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dont_do_it_doug. last won the day on August 10 2022

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About dont_do_it_doug.

  • Birthday 23/08/1983


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    King of Sausage

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    The Lighthouse

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  1. Well I think he's a brilliant footballer in the making. Lovely first touch, quality in tight spaces, always ready for the give and go. He was all over the place tonight, but sadly had little to no service. Still got a couple of attempts on goal. Big fan.
  2. Fair comment. I'll add a couple of things. I haven't actually seen it mentioned that it is the ACL that was torn. Secondly on recovery... according to Google (lol) the average return to action is about 8 months, which takes us into April. It's not ludicrous to suggest that with modern recovery models he could be back in 8 months, or even sooner. These days rehab starts almost immediately, and footballers have access to the highest level of sports science money can buy, from strength training to nutrition, cryo chambers, massages on tap and whatever else they need. Obviously this proves nothing on a case by case basis, but to hope for a return in March isn't *crazy* like it felt the post above yours suggested. It's ok to hope. If he's not back this season, qué sera. We get a quality footballer next season for the CL push.
  3. What in the name of sweet Unai is this? It's absolutely terrifying. Mind you, they're encouraging children to cut their bits off on tiktok so what you gonna do. This is tame.
  4. Any ACL injury is significant. With all due respect, without knowing to what degree the tear nor the recovery protocol, you're not going to be able to diagnose a timeframe.
  5. Comfortably our most underrated player. Not only is he absolutely brilliant on the ball, I think everyone recognises that, but his off the ball work leading the defensive line and conducting the transition is exceptional. I'm hesitant to call him world class, because of his physical deficiencies, however it hasn't really been an issue since game week 3 or 4 because how we set up doesn't require him to be anything other than Pau Torres. That said, he has adapted to the PL so quickly, we might be looking back on him in a few years as a club legend.
  6. Ultimately, I think essentially anything, or anyone, is on the table as long as Emery sees a need and they're available at a price point the club feel works in terms of the overall scope. That might mean nobody, it might mean another centre half. Nobody thought a left back was a priority last January, but the right player became available at the right price. I actually think our biggest *need* lies in centre mid. Without either Kamara or Luiz we are vulnerable, and they play a position which is the most susceptible to fatigue. I think we'd cope better without Watkins rather than Luiz for any extended period of time.
  7. Hmmm Bailey tends to offer a fair amount of width. He's the only player we really have that Emery likes out there, he never seems to utilise Diaby that way. Another winger, of the inverted variety, wouldn't shock me. Very few top level teams use traditional wingers these days in any case, they're a very rare breed.
  8. His injury happened around a month sooner iirc. Plus, as you say he's more likely to get time as an impact sub as a forward than a centre half who relies on his physicality. Not that Emi shirks his responsibility. With any luck we see him back in time to bolster the squad for the European knock out stages.
  9. I agree. However we looked like shit for most of the game. Fergie must have been able to see through the weedy bollocks and spot the flowers underneath, and I'm not even going to pretend to know as much about the game as Alex Ferguson.
  10. I had forgotten how randomly aggressive some VT posts can be. Maybe I do have a short memory! I think the comparisons to Leicester are lazy. I don't care and it doesn't make me sad, but for many various reasons it just doesn't fit. This is our 5th season back in the league, we're a much bigger club with a more balanced squad and a smoother upward trajectory on the whole, Gerrard aside. We're not really running on vibes, as that Leicester team did to a degree. it feels far more sustainable. And, we haven't won the bloody title. If we do, you could compare us to PNE winning the title in 1889/90 and I really dgaf mate.
  11. He's 26 years old. I know he has been knocking about a while, but that's not plausible without a serious injury. His heart had left Leicester and let's be honest, he wasn't fit enough at the start of the season to play the way Emery needed him too. Dean Smith though, maybe. He's an unbelievable footballer. In the 10 role he reminds me of Paul Merson, probably the highest praise I can give.
  12. This week following the Villa has been exhausting. Wednesday was high octane, adrenaline fuelled joy and we were left carrying that nervous energy right through till Saturday. There was a moment yesterday, around the 85th minute, when I caught John McGinn looking out on his feet, like a prize fighter going one too many rounds, and I too felt myself flagging. This is it I thought, we've all ran out of road... Only then, out of the corner of my little eye I spy Unai Emery on the touchline. Gesticulating, palms upturned and motioning upwards, attempting to lift his players spirits through sheer force of will and carry them over the line. At that very moment, the entirety of Villa Park erupted into what I swear was the loudest rendition of HEITS I've ever heard and I found my energy rising with them, my voice falling in sync with every ounce of passion I had left. Not only is Emery a master of the chalkboard, he's a master of the mind and the heart too. And sometimes, as it was on Saturday, you need an intoxicating mixture of both to see the job through. He's an alchemist, he's our conductor, and right now and perhaps forevermore, he will be known as the King of Villa Park. Long live Unai Emery Etxegoien.
  13. Except it takes about a quarter of the time to get served. So who cares about the logistics?
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