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Bollitics: VT General Election Poll #6 - Leaders Debate 3


Which party gets your X  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. Which party gets your X

    • Labour
    • Conservative (and UUP alliance)
    • Liberal Democrat
    • Green
    • SNP
    • Plaid Cymru
    • UKIP
    • Jury Team (Coallition of Independents)
    • BNP
    • Spoil Ballot
    • Not Voting
    • The Party for the reintroduction of the European Beaver

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An education should be about "education" not preparing people for the capitalist sausage mill that just churns out workers to server the capitalist economy. Education should server to free people, not enslave.

But that's exactly what it does now!

You go through school, sit shit loads of exams, go to Uni, stack up loads of debt and voila you're sucked into the capitalist system. You have to find any shitty job to pay off your debt and soon you are wondering what the point was.

I fully agree that education is about freeing people's minds, but I think you are wrong in thinking this current system comes anywhere near doing that.

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CED - sorry mate wasn't getting at you - on our local radio the other day a Tory geezer was trying to explain this wonderful new policy and it was as I was describing. Now I appreciate you cannot believe 1) anything a political guy says 2) see 1 - but it did smack of an idea that was thrown out to catch headlines rather than being thought through.

Maybe your idea would work, but the education system we have seems to be doing OK and not in need of such a radical overhaul, IMO

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I fully agree that education is about freeing people's minds, but I think you are wrong in thinking this current system comes anywhere near doing that.

Apologies for 'speaking' for Gringo but I don't believe he thinks it is.

What he is saying is that what you were suggesting is even more about 'preparing people for the world of work', i.e. for being wage slaves and minions.

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An education should be about "education" not preparing people for the capitalist sausage mill that just churns out workers to server the capitalist economy. Education should server to free people, not enslave.

But that's exactly what it does now!

The current system is crap. Let's make it worse is not the preferred option.
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CED - sorry mate wasn't getting at you - on our local radio the other day a Tory geezer was trying to explain this wonderful new policy and it was as I was describing. Now I appreciate you cannot believe 1) anything a political guy says 2) see 1 - but it did smack of an idea that was thrown out to catch headlines rather than being thought through.

Maybe your idea would work, but the education system we have seems to be doing OK and not in need of such a radical overhaul, IMO

How does the tory policy differ from the labour academy polcy?
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No not at all! Feck me you should have read enough of my rants by now to realise the last thing I am is an endearing capitalist!

I'm more saying education should educate children for life. Now, we live in a caplitalist system. You have to accept that and teach your children accordingly. However you can still teach them English/History/Geography/Science/Maths and the likes, of course you can, but less focus will be one pointless subjects like religion or specialist subjects (at an early age) like IT or Technology and Design and more focus on these 'life skills'. I know from my (Grammar) education I could've done with more knowledge on finance and DIY than on Jebus.

Maybe our current system doesn't need a radical overhaul, but I do believe that communities should have a right to set up schools independent from the National Curriculum because I don't believe that once size fits all.

I have mentioned before though my major worry would be the exploitation of a system like this to promote more faith schools.

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Now, we live in a caplitalist system. You have to accept that and teach your children accordingly.
Keep educating the kids with a capitalist outlook, we keep a capitalist outlook, more Grazia, Hello, Nutz, Loaded and dimwits.
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well on education they want to start formal education from 3 upwards, which I believe is utterly wrong. Should be nearer 7 years.

Education at early years should be fun based learning to encourage children that learning doesn't have to be all books and blackboards, that you can actually learn and develop and have fun at the same time.

All too often we hear politicians saying 'oh well pass rates for A levels are up to 94% from 93% last year'. does that mean the education system is a success? does it heck.

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I enjoyed Latin - but it has not proven to be that useful I am yet to visit anywhere where it has proven a useful aid to get a beer or a taxi

OT but the other month a leader teacher was saying Latin should be reintroduced as it's actually the only language that is recognizable throughout the world ...you could make yourself understood in Africa , Midle East , Europe etc etc with it

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Typically a parent will only have a child at a school for 5 years? what happens when these "entrepreneurs?" have no further interest in running the school?

It's a silly idea and one that makes you wonder if your last comment is the way that they are looking?

Maybe if the school is run well, and the children are well educated, do you think its possible that other parents may want their children to go the school.

You know the way it is now where well run schools are over subscribed and parents resort to lying about where they live.

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I enjoyed Latin - but it has not proven to be that useful I am yet to visit anywhere where it has proven a useful aid to get a beer or a taxi

OT but the other month a leader teacher was saying Latin should be reintroduced as it's actually the only language that is recognizable throughout the world ...you could make yourself understood in Africa , Midle East , Europe etc etc with it

isn't sign language universal to everyone who uses it?

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Typically a parent will only have a child at a school for 5 years? what happens when these "entrepreneurs?" have no further interest in running the school?

It's a silly idea and one that makes you wonder if your last comment is the way that they are looking?

Maybe if the school is run well, and the children are well educated, do you think its possible that other parents may want their children to go the school.

You know the way it is now where well run schools are over subscribed and parents resort to lying about where they live.

also it's easier for your second child to get into the same school as where their older sibling is. So if you have found a great school for your first child, likely hood is your next sproglet will get in ahead of the rest.

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3 upwards, which I believe is utterly wrong. Should be nearer 7 years.

far too late , my daughter has just turned 3 (this week :birthday: ) she already speaks Hungarian and English fluently (well as fluent as a 3 yr old can) ... kids brains are like sponges at that young age .. if you wait until 7 to start basic teaching you well almost certainly be disadvantaging them

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3 upwards, which I believe is utterly wrong. Should be nearer 7 years.

far too late , my daughter has just turned 3 (this week :birthday: ) she already speaks Hungarian and English fluently (well as fluent as a 3 yr old can) ... kids brains are like sponges at that young age .. if you wait until 7 to start basic teaching you well almost certainly be disadvantaging them

Languages is something that the UK could improve - problem is though that the rest of the world seem preoccupied with making English their second and a lot of times their first language for business, so the need for other languages diminishes

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But the problem is who, other than Gary Glitter and Jonathon King, would be interested in setting up a school for the long term? If you are a parent again OK, but the same still applies you are off the interest chart once little Johnny leaves.

As a school governor myself you would be amazed at the number of people who are school governors and do not have children at the school ie parent governors. There are more than a few at my school who are on the board of governors at more than one school too.

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3 upwards, which I believe is utterly wrong. Should be nearer 7 years.

far too late , my daughter has just turned 3 (this week :birthday: ) she already speaks Hungarian and English fluently (well as fluent as a 3 yr old can) ... kids brains are like sponges at that young age .. if you wait until 7 to start basic teaching you well almost certainly be disadvantaging them

I have to park my car in Surrey for this one.

And it doesn't need to be hothousing or anything remotely formal (not that I'm suggesting that Tony is hothousing lickle Miss H).

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I am amazed that the first choice foreign language taught in schools is still French. Looking at our near neighbours and uses of languages throughout the globe I would have thought Spanish would have been far more useful.

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Languages is something that the UK could improve

agreed ..

problem is though that the rest of the world seem preoccupied with making English their second and a lot of times their first language for business, so the need for other languages diminishes

was weird being in China and seeing a lot of Chinese people having conversations in English due to it being the common language for them ..only place I've been where English has been quite scarce was Japan , so maybe we should all get our kids to learn Japanese

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