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Gym Routine


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Just on that. I find that with a spotter I will fail more quickly because the incentive is not there to get the bar back up quite as much as it is when the alternative is for you to fail. I've definitely lifted stuff that I wouldn't have lifted with a spotter. That little bit of fear is a great motivator and as I say, even if (when) you fail, it doesn't matter. Tilt and go again.

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Just on that. I find that with a spotter I will fail more quickly because the incentive is not there to get the bar back up quite as much as it is when the alternative is for you to fail. I've definitely lifted stuff that I wouldn't have lifted with a spotter. That little bit of fear is a great motivator and as I say, even if (when) you fail, it doesn't matter. Tilt and go again.


I was going to add that exact same point, but didn't out of laziness.


On the one hand, you'll push yourself that extra bit without a spotter, because you really don't want to have to drop the weights on the floor.


But on the other hand, you'll probably attempt heavier weights and drop them right to your chest with a spotter. Personally, if I don't have a spotter them I'm more inclined to play it safe and stop the weight short of getting to my chest.

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Just on that. I find that with a spotter I will fail more quickly because the incentive is not there to get the bar back up quite as much as it is when the alternative is for you to fail. I've definitely lifted stuff that I wouldn't have lifted with a spotter. That little bit of fear is a great motivator and as I say, even if (when) you fail, it doesn't matter. Tilt and go again.



But on the other hand, you'll probably attempt heavier weights and drop them right to your chest with a spotter. Personally, if I don't have a spotter them I'm more inclined to play it safe and stop the weight short of getting to my chest.


Bring the weights to your chest you little puss

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes it's bad for him and no it's not a proper fifty cuz there's no stabilising required on his part. You start to notice that plenty of people don't know what they're at in the gym. The only time I dare offer advice is if I see a bad deadlift cuz that shit can cripple you.

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I think my legs are too short, I can't squat. I'm only trying to improve for running strength and get a nice shape, and squats, deadlifts n that seem to be good ways of helping the legs and core.

If I do a video or something can you all tell me why I'm so rubbish?

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Lately I keep finding that box step ups (single leg) and anything like upward boat or high bicycles just causes me a lot of pain. I do have problems with my tail bone but it didn't start bothering me too bad until the last month or so. I am guessing I need to stretch more but it really is becoming a problem. 


I did however finally upgrade on high plank rows!!! 15 lb weights from 10. I hated every minute of it. But I did it:)


AND I'm at 30 lbs for dead lift upright rows from 20 :)


I know thats nothing compared to you buff folks but considering my shoulder has been a serious problem for a long time I'm pretty excited about it. My legs and cardio are awesome. I rarely struggle with that unless I'm tired. But Still, improvements make me happy. :)

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I think my legs are too short, I can't squat. I'm only trying to improve for running strength and get a nice shape, and squats, deadlifts n that seem to be good ways of helping the legs and core.

If I do a video or something can you all tell me why I'm so rubbish?

We can certainly give it a shot if you want.
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ohhhhh  pain in lower right back ..........on another note I went late friday to the gym and noticed lads doing overhead press "jumping" in to the over head position ...is that normal ?

You mean they were jolting it upright rather than just lifting from the shoulders? If so, that's a different exercise altogether, it's a push press. It's a valid one, but it's not the 5x5 overhead press.
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kinda when they jumped they put one foot out infront and one behind its was weird .....~I just kept thinking something will pop

Oh right yeah I know the sort. It's this one.
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Ugh.. that video is all kinds of wrong.


I've rejoined the gym now so I'll be getting back on Rips stuff soon. First and foremost I'm getting my fitness levels back up with 5k runs and body weight exercise (squats, pull-ups, dips, push-ups etc....) for a few weeks. Just 'cos I can.

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You know it's time to switch gyms when you see this.


What the **** are you doing even BEING a gym if you are giving in to noise complaints in the first place.

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