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Apparently all is not well at United :( I don't want this blowing up too soon :(

I too really hope UTD crash and burn, can't help feeling for moyes though. He is one of a very few number of managers I like.

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Apparently all is not well at United :( I don't want this blowing up too soon :(

I too really hope UTD crash and burn, can't help feeling for moyes though. He is one of a very few number of managers I like.

I don't feel for Moyes at all. This is mostly his doing. He took the job and he puts them on the pitch the way he wants, after training them the way he wants. I hope they go on a good run now though with the next 5 fixtures being very winnable. That will at least keep the wolves from the door for now.
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Apparently all is not well at United :( I don't want this blowing up too soon :(

I too really hope UTD crash and burn, can't help feeling for moyes though. He is one of a very few number of managers I like.


I don't feel for Moyes at all. This is mostly his doing. He took the job and he puts them on the pitch the way he wants, after training them the way he wants. I hope they go on a good run now though with the next 5 fixtures being very winnable. That will at least keep the wolves from the door for now.



Do you have anything against Moyes in particular BOF? or is it just a disliking for United?


As AV1 alluded to, I think Moyes is actually one of the more likeable characters in the Premier League.

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Apparently all is not well at United :( I don't want this blowing up too soon :(

I too really hope UTD crash and burn, can't help feeling for moyes though. He is one of a very few number of managers I like.
I don't feel for Moyes at all. This is mostly his doing. He took the job and he puts them on the pitch the way he wants, after training them the way he wants. I hope they go on a good run now though with the next 5 fixtures being very winnable. That will at least keep the wolves from the door for now.

Thats a fair point BOF.

For me though people talk about 'his UTD team' the rubbish midfield (comparable with the other top couple of teams) the ageing defence etc etc. For me this squad has been weaker than its rivals for a good couple of yrs now and that is surely down to SAF? Sir Alex jumped from a sinking ship and I think that point shouldn't be (though im sure it has by utd fans) forgotten.

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Do you have anything against Moyes in particular BOF? or is it just a disliking for United?


As AV1 alluded to, I think Moyes is actually one of the more likeable characters in the Premier League.

Call it a morbid curiosity to see what could happen in a fall from grace. I've nothing against Moyes and I've actually nothing against United. Quite the opposite. Ordinarily, I'd much rather see United win the league than any of the other viable sides winning it. I just want to see it burn for a while because it would be a novelty. As for Moyes, I've said already that I fully believe he has a ceiling as a manager and it's some way below what United need. But even allowing for that ceiling, I assumed not even David Moyes could get this United squad lower than 3rd after what they achieved at a canter last season.

However, it now appears as though he might surpass my expectations and struggle for 4th. Spurs and Arsenal look more consistent this season and they're the sides I assumed would be just behind United come May. But with them now consistently picking up wins and United failing to do so, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that United will struggle to be in the CL places. As ridiculous as that sounds at the moment. Rumours are there's more to RVP's 'injury' and that he stormed out of training today saying "told you so" to Moyes w.r.t. his dinosaur training tactics having a negative impact on the team's results. If Moyes starts to lose the bigger players then it's only a matter of time. The next 5 games (WBA, Sunderland, Southampton, Stoke, Fulham) can't come quick enough for him (assuming they actually go out and win them).

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Do you have anything against Moyes in particular BOF? or is it just a disliking for United?


As AV1 alluded to, I think Moyes is actually one of the more likeable characters in the Premier League.

Call it a morbid curiosity to see what could happen in a fall from grace. I've nothing against Moyes and I've actually nothing against United. Quite the opposite. Ordinarily, I'd much rather see United win the league than any of the other viable sides winning it. I just want to see it burn for a while because it would be a novelty. As for Moyes, I've said already that I fully believe he has a ceiling as a manager and it's some way below what United need. But even allowing for that ceiling, I assumed not even David Moyes could get this United squad lower than 3rd after what they achieved at a canter last season.

However, it now appears as though he might surpass my expectations and struggle for 4th. Spurs and Arsenal look more consistent this season and they're the sides I assumed would be just behind United come May. But with them now consistently picking up wins and United failing to do so, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that United will struggle to be in the CL places. As ridiculous as that sounds at the moment. Rumours are there's more to RVP's 'injury' and that he stormed out of training today saying "told you so" to Moyes w.r.t. his dinosaur training tactics having a negative impact on the team's results. If Moyes starts to lose the bigger players then it's only a matter of time. The next 5 games (WBA, Sunderland, Southampton, Stoke, Fulham) can't come quick enough for him (assuming they actually go out and win them).



It is fascinating to watch, and a stark contrast from anything I've ever witnessed from the footballing world (having been born only months before Fergie's appointment).


I like the fact that the league is taking on a new look, I think up to 5 different teams could have a shout at the title this year, which is great as far as I am concerned. That said, Manchester United have always been a great ambassador for English football, unlike the Tycoon rolled hipsters of City and Chelsea. It'd be a shame if their fall from grace saw them relegated to Liverpool's has-beens league, though it could be entertaining in the short term.

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Do you have anything against Moyes in particular BOF? or is it just a disliking for United?


As AV1 alluded to, I think Moyes is actually one of the more likeable characters in the Premier League.

Call it a morbid curiosity to see what could happen in a fall from grace. I've nothing against Moyes and I've actually nothing against United. Quite the opposite. Ordinarily, I'd much rather see United win the league than any of the other viable sides winning it. I just want to see it burn for a while because it would be a novelty. As for Moyes, I've said already that I fully believe he has a ceiling as a manager and it's some way below what United need. But even allowing for that ceiling, I assumed not even David Moyes could get this United squad lower than 3rd after what they achieved at a canter last season.

However, it now appears as though he might surpass my expectations and struggle for 4th. Spurs and Arsenal look more consistent this season and they're the sides I assumed would be just behind United come May. But with them now consistently picking up wins and United failing to do so, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that United will struggle to be in the CL places. As ridiculous as that sounds at the moment. Rumours are there's more to RVP's 'injury' and that he stormed out of training today saying "told you so" to Moyes w.r.t. his dinosaur training tactics having a negative impact on the team's results. If Moyes starts to lose the bigger players then it's only a matter of time. The next 5 games (WBA, Sunderland, Southampton, Stoke, Fulham) can't come quick enough for him (assuming they actually go out and win them).

Where are these rumours coming from?

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I'd love to see them fall from grace because they've had it too good for too long. I know they've generated their own income rather than have some moneybags country come in and bankroll them, but they still have massive debts and use their status as a means of keeping them there. I think their fans, in general, are quite ignorant about the struggle that anyone outside the top 5 has each season coming up against the obviously favoured media spotlighted clubs.


Mostly though, I just want to be able to go into a game against them without thinking they'll be able to cheat their way into a win, either from fergie time, or overly-rough defending, or surrounding the refs, or dodgy penalties. It'll be nice for them to have a bit of fear when playing us, rather than the other way round.


I've never thought Moyes was the best manager in the world, and I think that what success he had at Everton was purely down to stability.

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I think their demise is being predicted a little prematurely personally and I also think far too much blame is being attached to Moyes.


Almost everyone agreed that the United side last season was, by their own high standards relatively poor certainly in terms of stand out individuals. What they had over everyone else though was an ability to grind out results particularly at the business end of the season as they have for a number of years been relatively slow starters to a season. So to were Everton under Moyes it should be noted.


But both Man Utd and Everton normally came on strong towards the end of the season.


United getting turned over by City isn't new, it happened to Fergie. Individually City have the better players, they did last season and they do now.


Where United won out last season was grit and determination to get the job done, it remains to be seen if they still have that edge this season. I certainly wouldn't right them or Moyes off at this stage though, to do so is extremely premature in my opinion.

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Trent, predictions by their very definition must be premature, because they have to happen before the event that they're predicting takes place. Now you're right that City had/have the better players on paper. The difference was the manager. And it's still the manager. Only now that advantage has swung the other way. It's no surprise to me that they're now dropping points to the top sides (of which I generously include Liverpool). That's also a trait that has followed Moyes from Everton to United. I don't expect it to improve. I also think the game these days isn't conducive to allowing things to linger too long.

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Come on BOF, I know all predictions are premature but you know exactly what I mean. There is a world of difference in my view between writing Di Canio off after 5 games and writing Moyes off after 5 games. Yes all predictions by your definition are premature but there is a difference between making a prediction on the basis of enough facts and just making a wild statement.


I simply don't agree with you that the difference still is the manager and the that the advantage has swung the other way, that statement suggests that you believe Man City have the managerial edge of Man United. Now that is again a premature prediction in my book. I'm not sure you would have stated that when City got turned over the other week in Wales.


It remains to be seen with of the two is the better manager at this level, Moyes experience in the PL counts for something while Pellagrini's experience abroad counts for something. I certainly don't think you can say one has the edge over the other yet.


Yes United have dropped points to the top sides but the idea this has only happened this season is a fallacy, last season they lost to Spurs, Man City and Chelsea at home under Fergie.

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