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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Gina Yashire is the most annoying comedian I have ever known. Every single joke either starts with "I grew up in Nigeria yeah...." or "my mum is Nigerian..."

I disagree about Shappi Khorsandi though. Yes, alot of her jokes are about being Iranian, but she does have a bit more variation.

Best female comedian around by far is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E25ebRjx8w0.

Gina Yashire is one of the unfunniest comedians I've ever seen. I actually get embarrassed for her when she's on Mock the Week.

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There is a difference.

Family Guy is hilarious.

American Dad is less funny but still a fairly good laughm, very watchable.

The Clevelenad Show is complete shit.

Spot on Stevo.

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Female commentators.

**** me, couldn't be more annoying if they tried.

Again, agree.

Jacqui Oatley sounds like a dalmatian being run over by a steamroller when there's a goal.

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The thing with her is, and I've said it on here before, is that what she actually says is fine. She speaks as much sense as any other commentator.

It just sounds so so wrong coming from a woman's mouth!

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There is a difference.

Family Guy is hilarious.

American Dad is less funny but still a fairly good laughm, very watchable.

The Clevelenad Show is complete shit.

I think Family Guy is shit. That South Park episode absolutely dismantles the entire show and reveals it for what it is - incongruent nonsense gags that are funny 20% of the time.

American Dad = much better. Expects the audience to use their imagination more.

And the less said about the Cleveland Show the better.

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Cleavland show doesn't even deserve this sentence.

As said before I haven't really watched American Dad as I first got into Family Guy and would think of AD as a bit of a rip off, although I know they're from the same people and I have no idea which came first.

I just love the randomness of Family guy.

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