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Rough guide for anyone who already knows a bit about how PCs work.


The bootloader is like the BIOS. 

I got this far before I got lost.


Then you didn't fit the criteria ;)

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I have not rooted or altered the default software on my S3 at all. We're at the stage where updates and custom rooms etc.. matter so little to how your phone works that it's just a non issue to the vast majority of people.

Take 4.2 is there anything in that update I'd use or even care about? No. So why bother getting CM10?

Pre Jellybean you'd get performance boosts and lag fixes etc from custom roms. But now their of no performance increase at all. I'd get a stock launcher and lockscreen if I preferred how stock looked instead of losing important apps like camera app etc..

I'd expect Android 5.0 to be a big who cares update rather than anything to get excited about. I cannot see what they can do now. There's nothing left people want bar more efficient less power consuming software. That's an under the hood update. I imagine 5.0 will be more tablet focused than phone.

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Well, here's a list of new features of 4.2 as per Wiki



  • "Photo Sphere" panorama photos[97]
  • Keyboard with gesture typing
  • Lock screen improvements, including widget support and the ability to swipe directly to camera[98]
  • Notification power controls ("Quick Settings")
  • "Daydream" screensavers, showing information when idle or docked
  • Multiple user accounts (tablets only)
  • Support for wireless display (Miracast)
  • Accessibility improvements: triple-tap to magnify the entire screen, pan and zoom with two fingers. Speech output and Gesture Mode navigation for blind users
  • New clock app with built-in world clock, stop watch and timer
  • All devices now use the same interface layout, previously adapted from phones on 4.1 for smaller tablets (with centered software buttons, the system bar at the top of the screen, and a home screen with a dock and centered application menu), regardless of screen size
  • Increased number of extended notifications and Actionable Notifications for more apps, allowing users to respond to certain notifications within the notification bar and without launching the app directly
  • SELinux
Android 4.2 on the Google Nexus 4 4.2.1 27 November 2012[100]
  • Fixed a bug in the People app where December was not displayed on the date selector when adding an event to a contact[101]
  • Added Bluetooth gamepads and joysticks as supported HID
4.2.2 11 February 2013[102]
  • Fixed Bluetooth audio streaming bugs[103]
  • Long-pressing the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth icons in Quick Settings now toggles the on/off state
  • New download notifications, which now shows the percentage and estimated time remaining for active app downloads
  • New sounds for wireless charging and low battery
  • New Gallery app animation allows faster loading
  • USB debug whitelist
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements

Pretty substantial if you ask me. And this is just from 4.1 to 4.2.

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Photosphere don't care. Keyboard don't care as use SwiftKey. Notification quick settings, Samsung has had for 2 years. Don't want widgets on my lock screen for security reasons. Swipe to camera, Samsung has had already. Don't want a screen saver. I've an amoled display so I've black background.

So, basically it's added functionality Samsung already added in its skin. Then added new things that are of no interest.

We're at the end of the line with meaningful upgrades. My S3 still feels new, my S2 felt dated 9 months after its release. We've hit the end of the line with the hardware and software advances.

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When did the Apple / Iphone topic become unpinned from the 2nd top of the tech forum.

Why would you ask that in this thread?


It happened when no-one posted to it in over 2 months.

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Because there are people who post in here who own up to using Iphones and wondered if they had noticed.


I couldnt agree less Conor re Android Updates, infact I cannot see myself buying an Android Handset that doesnt run Vanilla Android, whether that be a Nexus or the much rumored Motorola devices which may run vanilla OS. The reason is that an update will fix some bugs and should also offer improvements. If I only own the handset for 12-18 months I want it to be the best it can possibly be, I dont want to have to hide "bloatware" I dont want to have to root and rom it to be in the same position as someone who has a Nexus. I would be very surprised if when those of us running Nexus devices are on here discussing the improvements and benefits of Key Lime Pie you arent a little envious of at least some of the benefits.

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Yeah I can never see myself going back to an OEM skin. Too much bloat and a relatively lower glass ceiling in terms of functionality. My next phone will most definitely be a Nexus...especially if the prices are as ridiculously cheap next time around. But even then, there are benefits to rooting.

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Because there are people who post in here who own up to using Iphones and wondered if they had noticed.


I couldnt agree less Conor re Android Updates, infact I cannot see myself buying an Android Handset that doesnt run Vanilla Android, whether that be a Nexus or the much rumored Motorola devices which may run vanilla OS. The reason is that an update will fix some bugs and should also offer improvements. If I only own the handset for 12-18 months I want it to be the best it can possibly be, I dont want to have to hide "bloatware" I dont want to have to root and rom it to be in the same position as someone who has a Nexus. I would be very surprised if when those of us running Nexus devices are on here discussing the improvements and benefits of Key Lime Pie you arent a little envious of at least some of the benefits.


Of course each to their own. There's lots of coice and people can pick what they want.


What annoys me most these days is the fact that the word bloatware. People mean apps installed they don't want to use. Could someone explain what harm these apps do? The answer I have for them is, they do no harm. 


Also when people talk about getting updates quicker on Nexus devices. You get the updates that google release. Samsung adds loads of functionality that isn't in stock (but some eventually get there like notification widgets and lock screen camera shortcuts). So we're at a point where Samsung certainly in the tablet sphere is actually making better software than Googles stock. 


The Note 8.0 has undisputably better software than a nexus 7, it has very useful dual screen mode for running 2 apps at once, it has pop up video so you can have a movie or news or whatever play in top right as you go through emails. 


I know all you purists will balk at the idea. But fact of the matter is you are wrong. Personal preference for stock is fine, but actual useful software and apps. The Note 8.0 has them in abundance and make it vastly superior OS than stock.


But that's tablets, not phones. I simply don't use any of the now gimmic shit that's on our phones these days, the 4.2 updates are useless, the Samsung added features are useless. I have no interest in almost everything that comes with these updates. The only one that mattered was JellyBean, giving Google Now and project butter. 


I call it now, there will be nothing of much interest in KLP for the phone user. As for envious, I own a N4 so if I want I'd switch to that from an S4 I will. But I call it now, it's be gimmic updates. 


I want a long lasting battery with a big screen inside a chassis that's no bigger than the S3. 

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When Samsung started messing with my bookmarks in third party apps I decided I'll never go back to a skin. If I go back to a Samsung device, it'll be running stock even if I have to install it myself.

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Decided not to buy a GS4 this week. I will probably end up getting one but for now I've decided I am very content with my S3 and not in a rush to get the newest phone (for once). I'm happy to pick an S4 up on eBay in a month when "unwanted upgrade" syndrome sets in. Or tbh I want to source an Octo Core one as it'll have improved battery life.


Techradar gave it a glowing review like they did the One, and all reports are its battery improves on the S3 and the screen is best in class (especially for Amoled fans).


So ticks all my smarphone boxes, still has sd card and removable battery which means pop in my sd of music and buy a spare battery. Call me old fashioned but I still like having local music.


The improved camera will probably be the deciding factor as to me getting it. I'm off to southern france in June and would take photos with the phone rather than bring a camera. So I'll probably pick one up before then.



I'm still intent on getting a Galaxy Mega price depending to replace my Tab 7.7 which i'm typing this on. 

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Can't believe how much I disagree with the Verge these days. They seemed to have moved to the polar opposite of my views. I read the S4 review today and found myself disagreeing with almost all of their assertions.

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Decided not to buy a GS4 this week. I will probably end up getting one but for now I've decided I am very content with my S3 and not in a rush to get the newest phone (for once). I'm happy to pick an S4 up on eBay in a month when "unwanted upgrade" syndrome sets in. Or tbh I want to source an Octo Core one as it'll have improved battery life.


Techradar gave it a glowing review like they did the One, and all reports are its battery improves on the S3 and the screen is best in class (especially for Amoled fans).


So ticks all my smarphone boxes, still has sd card and removable battery which means pop in my sd of music and buy a spare battery. Call me old fashioned but I still like having local music.


The improved camera will probably be the deciding factor as to me getting it. I'm off to southern france in June and would take photos with the phone rather than bring a camera. So I'll probably pick one up before then.



I'm still intent on getting a Galaxy Mega price depending to replace my Tab 7.7 which i'm typing this on. 

The only thing about the Galaxy Mega is that the screen resolution is a little on the low side according to a podcast I was listening to this week.

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Yeah the 5.8 inch one is only qHD


But the 6.3 inch one is a 720p screen, which from the hands on I read looks pretty good. It's gonna be higher pixel density than my Tab 7.7 anyway which it will be replacing.

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Decided not to buy a GS4 this week. I will probably end up getting one but for now I've decided I am very content with my S3 and not in a rush to get the newest phone (for once). I'm happy to pick an S4 up on eBay in a month when "unwanted upgrade" syndrome sets in. Or tbh I want to source an Octo Core one as it'll have improved battery life.


Techradar gave it a glowing review like they did the One, and all reports are its battery improves on the S3 and the screen is best in class (especially for Amoled fans).


So ticks all my smarphone boxes, still has sd card and removable battery which means pop in my sd of music and buy a spare battery. Call me old fashioned but I still like having local music.


The improved camera will probably be the deciding factor as to me getting it. I'm off to southern france in June and would take photos with the phone rather than bring a camera. So I'll probably pick one up before then.



I'm still intent on getting a Galaxy Mega price depending to replace my Tab 7.7 which i'm typing this on. 

I'm the same as this except i need a new phone asap and decided to go with the S4 despite the good reviews of the nexus. Also i remember reading that the octo core was american or some bs like that ?


Just to confirm i will be ordering it tomorrow on release and also my pay day... (Also rumours going round its been delayed anyone have any info on this ? )

Edited by kevangrealish
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Can't believe how much I disagree with the Verge these days. They seemed to have moved to the polar opposite of my views. I read the S4 review today and found myself disagreeing with almost all of their assertions.



They pride themselves on being ultra tech snobbery. Don't agree with them on a single thing anymore, used to find their reviews good if you accept the entire site is mega Apple fanboi to begin with.


Techradar is my favourite site for reviews as is Engadget.

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Kean the Octo core is only in non LTE markets, so Europe & US get the Quad Core. 


The Nexus 4 is great value but if you want the absolute best the S4 or the One are the two phones that are well clear of the pack now. 

Edited by CVByrne
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