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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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General Krulak here:

1. New executive seat sales are well ahead of schedule...response has been superb.

2. If I had a choice of a new player to sign? My wife, right back.

3. 6+5 ruling: I know nothing more than what you know. I do not think a dictate like that would fly right now...not in this environment. We are not spending a good deal of time planning for it.

4. Platini: Interestingly, I do think some of his comments have merit. His concern about debt. His concern that Clubs can "buy" a Championship at the expense of debt. I do not agree with the foreign ownership comments....certainly not with Randy.

5. At the end of the day, Hillary voters will vote overwhelmingly for Obama.

6. Doug Ellis stand will remain.

7. peter1968: My view is simple...you are reading what the media is saying. None of us know what is really happening with ManU on this issue and you certainly don't know what Villa has done. We understand that there are fans who believe that airing all of this in the media somehow makes us "macho"...somehow says we are a big club, not to be fooled with. We think that is horse-hockey. We are not going to be drawn into that sort of media frenzy...no matter how many fans pressure us to do so. It is NOT how we believe you run a professional club. What happens needs to happen among professionals...not debated or shouted from the roof tops in the media. I am sorry if that is not what you would like to hear, but it is what it is.

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Fair play General. Im not here to knock the way you and Randy run the club, or the way you see things should be done. Quite frankly, i could not be more happy with that. So i will not pursue this anymore 8)

And your right, I'm fairly sick of the media as well. Especially some dude named Howell, whom you may have heared of. :lol:

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General, are there any plans to build executive boxes between the upper and lower tiers of The Holte End? When it was built, it was said that it was in such a way that could allow for boxes to be included there at a later date?

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Hi General,

I have to say I'm growing tired of the continued talk about our new right back especially by your good self. Its time for less talking and more action and its time to get this deal done and dusted, if MON wasn't in Austria it would have happened by now.

So when is Mrs K going to sign on the dotted line and become our new RB? :D

General Krulak here:

2. If I had a choice of a new player to sign? My wife, right back..

Thanks for putting up with all the moaning and coming on here so often some of us do have faith in the direction our club is being led and in the efforts that are being made behind the scenes and out of site.


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Hello General,

I won't duplicate previous replies as they're probably becoming somewhat tiresome by now...but nevertheless, well done.

Do you have any inclination that we'll be expanding the coverage of Villa Stores in the near future? I now live in Portsmouth and it's quite prominent how there are various Portsmouth F.C. stores scattered across the region.

Many thanks.

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is there any chance that the club could arrange for paul mcgrath to attend a game, possibly next season home fixture against man utd.

It would be great to see the best player to wear a villa shirt there again. Every villa fan loves him and would really pump the atmosphere upbefore we play them.

It may help us to get past this problem we have playin united too.

not sure how everyone else feels, but i wouldlove to see him again.


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Hiya General K, Im visiting Kings Bay Base for a few weeks soon,,,, any advice on where to visit or go and see ?? Are you in the area ? Hopefully be able to wear new shirt with pride !!

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Hey General, this has been eating away at me for days now so i've got to ask you....what sort of RB is your wife and what is she going to bring to the team? Are we looking at a solid defender, an attacking threat or an all-action, all-rounder?

Thanks for your time Sir.

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Gneral Krulak here:

1. I will be off the site until Thursday....will be traveling the early part of the coming week.

2. Favorite song: "Hey Jude".

3. I love the movies...and most war films are not very good or authentic.

4. I think Sen. Obama has a pretty good chance. For the first time in a long time, the VP choice will play a pretty big role. If Obama can pick someone with solid foreign policy credentials I think it will help him a good deal.

5. Mike Preece: Where and when is the wedding. Guest of Honor is no...but I would be honored to be a guest.

6. There are no plans at the present to put Executive Boxes in the Holte End.

7. Villa Store: It is our hope and prayer that our relationship with Nike will negate the need for separate Villa Stores around the country. We want our kit in every Nike store.

8. Paul McGrath: We would love to get him back.

9. Kemp: Kings Bay...my son was stationed there for over 3 years on a nuclear powered submarine. It is right on the Coast...just north of the Florida line so you can quickly get down to see Cape Canaveral or up to see St. Simons Island. There are plenty of good beaches...just know it will be very hot...bring your sun tan lotion.

10. Who is in charge of football operations: MON is in charge. As I have mentioned before, MON does NOT have to be sitting at his desk at Bodymoor Heath with his hand on the phone ready for a call to conduct business. Believe it or not, we are actually in the age of technology. There are faxs, video-teleconferences, planes, trains, and automobiles, etc. etc. Randy actually does business w/o having to see the people he does business with face-to-face. Whe it comes to signing on the dotted line, it can be done. MON is able to meet with players and agents....Premiership Managers are not running around meeting with players and agents on their "turf"...they set a time and place and work out what needs to be worked out. Not to worryy!!!

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You beat me to it. Would I be right in thinking that many of the agents MON will need to deal with are at the Euro Championships, irrespective of whether the targetted players are playing or not? In my head I imagine it being a big 3-4 week footie convention.

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General, as always a pleasure to read some of your comments, especially the humorous ones! I hope you manage to have somewhat of a relaxing summer as you and Randy thoroughly deserve it although with the transfer window no doubt you will be inundated with comments and questions! Anyway mine is off topic and wanted to hear your thoughts on it.

I have just finished my final year at Uni studying politics and just completed a dissertation on the effects of globalisation on state sovereignty using migration as an example and also a project on terrorism and the role of the media. As part of my latter project i read a thoroughly interesting article written by Captain Matthew Morgan called 'the origins of new terrorism'. The article was fantastic and insightful and was a good grounding for the crux of my argument (which was the notion that new forms of terrorism no longer rely on the mainstream mass media to further their cause).

My question is regarding the threat of terrorism and sports stadiums and how this is prioritised at Villa? What threat do you see terrorism and VP as a 'target' of terrorists? Back in the states are sports stadiums seen as potential targets, and how 'real' do you perceive the threat to be?

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Futher than that general it would be great to see other player from the team that nearly won the first ever premier league. There were some great players and i have never seen us play that good a football since. No offence we were very good this season but thefirst premier leauge season we were fantastic.

I think a lot of villa fans would love to see Dean Saunders, Dalien Atkinson, kevin richardson, garry parker, ray houghton, shaun teale etc again.

If you get the chance you should watch the season review of the first premier league season.

Also, if you get the chance i would recommend you read Paul McGraths biography. Its a hard and sad read in places. Especially when you realise the only person at villa park who did not love big paul, was the man himself.

Anyway just an idea, but thats my favorite ever villa team and i know most of the people who were a little young to remember the League / european cup team rember those players very fondly indeed.

(we would have won the league that season untill a ref decided to let Man utd keep playing untill they were winning against Shefield Wednesday - 97 bloody minutes)

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Evening General,

This is the first time that I have posted on this site so I thought I should start, as it seems most people do, by applauding all the good work that you and the rest of the AVFC team have been doing.

Interestingly, it's the good work that you've been doing that has caused me to write this 'complaint'. I noticed today on the Official Site that the work on the new hospitality facilities for the Trinity Road Stand are well-advanced, which was good to see. However, I was somewhat concerned to read that whoever was responsible for producing the sign above the new Lounge has failed to include the most basic of punctuation. At the moment the Players' Lounge is missing its apostrophe, and therefore simply doesn't make sense - I'm sure that AVFC didn't mean the sign to simply tell us that players lounge?! Now, I'm sure that some will tell me that this is nit-picking pedantry, but in an age when educational standards are plummeting, and at a time when you and your colleagues are going to great lengths to restore an image of class and professionalism, could I ask you to put some of your undoubted influence behind a move to change it. It would be sad if our new, flagship facilities remained a testament to poor English.

Thanks for your help!

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Evening General,

This is the first time that I have posted on this site so I thought I should start, as it seems most people do, by applauding all the good work that you and the rest of the AVFC team have been doing.

Interestingly, it's the good work that you've been doing that has caused me to write this 'complaint'. I noticed today on the Official Site that the work on the new hospitality facilities for the Trinity Road Stand are well-advanced, which was good to see. However, I was somewhat concerned to read that whoever was responsible for producing the sign above the new Lounge has failed to include the most basic of punctuation. At the moment the Players' Lounge is missing its apostrophe, and therefore simply doesn't make sense - I'm sure that AVFC didn't mean the sign to simply tell us that players lounge?! Now, I'm sure that some will tell me that this is nit-picking pedantry, but in an age when educational standards are plummeting, and at a time when you and your colleagues are going to great lengths to restore an image of class and professionalism, could I ask you to put some of your undoubted influence behind a move to change it. It would be sad if our new, flagship facilities remained a testament to poor English.

Thanks for your help!

Bloody good point you have there. I'll second that General, Sir.

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I thought it was the OLD sign on there
Fair enough, if it is the old sign then I stand corrected. However, that begs the question of why is it still up there, and doesn't detract from the point that it still needs to be changed.
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