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This game is tremendous online!


Have your guys skill stats just increased over time? 

There's certain things you can do that help increase certain stats. Give it a google.


but in general yes, they'll increase over time.

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Hmmm I should probably go to flight school. I played a heist mission last night (xbox 360 soz fellas) where I ended up in a fighter jet. All I had to do was land it and we completed the mission. Pretty lucrative mission too as I recall. I'd been a complete passenger for the entire thing, so it was the other guys doing all the work. Anyway...big_explosion%5B1%5D.jpg


Serves the other guys on the job right anyway. They blew up my car at the start of it and I had no insurance. I really liked that car :(

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Flight school is good but some of them are so frustrating.


I'm doing the low flying one now and it's so frickin' hard.


I haven't even completed it yet, let alone completed it with an average height of less than 1 metre!

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Fortunately we have an expert pilot in the VTVN...


...amittedly that video lapal posted didn't really go a ways to prove that. I can say that it looked very different on my screen, I didn't once turn the helicopter upside down, for a start.

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Thought that mission was a bit boring last night, the drive was too long.


It was funny, but that's only because we made it funny.  Otherwise, go there, kill 6 baddies, rob a car, drive back with endless spawning enemies.. bit dull compared the the rest of the stuff they've made us do.


I can do tonight, but I'm away Thursday night, back Friday.


Looking forward to seeing what all these drugs are being used for :)

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To be fair, there was waaayyyyy more than 6 baddies. Jono and I killed about 30 enemies each at the saw mill when we first turned up.


But like I said last night, once we died and the restart started us after that point, it doesn't count towards the medals :(


But you're right. both of those missions weren't great, and they were very similar to each other. Drive there, kill bad guys, steal vans/trucks, drive back.


A lot of the heist missions seem to start with a huge drive. Kind of pointless.

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The collect flags mission on Flight School is really really tough. I can get about 25 flags with like a minute left, but the 4 or 5 I have left over will be all over the place so it takes me too long to mop up.


Need to plan a better route.


I figured out for the ground control one if you put your landing gear down you fly really slowly, which helps loads. Initially I dropped it thinking it would stop me hitting the ground but turns out it makes flying way easier as well.

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Think I got lucky on that one, did it after about 3 tries.


I took the outside straights, then moved onto the ones through the main business district areas.  Not very useful, but the initial flight path got me about 14/15 check points in the first 20 seconds.

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