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So we've had wall to wall boats sailing down the Thames... it's now time for Gary Barlow's input into the festivities.

Flaming June? ...it's bloomin freezing here!

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somebody on the radio just announced that 'anybody' managing to do 60 years in the same job should be celebrated

made me laugh, fair play

Hat's off to her in a way though because in all those 60 years... One has never put a royal foot out of line.

(Unlike the rest of her family!)

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because they've been ruled for 60 years, only stopping themselves grasping their forelocks

Other than in name has she really ruled

Over us though ?

The royal family is more a symbol now.. the days of having you head on a spike for not doffing your cap or backing the wrong religion are long gone

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because they've been ruled for 60 years, only stopping themselves grasping their forelocks

Other than in name has she really ruled

Over us though ?

The royal family is more a symbol now.. the days of having you head on a spike for not doffing your cap or backing the wrong religion are long gone

Not as directly as they might have done in the past but the very nature of the role dictates that she reigns over us. Which is a principle I find hard to swallow.

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I'm down near St Ives at the moment

One of two VT'ers would be choking in their beer / wine right about now

Flags and bunting everywhere , mousehole even has a nice Elizabeth 1952 - 2012 in light on the harbour paid for out of private donations

The local flag seller must be a multi millionaire by now

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I'm down near St Ives at the moment

One of two VT'ers would be choking in their beer / wine right about now

Flags and bunting everywhere , mousehole even has a nice Elizabeth 1952 - 2012 in light on the harbour paid for out of private donations

The local flag seller must be a multi millionaire by now

Give the locals my regards, and drink a toast to her majesty for me.

You could share with them this tribute to her royal loveliness.

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I'm in love with Kylie again....she just gets better with age. Woof Woof*

*I apologise for taking the thread down a notch or two in the gentlemanly stakes.

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