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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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Damn it, keep getting dicked by one of those Draugr Death Overlords. If I try and get him from a distance, he one-shots me with a bow. If I get up close, he mashes my face in.

In other news, I'm so fricking stupid that I only realised last night how to quickly level up smithing and enchanting at the same time. Incidentally, where do I go to learn the soul trap spell?

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In other news, I'm so fricking stupid that I only realised last night how to quickly level up smithing and enchanting at the same time. Incidentally, where do I go to learn the soul trap spell?

Go to the mage college at Winterhold in the far north of the map. You can learn any spell in the game there.

I assume you are playing as a warrior type? There is a pretty awesome 1h mace you can get from a quest in Markath which comes enchanted with soul trap. Go to Markath and when you are walking around town some guy will approach you and talk about some kind of demon worship going on in an abandoned house. Follow him.

Oh, and I stumbled upon this blog which lists a few things you might not know about the game. Those lists are usually shit as they tend to contain stuff everybody knows within five minutes of playing but this has some good stuff in it, for example I didnt know that foxes will lead you to treasure and points of interest if you follow them. I guess I will have to stop slaughtering them on sight from now on!

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Well, I started playing with the intention of going one-handed weapon+spell, that turned into dual-casting for a while but now I'm sneaking around with a bow. Basically, I can't decide. I'm Breton, if that makes any difference.

I'd been holding off going to the mage college (actually, I've been holding off doing pretty much any big quests; I've just been dungeon/cave/fort-hopping for a while), probably should get on it. Markath quest noted with thanks, will be checking that out as well. :thumb:

Foxes lead you to treasure? This game is freaking awesome. :shock:

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I'd suggest you get on the quest chains. They are very good and they will take you to some interesting places and reward you with some good gear.

I decided to play as a Mage. I usually play as a Mage in role playing games, I think the graphical effects of magic whizzing from your hands is more interesting to look at than just swinging a sword. My character, Radion Automatic started off dual casting destruction magic. I found it to be extremely effective once I had got the perk which makes two handed spells stagger targets as it meant keeping things at distance was fairly easy. I combined that with archery to enable me to get sneaky long range shots in on targets when in dungeons.

When I was waiting to hit the next milestone in my destruction tree I was putting perks into sneaking and archery. It didnt take much effort at all to get the triple damage sneak attack with bows perk and the 15 x multiplier for backstabs with daggers just by playing as a mage/archer. I have some gloves which double my sneak attack bonus with a one handed weapon, so I can now 30 x backstab with a dagger, so even as I literally have no perks whatsoever in the one handed tree I can still do 300-320 damage from backstabs which is enough to instantly kill normal enemies, so my 1h + spell combo is a rather spiffy dagger I got from completing the Dark Brotherhood chain and invisibility which enables me to walk around undetected. Now I have 100 in destruction and every perk plus some decent mage gear I can just obliterate targets in next to no time. My hammer of dawn spell can reduce a dragon to ashes in less than five seconds so I have a get out of the shit button.


For this reason I have decided to go barbarian with Radion Automatic. He has about 20 in heavy armour and about 20 in 2h weapons. No perks in any of the warrior skills whatsoever, but he raided his wardrobe for some ebony armour which got looted a few dungeons ago and he is sporting a big fuckoff hammer which leeches stamina from the target. Basically this means chaining power attacks is a piece of piss, so for a bit of variety I will see how easy it is to stay alive given than I am level 42 and enemies are likely to be fairly tough in melee combat. I hope there are plenty of bandit camps which still need cleaning up, or maybe it is now time to actually do a couple of quests with The Companions.

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Managed to capture quite a cool pic of a sneak attack.


Just finished the main quest at level 51. It's just crazy to think that i've still probably only uncovered half of the map. I'm on 70% achievements on Steam now, usually getting 100% is a massive chore but they are really reasonable for Skyrim and can be achieved without having to play through a load of times, should be able to get them all fairly soon, think that's my main goal now.

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A night to remember, what an awesome random quest.

Spoiler: So at the end I went to Morvunskar and found myself getting pummeled by a Pyromancer, I tried and tried again before at one point accidentally walking backwards into the portal. Having no idea the portal was there I was bloody confused to find myself on a charming country path. Fast forward I find myself back in reality and fast travel my ass back to Morvunskar (got to make sure I pick the dungeon clean of any good gear) lo and behold I walk into a fight between said Pyromancer and none other than Sanguine the Daedric Prince who it must be said despite being an all powerful immortal, he's fairly crap in a fight.

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Oh, and I also saw two sabre cats and a bear kick the shit out of a blood dragon yesterday. That made me chuckle.

Haha that would have gave me a laugh. I fast traveled to a cave and when I got there, I was ambushed by 3 dragons. My Dragonrender didn't even work on 2 of them for some reason. Probably some glitch.

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Encountered blood dragon outside of Winterhold. Winterhold's resident Schwarzenegger guard comes running out to help, provides ample distraction whilst I ping arrows at it and even gets the killing blow to boot. I approached Arnie for his insight...

"My brother is off fighting dragons and I get stuck with guard duty."


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I suppose that's feasible, if you consider the length of a dragon's neck then the possible whiplash damage from any suplex is going to be multiplied to the nth degree.

Or, maybe the dragon had been soliciting itself outside the mead-hall and the encounter was considered a civic matter as opposed to a "fight".

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I had an interesting Dragon encounter the other day. It approached as I was climbing up the side of a mountain, started shooting arrows at it, and it landed on the other side of the mountain to where I was, so I couldn't see it. Could see it's health bar though, which stared to plummet very quickly. It died before I could even get to it to see what was going on.

As I got close to the body I was forced into a conversation with an Imperial Guard. Although it wasn't, it was one of those bandit groups who dress up as Imperial Soldiers and ask for money :lol: Did a number on them, then got my dragon soul that they so kindly provided for me ^__^

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