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Cameron tries a "jovial" insult by comparing his crass comment to someone having Tourettes

Gideon tries a "jovial" insult by comparing his crass comment to someone having Autism

Seems to be a common theme appearing here from the Tory party. I wonder if privilege gives you that fanciful wit and wisdom

Why can't we have some interesting politicians with some actual balls (oh, not Ed, thank you very much) to stand up for their convictions? I mean, how many times do we see and hear politicians toe the party line, or be so annoyingly obtuse in interviews. Just grow a **** pair and be a representitive of the people. If we wanted some clueless muppets in charge of our country, we'd stage a coup and place the chuckle brothers in the top job. At least then, when they sit and do their 'to me, to you' routine we can get a few laughs out of it, rather than going further into debt.

Because typically those in the political world, at all levels from Lords, to MP's to councillors to those who are chairmen/women of local associations are mostly in it not for a sense of representing the people, but mainly for personal gain and prestige. Dennis Skinner is an exception to the rule and like or loathe his political views he has those "balls" that you talk about. He annoys people like Cameron because of that, because he does not toe the party line, because he actually stands up for people who he represents and those in society. A rare political figure these days

As for Boris, he belongs in the same snide group of Cameron and Gideon (Bullingdon must use that as part of it's initiation). A loathsome man who has prospered not on political and social ability but more on oafish comments and actions, some of which is very questionable especially those on race.

This Gvmt are awful for many reasons, from the typical Tory right wing attacks on the most vulnerable, through to the sell out by the Lib Dems. They have made no difference, in fact you could say they are worse than the last parliament in terms of improving on aspects such as transparency and favour. The changes to the length of parliament, gerrymandering, support for political donations rather than people in general, and continued abuse of the roles they were voted in for (Note: I know this was NOT a Gvmt that was voted in but is the awkward bastard love child of Clegg and his clamour for fame and Cameron et al and their desire for long held Tory hatreds).

The country deserves better than this, it actually voted for better. It needs change in many attitudes. It needs support for the country in general not those few who chose to support one political party through monies donated. I am genuinely surprised that LibDem's have not grasped the nettle and gone away from the terrible leadership of Clegg and Alexander (Tory lite) and claimed that middle / left that so many in the country belong to.

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Typical crass comments from "Flashman" Cameron re Tourettes

Indeed, anyone with tourettes will rightly be mortified at the comparison.

In fact, they'd probably call him a word removed.

I don't quite see it myself. Balls has always looked like he has Down's to me. Is it possible to have Down's and Tourette's at the same time? Is Ball's really that special?

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Seems labour have found a deflection for the racism within their party

I gusss MP's should leave the humour to Frankie Boyle though.... Perhaps some good will come out of it though and balls will realise just how stupid he has looked during PMQ's these past months

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Seems labour have found a deflection for the racism within their party

I gusss MP's should leave the humour to Frankie Boyle though.... Perhaps some good will come out of it though and balls will realise just how stupid he has looked during PMQ's these past months

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Milliband dealt with Abbott straight away. Meanwhile, someone who you call statesmanlike, the so called leader of this country and the leader of the Tory party tries to make a "joke" that is based a mental disease? Crass by Cameron, and as we have seen from Gideon before it's something that is very much part of the make up of the Tory leadership.

Flashman Cameron will always be there as much as he tries to hide it.

Funny how you try and deflect to Balls, when you were only saying that PMQ was all about image and show not so long back. Ahhhh the Sunday H word is alive and well I see

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so Cameron looking to curb these big bonuses on bankers and executives? surely that isn't going to go down well with his donors?

Nothing but a soundbite from him. A quick review of political commentators this morning seem to concur that his so called proposals have no substance behind them. It's a deflection from him so he can say its "nothing to do with me" later

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Ed delt with it :shock: how come she still has a job then , how come she then followed her twitter rant with a comment that white cab drivers don't stop for black people ?

Ps , I believe it's you that makes the reference to PMQ'S being about Image I even have a nice little gif of Gordon on pop idol for every time you use your catchphrase :-)

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In the grand scheme of things and the numerous serious **** ups by Cameron and his Government then this comment matters very little. I have to say though its not the kind of thing you'd expect someone in the position of Prime Minister to come out with. Just another, all be it small,example of out how of his depth and out of touch Cameron is.

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Ed delt with it :shock: how come she still has a job then , how come she then followed her twitter rant with a comment that white cab drivers don't stop for black people ?

Ps , I believe it's you that makes the reference to PMQ'S being about Image I even have a nice little gif of Gordon on pop idol for every time you use your catchphrase :-)

Yes he dealt with it, as was reported she was told in a 1-2-1 meeting. Funny how your weak attempts to deflect away from Cameron (and Gideon) and their crass remarks, fails to admit that.

As others have said in this thread if she is making remarks that bring up the issue of race then she should be allowed to do so and each considered on its merits. The clamour for her sacking, funny how you and fellow Tories were so quiet recently with the Tory MP and the Nazi, is nothing more than an attempt to try and link in some way a link between racism and the Labour party - see what you wrote before.

If Milliband thinks that her "crime" was worthy of a sacking then he would have done it. A lot of people, including many Tory MP's according to their Twitter feed thought that not to be a correct response.

As for PMQ's you are the one that keeps going on about who "scored" better, so a poor attempt at deflection on your part especially as you then talk about Balls and his comments. Either you want that sort of forum or you don't, make your mind up.

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In the grand scheme of things and the numerous serious **** ups by Cameron and his Government then this comment matters very little. I have to say though its not the kind of thing you'd expect someone in the position of Prime Minister to come out with. Just another, all be it small,example of out of his depth and out of touch Cameron is.

Exactly Mark. Cameron has a reputation, a worthy one IMO, for being a Flashman type character. You see people like Tony claiming him to be "statesmanlike" but comments like this (and those previously of Gideon) added to previous comments from Cameron especially to women etc, show that he really does fit that image. He is supposed to be the PM and leader of the country. He often talks about values but what exactly is he showing with comments like this?

The man becomes more and more odious each time he opens his mouth IMO

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were so quiet recently with the Tory MP and the Nazi

he was sacked was he not ? As many have said Cameron acted decisively ..where as as many have said Milliband is out of his depth ..Jim Murphy ,Lord Glasman this week joined the latest list of many people


I used that phrase in relation to a speech he gave , which as many have said was statesman like

it's been another bad week for Labour , i would imagine Ed will be banning Twitter soon , or at the very least stop Ian Robo from being his proof reader :winkold: ... i'll have an "O" please Bob :-)

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Every now and again the real Cameron pokes out from under the PR inspired image he fosters. Its not a very pretty picture. Totally unfit for high office.

I always love how labour supporters use interpretation to assume what Cameron is thinking or doing without actually knowing. But when it comes to one of their own making racist comments they ignore it as a mistake and not what they are really thinking. Hypocrisy alive and well on the left....

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Every now and again the real Cameron pokes out from under the PR inspired image he fosters. Its not a very pretty picture. Totally unfit for high office.

I always love how labour supporters use interpretation to assume what Cameron is thinking or doing without actually knowing. But when it comes to one of their own making racist comments they ignore it as a mistake and not what they are really thinking. Hypocrisy alive and well on the left....

Yes WOW - you got it right Dianne Abbot is certainly a right wing racist...!


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Every now and again the real Cameron pokes out from under the PR inspired image he fosters. Its not a very pretty picture. Totally unfit for high office.

I always love how labour supporters use interpretation to assume what Cameron is thinking or doing without actually knowing. But when it comes to one of their own making racist comments they ignore it as a mistake and not what they are really thinking. Hypocrisy alive and well on the left....

Yes WOW - you got it right Dianne Abbot is certainly a left wing racist...!

You nearly got it right so I've fixed it for you.

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Every now and again the real Cameron pokes out from under the PR inspired image he fosters. Its not a very pretty picture. Totally unfit for high office.

I always love how labour supporters use interpretation to assume what Cameron is thinking or doing without actually knowing. But when it comes to one of their own making racist comments they ignore it as a mistake and not what they are really thinking. Hypocrisy alive and well on the left....

Yes WOW - you got it right Dianne Abbot is certainly a right wing racist...!


As ever missing the point (and getting it very wrong in the process, been taking lessons from Ed I see) and if anything clarifying it. I didn't actually say Diane Abbot is a racist (a hypocritical idiot maybe), I said that Labour supporters seem to read what they want to read (like you just did) rather than what is actually said.

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As ever missing the point (and getting it very wrong in the process, been taking lessons from Ed I see) and if anything clarifying it. I didn't actually say Diane Abbot is a racist (a hypocritical idiot maybe), I said that Labour supporters seem to read what they want to read (like you just did) rather than what is actually said.

Yes you did say that she was a racist. Who else were you talking about if not Abbott? Flashman Cameron is an accusation that many, and not just Labour supporters, hold. He has a record of it that stretches back a while now. When you then see that his fellow Bullingdon members Gideon and Boris both have similar experiences of such behaviour there is a common link that cannot be ignored. (Note: Interesting when Boris used the Tourettes "joke" a couple of times Cameron insisted that he apologise - nice going Dave!).

These people are at the top of the Tory party and as PM, Chancellor and Mayor of London have far more responsibility to behave than you would expect from a backbench MP. That is not excusing Abbott at all before you jump on any high horse, Abbott often is a complete idiot with her words and actions and as said previously considering her opportunity to influence as a black woman in a high profile place in society, it's one serious opportunity missed.

As MereGreen pointed out, Cameron for all his spin and his attempts to suppress what is quite a nasty vindictive side fails and we see the real Cameron out there, usually quickly followed by a swift PR led apology. The Tory party have for a long time held the title of being "the nasty party", actions and behaviour we see from it's leadership show that the title is still fitting quite snugly on their heads

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he was sacked was he not ? As many have said Cameron acted decisively ..where as as many have said Milliband is out of his depth ..Jim Murphy ,Lord Glasman this week joined the latest list of many people

No he was not sacked. the last I saw he was still a MP.

it's been another bad week for Labour , i would imagine Ed will be banning Twitter soon , or at the very least stop Ian Robo from being his proof reader Wink ... i'll have an "O" please Bob Smile

you class that as a "bad" week, shows that you really do care more about spin. The fact that the Tory party and its supporters care more about a Typo than real issues really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Maybe there is some MORE bad news coming out about the way this Gvmt are ruining the country?

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As ever missing the point (and getting it very wrong in the process, been taking lessons from Ed I see) and if anything clarifying it. I didn't actually say Diane Abbot is a racist (a hypocritical idiot maybe), I said that Labour supporters seem to read what they want to read (like you just did) rather than what is actually said.

Yes you did say that she was a racist. Who else were you talking about if not Abbott? Flashman Cameron is an accusation that many, and not just Labour supporters, hold. He has a record of it that stretches back a while now. When you then see that his fellow Bullingdon members Gideon and Boris both have similar experiences of such behaviour there is a common link that cannot be ignored. (Note: Interesting when Boris used the Tourettes "joke" a couple of times Cameron insisted that he apologise - nice going Dave!).

These people are at the top of the Tory party and as PM, Chancellor and Mayor of London have far more responsibility to behave than you would expect from a backbench MP. That is not excusing Abbott at all before you jump on any high horse, Abbott often is a complete idiot with her words and actions and as said previously considering her opportunity to influence as a black woman in a high profile place in society, it's one serious opportunity missed.

As MereGreen pointed out, Cameron for all his spin and his attempts to suppress what is quite a nasty vindictive side fails and we see the real Cameron out there, usually quickly followed by a swift PR led apology. The Tory party have for a long time held the title of being "the nasty party", actions and behaviour we see from it's leadership show that the title is still fitting quite snugly on their heads

Nope, again another Labour supporter reads what they want to. I did not say she was racist, I said she made a racist comment, these are two mutually exclusive statements wether you think so or not. As I clarified, I think she is an idiot.

Do you think you can compare Abbot's comment to Cameron's? You seriously think they are the same? It is like saying Boris Johnson plays football like somebody with one leg. So should all amputees be offended by that comment?

Again you use lots of "they say", "they are called" etc and then when you provide an example it is usually from some left wing conspiracist. Anytime anything positive comes out for example Osbourne closing loopholes for stamp duty (something Labour didn't do in their 13 years) you ignore it or state it as lies.

I find in debate sometimes it is good to be open-minded rather than constantly on the attack....

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