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No Longer Interested: (Ole Gunnar Solskjaer - Molde FK)


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I hope Villa fans don't live up to our reputation.

Skeptical or not support our new manager, he needs time from the owner and from the fans.

Terrible first season, still needs time.

It's clear Lerner wants someone who will be around for years and build his own team.

Get the bad eggs out earlier doors, or tell them who's boss will be a big first step!

No doubt the vast majority of villa fans will get behind him even under McLeish when he first joined he got the same

However its now up to the board to back this man with funds and whatever backroom staff he requires

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Live cover of the on goings here bottom of the article. Press the little icon next to the twitter icon to translate to english.

Liking the 9:56 comment. John Carew :thumb:

But what can this mean?:

"Not good to know - the club meets Ole Gunnar clause to protrude from Molde.":)

He is responding to the the question below if OGS will leave Molde for Villa.

"Hard to tell - The club (Aston Villa) is within the clause that allows him to leave Molde. A big and exciting club.

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It's a bit leftfield, I never really considered Ole for manager but having thought about it overnight I am certainly not against the appointment and it makes sense in a lot of ways.

Unlike when we have made previous appointments there seems to be more gettable quality candidates available. If we are going to take a chance on someone like Poyet or Lambert or Martinez then why not Ole. I don't see him being much more of a gamble than them.

Sick of dredging up the past but everything around this is much more positive than previous appointments. Whereas previously everything seemed rushed, too much expectation from fans and then fans views being ignored. This time they have sacked the manager in a timely fashion and are looking at fresh 'vibrant' candidates who really can invigorate the club/team.

I'm relatively happy, not necessarily with the potential appointment of Ole as that may or may not happen, more with their approach this time around. Lessons learned I guess. Don't think I've felt this good about Villa since MON left.

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After Molde OGS should be cutting his teeth at a championship club IMO. There are a few better candidates out there who I'm sure would be interested in the job. It's a gamble, it might pay off.

Should he? maybe he is more ambitious than you.

He knows the young villans very well from his time as reserve manager, I believe he has had many talks with the fonz and weiman offering advice. He was kept on by ferguson to coach for him, something that the likes of huges, keane, bruce where never offered.

His backroom staff have been part of the man u set up for over a decade, and have a winning and attacking philosophy.

I'm also told he was lined up for the spurs job should Harry have left.

As many have said, there's a risk in any appointment, but I think this is a very well thought out, shrewd bit of business.

I for one am excited by it, and will be behind him whilst he rips down the remaining shite left from previous era's and starts to build the new Villa.

Project 2 starts now! bring it.

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The only thing that worries me slightly (apart from this falling through) is that he doesn't seem to be showing much loyalty to Molde. They were the club where he made his name as a player and now a manager, and he's leaving them after one season? It would concern me that if he enhanced his reputation with us he may not stick around if someone bigger came along.

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The only thing that worries me slightly (apart from this falling through) is that he doesn't seem to be showing much loyalty to Molde. They were the club where he made his name as a player and now a manager, and he's leaving them after one season? It would concern me that if he enhanced his reputation with us he may not stick around if someone bigger came along.

Somebody please think of the children!!

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The only thing that worries me slightly (apart from this falling through) is that he doesn't seem to be showing much loyalty to Molde. They were the club where he made his name as a player and now a manager, and he's leaving them after one season? It would concern me that if he enhanced his reputation with us he may not stick around if someone bigger came along.

The way I see it is, if he's done well enough to get touted by clubs bigger than us then he can leave with my blessing. We are in a right sorry state at the moment.

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Kammy, he has got them into the Champs League...loyalty is not as important when you leave a club in a really good position...

We need to see this appointment (if we do appoint him) for what it is...the minute Yanited come knocking, he'll be off no doubt and I except that. He would use us as a stepping stone and then cast us off, just like we would to him if his results are not better/a better option comes along.

It has to be said though, ignoring the big club/not a big club argument, that Randy Lerner sure does know how to make a guy feel special...Ole must think he's royalty being treated like this! He may have cut back on transfer spending, but Randy is happy to spend his own cash getting the man he wants!

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"Also, Pat Murphy is the BBC's Villa man and we all know that the Villa never tell him anything, and he's not happy about it.

Pat Murphy always has a go at Randy Lerner because he doesnt give interviews. Always a sly dig at Randy when things are not going so well because he hasnt spilled his soul to Mr Murphy.

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