Premier League are the same thing.
  5. Agreed blandy but didn't Apple just copy the basic style (and name) from Star Trek PADDs?
  6. So far everything is good except that it doesn't play nicely with my QI chargers.
  7. I sent my first n5 back because of faulty GPS.
  8. It's almost exactly the same as the rule on this site, which is based on the law of the land.
  9. They were always jellies until the 1700s. Just how old are you?
  10. Nope. I'm referring to them being "Jellies", They are not fish.
  11. As much as when I tell you there is no such thing as a jellyfish?
  12. Started By lmarsha_926, Aug 09 2013 10:36 PM
  13. limpid

    General Chat

    Do you mean sesame seeds? If so no. If you've found a burger bun with sunflower seeds, don't the seeds offer a noticeable texture against the over processed contents of the bun?
  14. limpid

    Science Thread

    The conservation of momentum only applies in a closed system. This seems to be a radiation pressure effect on a shaped waveguide. Special relativity means that we use different frames of reference as we approach C; in this case one for the microwaves and another for the waveguide making the resultant system open. Definitely plausible. Bloody useful if you are launching satellites though.
  15. There is no reason at all. It's not comparable, it's identical. I suspect a dropped phone. Really odd, it seemed to start as soon as she moved over, maybe it was something like that. It could also be confirmation bias.
  16. There is no reason at all. It's not comparable, it's identical. I suspect a dropped phone.
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