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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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In today's paper you can read that MON is seeking 80 million pounds for the summer transfer season.

So can we take it that the club will be investing a very large sum this summer rather than the paltry amount we've spent compared to other clubs this 12 months

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99% of villa fans do not have a problem with the ticket prices for next year becuase they understand the econmincs, the club goals, etc. The other 1% rush to these notice boards, it is the price the General pays for being accessible. Of course he also gets a lot of praise. People like to express their feelings.

My question... I have seen several comments about the Browns and Villa scarf but it is not availabe via the online store. yes it is, hereBlandy Will it be added as I would like to buy one?

Will ihe online store get a makeover this summer or more imortantly will the new line of prioducts be stocked in enough numbers to last as we sold our and never replaced so many products last year. I assume this was due to Nike and the lateness of the deal and not that they see us a low priority.

Ooops ... thanks Blandy. I did a search of scarves and it does not appear so I didn't look any further. My mistake.

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In today's paper you can read that MON is seeking 80 million pounds for the summer transfer season.

So can we take it that the club will be investing a very large sum this summer rather than the paltry amount we've spent compared to other clubs this 12 months

general i hope you realise that some of us dont need a calculator to realise that villas outlay has not been paltry and i'm happy making my contribution to the club under the current price structure. I can also say that my season ticket has been the best value for money i have spent in ages.
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It is not that my and family and I do not want to renew our season tickets it is simply that we cannot afford too due to the shocking increases in junior and young adult season ticket prices. The credit crunch has really hurt my family our mortgage and living costs have gone through the roof and I know we're not the only ones. Going to watch the Villa was one of the few getaways from the financial worries my family faces and now even that's going to have to go.

What makes me sick is that all season you've been offering reduced match ticket prices for council workers etc and now you're saying we need to increase ticket prices to compete. That doesn't add up. Furthermore a charity could well be becoming our main sponsor, it's a great gesture but not if it means the club's fans are going to have to fork out more money when you could have potentially got millions from a private company like the other Premier League teams you keep harping on about.

That only conclusion I can come to after taking a step back to look at the overall facts as you put it, along with a thread I've just read about Trinity Road season ticket holders having their seats taken away from them is that the prawn sandwich brigade are about to become much more important to Aston Villa than it's real genuine fans.

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I really must point out (as I am sure you know anyway) , it really does nark me when people turn around and say "don't worry about people having a go, we all want you to know this that and the other".

I love this club, as does everyone on here - however, it doesn't mean I am going to like, agree or even go along with (nor should I) everything the club does. And if I believe something is wrong, then I am not a gullible robot - I will tell you !!. It doesn't mean I hate you for god sake, this morning my wife of 20 yrs turned around and said "don't talk to me like that" - it doesn't mean I don't love her.

So when you are asked to not respond to complaints / views (and in this context - I am not talking about any of mine) please carry on.

I am not saying you would in anyway - but sometimes it must make you chuckle, as a top businessman when you read comments like "Go on, put the prices up, we will pay whatever coz we love the club" - you must think that if you were in it for the wrong reasons as the scousers - you could make a killing !!!

Enjoy Sunday - however, I 'm a bit worried that both clubs have seemed to say that this is a decider for the Uefa - seems we haven't noticed Man City just going about their business quietly !!

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General, my question.

Who should I speak to about arranging visits to Villa Park for VIPs ?

My gran is 87 this year and used to take my mum to the Villa every week (and then vice versa as they both got older!) before she began to have memory problems. She took over "Villa Duties" after my granddad died at a relatively young age, Villa was his life and my gran fell in love with the club just as much. She still loves to tell stories of how her weekend would depend the mood of my grandad based on how the villa did.

I, my mum and my cousin are Season Ticket holders in the Upper Doug Ellis stand and would love to set up something special for her next season sometime as she still knows about and loves the Villa. Even though her ability to recall recent memories is going her memories of the Villa continue to live on.

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General, another question if I may (and it's still not about Season Tickets!)

Is there anyone at Villa who could help me trace the history of my family attending Villa Park ? How long of season tickets existed and how far do records go back ?

As mentioned above I know my grandad was a big part of the club (even though he died before I was born I've heard all about him) and his father before him. I'm oretty sure he held a number of the first ever shares issued in the club but would love to know more.

Any ideas who I should speak to, I'd love to know my Villa history.....

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I guess the comments on here regarding season tickets just goes to show that you'll never please everyone. For what its worth, I am not surprised or disappointed by the increase in season tickets. The standard of football at Villa Park this season has been a massive improvement on last year and if we qualify for Europe this year and spend in the summer (please lets spend big!!!!!) then the increase will be more than justified. Afterall, our tickets will still be amongst the cheapest in the league. And more importantly, those Noses at Randy's toilet will be paying more to watch football in the Championship so I couldn't be happier!!!

Up the Villa and keep up the good work General


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General Krulak here:

1. musicw8832: Several points....1) "reduced tickets for council workers", etc....yes, we have done that. In addition we have had reduced tickets for members of the Forces and we have had reduced tickets and specials for students, people around the community, and others. This was done for many reasons...to increase the knowledge of the "awakening" at Villa Park, to bring new people to the Park, to fill seats that might not have been filled w/o the reduced price for certain games. None of this, in my opinion, is bad or anything we should be ashamed of. We are trying to reach out to people who may be fans in the future. 2) Obviously I cannot say who might be our sponsor but...we do not sell the Villa name cheaply. We are no longer a Club that will just take what is offered...and if it means passing on a certain amount of money, then so be it. The day we return to selling our name cheap, will be a sad day indeed. Doing good for humanity is not all that bad!! I would think that there may well be fans who might be proud of a Premiership Club who puts their money where their mouth is. 3) "prawn sandwich brigade"...shortly it will become obvious as to what the Club is doing in the Trinity. VERY few fans will be impacted and the overall results for your Club will be very good. Before you believe everything written in the "Mail", you might want to wait to see what the Club's plans are. I am obviously not going to be able to convince you of the fairness of what Randy is trying to do with your Club...you have watched him for two years and have seen how he operates. I would ask you to pm me please so we can dig into this a bit deeper.

2. paulanddonya: I confess that I am not sure what you are saying in paragraphs 1-4...whether you are jerking my chain or what BUT, I can assure you NO ONE at Villa Park or Bodymoor Heath have taken their eye off ManCity. As I noted two weeks ago, the best thing for Villa to do is to "go clean" the rest of the games. Europe is ours to win...or to lose. ManCity, Everton, Wigan...if we win them all, you and I don't need to have any type of discussion re. Europe.

3. RobbieGee: Call Lee Preece re. your Gran and Nicky Keye re. Ticket history.

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I'm all for reduced ticket prices for the armed forces but council workers? I'm not being funny but what makes council workers so special? Where does the line be drawn. I mean do us graphic designers get a special price for season tickets? Do taxi drivers? shop workers?

I understand the need to raise awareness of the club's generosity but crikey.

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Hi General, I've been reluctant to comment on the ticket issue as it doesn't directly affect me as I'm in no position to buy one regardless of cost, but if I were I would say that they do seem perfectly reasonable for a club with our ambitions, so its' a message of support here!

Let's hope it's another step towards Europe this afternoon!

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TBH I don't know what "jerk my chain" means but, it wasn't a criticism of you I was getting at. More just an observation that if anyone says anything that is deemed as having a go at the club, it is always followed by 20 or so responses of "Gen, don't listen to them, we all love what you are doing".

Well all I am trying to say is - continue to listen to them !. I am 100% sure you don't come on here just to build your ego - I am certain you want to hear opinions, both good and bad.

Prices issue has gone now so not gonna get onto it, but when I, or anyone else doesn't agree with something - then they have a right to tell you without everyone else making out that they must not "love the club as much as them" - that was the point I was trying to make.

And on the subject, someone posted on another thread that the Browns have a system where you have to buy your seat, on top of season tickets, ie: you buy the seat for 5 yrs, then have to renew your ticket for each of those years. Arsenal did this about 10 yrs ago where you had to take out a bond which was astronomically priced - please tell me the club are not looking into this.

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General Krulak here:

1. A very hard fought game today. To come back the way we did says a good deal about the heart of our Lads and the motivational impact of MON. I would have loved 3 points but...we could not afford zero!!

2. paulanddonya: I can assure you, I want to hear what the fans have to say and I have no problem "taking stick." All I ask in return is to treat each other with respect...and that goes for everyone. Obviously I not only want to hear your opinions but I pass them on...as you have seen changes take place that are directly attributable to fan comments on these sites.

3. I have not heard of any intent...even in the future of "buying" seats.

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General Krulak here:

1. music8832: Several posts ago I asked that you pm me. It is hard to seek an accomodation if you won't talk to me other than on this thread where we can end up talking past ourselves. I reiterate my request that you pm me so I can help if possible. I thought that was one of the reasons I was on the net. See the end of my post to you...last week.

2. I have been in communications with Villa Park since late yesterday and again, early today. Nicky Keye established a team of people (to include Paul Faulkner, a Club Director who has gone to Aston Villa to help) and this team has been dealing with the "Trinity 400"...those Fans who have been asked to move. At 08:58 am, this team had talked to over 25 seat holders and explained the why of the move and offered them the opportunity to select their new seats and receive a "token" from the Club. Most of these Fans have chosen to relocate to B5 which is near their current seats. In the words of the Fans, they are "reasonably happy." Obviously, they are not going to be totally happy...but when they realize that this effort is to help drive the Club forward, they understand the rationale behind the requirement. I have been asked if Randy knows of this move and the answer is absolutely. He, like all of us, has a vision of European Football and we cannot get to that vision without investment....in players and infrastructure. Randy cannot do it all himself...we need to improve and expand the stadium to do so.

3. I will be off the net until Sunday. Today I begin a week long trip...I go to Houston for a Freeport McMoRan Board Meeting then on to Salt Lake City for a Union Pacific Board Meeting then on to B'ham for the Wigan game. I will try to get to a computer along the way but cannot promise anything. Simply put, I have to get back to my "day job"...just as you all.

4. Those with concerns about seat movement, PLEASE call Nicky and her team...do NOT just ask for a ticket sales agent...they will not have the details and the ability to make decisions that the special team has. It make take a wee bit linger but it will be far more helpful to you.

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In regard to somebody saying that Randy etc are looking after the "prawn sandwich brigade" can i say that i have friends who still work at the club and from what they say the exact opposite is true. Randy and co are ,from what im led to believe, very much into the normal average fan who sits up the Holte every game.

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General, if the seats some fans have been offered are so close to the original seats, why not shove the people there who are going to take the seats in question?

I fail to see why 400 extra seats are really going to "drive the club forward" towards our "vision of Europe", if millions can be spent on a pub which won't help this goal, why is the relatively insignificant sum brought in by these "new seats" going to help "drive us forward"? We could presumably have been driven a hell of a lot further forward at the expense of not having a pretty building behind the Holte?

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