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The New Condem Government


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It baffles me why anyone would want to give 300 grand to a political party, particularly one that is either in, or may get into, government.

I guess it's a co-incidence that her husband is a rich foreign businessman - foreigners being banned from donating to UK political parties (in theory). Lucky her that she's so independently wealthy as to be able to bung, sorry, poor choice of words, donate so much to the Tories - and all for nothing in return!

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No chance. Lib/Lab/Tory all work for the same people, and it ain't us. That's what I find slightly perplexing about the current anti-government rage, there seems to be a lack of awareness that Labour and the coalition are two cheeks of the same arse and things won't change as long as any of them are in charge.

i absolutely agree with this. they are all the same shit

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I was quite taken with this one.

Speaking in Oman on the final leg of his tour of the Middle East, the prime minister stressed: "Just because I leave the country doesn't mean I am not in charge."

He was pressed on comments made by the Liberal Democrat deputy prime minister to the Metro newspaper in which Nick Clegg said he was looking forward to holidaying with his children at the end of the week and someone else would have to take over from him.

Asked if he was in charge of the nation, Clegg told Metro: "Yeah, I suppose I am. I forgot about that."

He went on to say that talk of who was in charge was overblown in the modern era. "People forget there are emails and there is BlackBerry,

"I'm holding the fort but I'm hoping to take the end of the week off with my kids. Someone else will have to do it then. It sounds more haphazard than it probably is."

Seriously, they have more professional arrangements in a call centre.

Time's up, guys. Back to playschool. Time to let someone else have a go.

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Seriously, they have more professional arrangements in a call centre.

Time's up, guys. Back to playschool. Time to let someone else have a go.

Yeah, Ed Miliband. What a result for the country that wouldn't be.

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Well Jon this lot have proven in a very short amount of time that the arguments made pre-election about them being incapable of running the country, pandering to their paymasters, telling lies in their pre-election pledges, etc etc were valid.

In all my years of being able to vote I have never seen or experienced such a poor Gvmt. There is nothing at all they have done that has been of benefit for the country as a whole. Totally inept and morally down there with the worst

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In all my years of being able to vote I have never seen or experienced such a poor Gvmt. There is nothing at all they have done that has been of benefit for the country as a whole. Totally inept and morally down there with the worst

i have gordon browns

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In all my years of being able to vote I have never seen or experienced such a poor Gvmt. There is nothing at all they have done that has been of benefit for the country as a whole. Totally inept and morally down there with the worst

i have gordon browns

i have gordon browns hairstyle? double chin?? eyesite???

This sentence needs to be finished! I must know!

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More proof that Gideon's and Cameron's feeble attempts are failing

Economy now in worse shape than previous thought - maybe we had more snow than Gideon thought?

The UK economy shrank by more than previously thought during the last three months of 2010, revised figures suggest.

Gross domestic product (GDP) slipped by 0.6% in the period, according to fresh data from the Office for National Statistics.

Its initial estimate had suggested the economy had contracted by 0.5% - with heavy snow blamed for the slump.

The data may mean a rise in interest rates will not come as soon as thought.

Documents from the bank of England's ratesetters, released on Wednesday, had hinted that those who had opposed a hike in rates this month would consider a change in stance if the UK's revised GDP figures, suggested the economy had picked up.

But this surprise data paints a gloomier picture of the UK economy.

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Well Jon this lot have proven in a very short amount of time that the arguments made pre-election about them being incapable of running the country, pandering to their paymasters, telling lies in their pre-election pledges, etc etc were valid.

In all my years of being able to vote I have never seen or experienced such a poor Gvmt. There is nothing at all they have done that has been of benefit for the country as a whole. Totally inept and morally down there with the worst

I've been picking on things in this thread with which I disagree and discuss those, rather than pick the ones I agree with and just say "yeah, me too". Overall the Tory party main chunk of the Government seems to be that nice "Dave"and "Good ol' Ken Clarke" behind whom are lurking a large number of hard right pathological zealots.

But anyway, in the spirit of what I've been doing so far, I'll carry on and disagree with this bit There is nothing at all they have done that has been of benefit for the country as a whole.

I think that

Postponing trident

The raising of the income tax threshold

Increasing Apprenticeships

Cancelling (and carrying on to cancel more) of Labour's paranoid control legislation - ID cards, detention laws etc.

the AV vote - not enough, but definitely a step in the right direction

Benefit reform - the outcome is unclear, but my opinion is it definitely needs improving.

Quango culture- this needed to be reigned back in - the fobbing off of politicians' responsibilities to unelected bodies, in many cases solely to distance stuff from the people who ought to be responsible and accountable. In other cases, Quangos are necessary - where genuine expertise is needed, but the drive to cut back was right.

That said, just about everything else they've done has been rotten.

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In all my years of being able to vote I have never seen or experienced such a poor Gvmt. There is nothing at all they have done that has been of benefit for the country as a whole. Totally inept and morally down there with the worst

i have gordon browns

i have gordon browns hairstyle? double chin?? eyesite???

This sentence needs to be finished! I must know!

I'm going to guess gonads.


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Postponing trident

The raising of the income tax threshold

Increasing Apprenticeships

Cancelling (and carrying on to cancel more) of Labour's paranoid control legislation - ID cards, detention laws etc.

the AV vote - not enough, but definitely a step in the right direction

Benefit reform - the outcome is unclear, but my opinion is it definitely needs improving.

Quango culture- this needed to be reigned back in - the fobbing off of politicians' responsibilities to unelected bodies, in many cases solely to distance stuff from the people who ought to be responsible and accountable. In other cases, Quangos are necessary - where genuine expertise is needed, but the drive to cut back was right.

Trident: The key word Pete is that it's postponed not abandoned

Income Tax: A long argument will probably follow but this Gvmt's tax policy certainly is not for the benefit of the country

Apprenticeships: All hot air at the moment. And if you scrape at what they are saying behind the marketing waffle there is actually very little substance and anything new.

Cancelling ID cards: They were never introduced, so it cannot really benefit as you put it Pete. The need for ID is still massively there and more and more civil and criminal ID theft and abuse continues and will increase

The AV vote: None of the parties had this as a policy, Clegg - its biggest supporter - called it crap (to paraphrase). A step in the right direction but the cynic in me knows that the compromise will mean that we will never get the best options. Add to that the "bolt on's" for boundary changes based on nothing more than securing one parties increased MP's and the changes to teh parliamentary rules to not allow challenges far outweigh any compromise for AV

Benefit reform: The press is littered where the genuine are to be hit very hard because of these ill thought out attacks

Quango's: Again done to death but again the press is now littered with examples of these being cut back on idealogical reasons which in turn seriously impacts the UK

The list of bad things is like war and peace. They consistently make gaffe's, all in all it's a mess and a stinking one too.

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Labour had AV in their manifesto didn't they?

Yes, trident should (IMO) eventually be cancelled, but postponing it was good

ID cards and other civil liberty things - had Labour got back in, then they'd have happened, the law was in place, the coalition cancelled that law. Good again.

Benefits and Quangos - aye, it's not been perfect, and changes are needed, but these things (IMO) need addressing, the current system is broken.

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Something quite beautiful happening here this lunchtime and I am not even using my lunch period for food, I am heading down to report on it!!!!

care to give us any more info Sir?

Or are you just going to keep us in suspenders? :mrgreen:

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The Hulture secretary looked quite uncomfortable to me during his interview with the Beeb trying to justify his decision to give Rupert's lot the green light.
Gotta go for judicial review that appalling decision. So we have newscorp and bskyb soleley owned by murdoch and the loss makign sky news 43% owned by murdoch, and that is supposed to satisfy the plurality clause. The clause refers to the media, not jsut the provision of news. Going with jeremy word removed's decision, murdoch would end up buying the rest of sky news in 4 years time anyway, to save it from going under.
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